[Ansible-service-broker] Containerized APB tool

Jason Montleon jmontleo at redhat.com
Tue Aug 29 18:16:36 UTC 2017

If installing apb tool as an RPM from the Copr repos or building from 
source is not possible or undesirable for any reason, running the tool 
as a docker container is now also possible.

The process for creating an alias and using atomic run is detailed here:

The TL;DR on how this works:
- apb is installed within the container.
- The container is run with your UID. ($UID)
- The container mounts the present working directory ($PWD) at /mnt in 
the container, which is also specified as the working directory in the 
dockerfile. This allows you to work with files on your host.
- Your ~/.kube is mounted within the container in order to allow your 
credentials to be used for running oc tasks.
- The docker socket is mounted within the container to allow apb build 
to work. This also requires --privileged to be set to work.
Jason Montleon     | email: jmontleo at redhat.com
Software Engineer  | gpg key: 0x069E3022
Red Hat, Inc.      | irc: jmontleo
desk: 978-392-3930 | cell: 508-496-0663

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