Hello there everyone, I have a PDC20276 onboard, and I like to put this in a mirror raid. I have now installed one drive(10GB)on the raid-controller(1+0 stripe). I had installed FC2 on that drive, updated to the latest kernel 2.6.8-1.521, I also installed the source-code of that kernel. Than I had read the dmraid readme file, I downloaded from http://sources.redhat.com/dm/patches.html did what the say: > cd /tmp > tar jxvf > cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.8-1.521 > cat /tmp/*.patch | patch -p1 Questions: 1.Source-code is now patched, do i need recompile the kernel? 2.Howdo I enable device, including mirror? 3.Is device mapper, userpace installed by default in a 2.6 kernel, I can only find source tarballs for kernel 2.4 at http://sources.redhat.com/dm/ 4.When do I need to install the second drive, to put them in a mirror-raid, afther I installed the software or before? Kind regards, K.Verhoeven _____________________________________________________________ BillGatesisDead.com - The ultimate portal to the life, death and legacy of Bill Gates. Signup for your FREE email account at http://www.billgatesisdead.com