(* Parse grid-mapfile or grid-vorolemap files for dCache. For this lens to work, the configuration files have to end in an empty line! *) module GridMapFile = autoload xfm let eol = Util.eol let comment = Util.comment let empty = Util.empty let sp = Sep.space let quot = Util.del_str "\"" (* Redefine dquote_spaces, because we want to disallow '#' as first character of a line (ambiguity with line comments). *) let dquote_spaces (lns:lens) = (* bare has no spaces, and is optionally quoted *) let bare = Quote.do_dquote_opt (store /[^" #\t\n]+/) in (* quoted has at least one space, and must be quoted *) let quoted = Quote.do_dquote (store /[^"\n]*[ \t]+[^"\n]*/) in lns . (bare|quoted) let mapping = let dn = dquote_spaces (label "dn") in (* Fully Qualified Attribute Name *) let fqan = [ dquote_spaces (label "fqan") ] in let login = [ label "login" . store Rx.word ] in [ dn . sp . (fqan . sp)? . login . eol ] let lns = ( empty | comment | mapping )* let filter = incl "/etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile" . incl "/etc/grid-security/grid-vorolemap" . Util.stdexcl let xfm = transform lns filter