brltty and fbdev

Samuel Thibault samuel.thibault at
Thu Mar 8 08:50:01 UTC 2007


coscell at, le Thu 08 Mar 2007 11:48:41 +0800, a écrit :
> > > If it work fine, the output will longer than original.
> > It is indeed.
> Let's check it:
> Original words: 高生旺
> Correctly contracted patterns: k%'iz'_"
> Is it true in yours?

Mmm, this is typically a case where being able to type "unicode raw
braille patterns" would be useful, because what I can read (as a sighted
user) is just letters and ponctuations, and what blind people can read
(in braille) is the "same", but with their _own_ braille representation
(remember that for instance '%' is not represented the same in different

So, which braille table are you using for typing this? Or alternatively,
could you rather express the braille dots like below:

>From reading brltty's big5.ctb, your word should be contracted into
(13)(146)(3) (24)(1356)(3) (456)(5). This looks like what you said with
the NABCC translation table.  I'll check this at runtime later.


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