Pine vs mutt

Jan and Bertil Smark Nilsson jbsn at
Mon Oct 29 12:15:14 UTC 2007


Since I started using Linux, I've basically been using pine as my mail 
program. However, I have the impression that a lot of people are 
using mutt and think it's superior, I think that it would be a good idea 
to compare notes.

Pine: the setup is menu driven, You can have several signatures, you 
don't have to use an smtp server when sending mail, you can access 

You can't easily manipulate threads.

Mutt: Easy to manipulate threads, you can search bodies of messages.

You have to write the configuration file and if you do, it's highly 
configurable, you can't, easily, have more than one addressbok, you 
can't use an smtp server to send your outgoing mail.

Have I missed things?

It would be interesting to have a discussion about these two programs.


Bertil Smark Nilsson


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