
Neil Foster neil.foster2007 at
Mon Jan 28 09:46:42 UTC 2008

Sorry, didn't think about that.

  In the Uk., dsl
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Baechler" <tony at>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list at>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: isp

> You didn't give your location or your country so it's hard to answer.  
> Also you didn't say whether you want dial-up, DSL, cable, or other.  
> I've heard things about shellworld.  I think they are but 
> I'm not sure.  I use Cox cable here and they're fine for me.  I'm not 
> sure what you mean about the junk they indulge in.  Either you connect 
> to a news or pop3 server or you don't, so I don't really see what Lynx 
> has to do with it.  I assume you mean that you want their web site to be 
> accessible with Lynx.  In that case, you're probably out of luck.  I 
> know of no ISP who will email statements.  Almost all of them will be 
> web-based via a control panel or billing system.  I think Cox is that 
> way but it isn't my account so I don't know.  Perhaps a better way would 
> be to just go with whatever ISP you have now that's cheap and get a 
> separate web hosting account.  Even if you don't have your own site, you 
> would get a better email server and a probably more accessible web site, 
> control panel, billing system, etc.  You could try TRK Hosting in that 
> case but I never used them with Lynx.  I 
> think you are expecting too much by wanting a floppy disk mailed to you 
> every month and I really don't see that happening.  Another idea would 
> be to pay for a year at a time with an ISP or web host.  That way you 
> only get a statement per year.  The best for that is fatcow which gives 
> you a spam filter.  I used both of those hosting 
> companies at various times and they were fine, depending on your needs.  
> Since this doesn't entirely relate to Linux, maybe you should write off 
> list.
> Neil Foster wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an isp that is blind friendly. ie. Will provide 
>> statements in an accesible format preferably by email or as text file 
>> on floppy disk. Has a website that is text output friendly ie. will 
>> work with lynx for console users where you can get the pop3, smtp and 
>> news servers without all the other garbage that they seem to indulge 
>> in and also provides webspace.
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