cpan problem

Henry Yen blinux-mail at
Sat May 15 21:46:24 UTC 2010

Another way of getting dynamic scroll-back is to use "screen".
If you don't need to scroll-back on-the-fly, you could use "script".

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 04:27:56AM -0700, Tony Baechler wrote:
> No, that won't work in this case because it's interactive, at least I 
> don't think it would work. You have to provide input, but doesn't less 
> buffer text when used in a pipe?
> On 5/13/2010 11:54 PM, Geoff Shang wrote:
> > I've not used cpan but it sounds like it's sending its output to 
> > standard error. I *hate* it when programs do this, but it's easy 
> > enough to work around when they do. Type:
> >
> > <command> 2>&1 |less
> >
> > This will redirect standard error to standard output.

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