Some basic Pulseaudio Questions

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Mon Jun 24 20:59:38 UTC 2019

pulseaudio can be used in console mode.

speakup and mplayer won't fight if pulseaudio is set to use dmix and you
dont name the sound devices using the hw: syntax.

You can also use apulse to "fake" pulseaudio but actually use alsa.
For instance: apulse mplayer <some song>

You can also use Slint instead of Debian that provides the above out of
the box <smile>

Didier Spaier
Slint maintainer.

On 24/06/2019 19:19, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> 	Is it even worthwhile to get pulseaudio to run on a
> debian system without a x display?
> 	I would like to have speakup and mplayer not fight over
> the same sound card.

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