Slint on the bare metal!

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Aug 7 11:53:12 UTC 2021

Hi Brandt,

1. If running speakup (not-speechd-up), run
and then set the chosen voice as root in:

2. If running speechd-up
set the language as root in:
and the chosen synthesizer in:

spd-list tells what's available as synthesizers and voices.

Unfortunately it's not yet possible to set the voice for speechd-up 
unless you use the voxin synthesizer and a voice distributed by oralux. Then
the setting is done in:


PS I have made available some scripts that I have written for Slint in:

They can be used in other distributions, in some cases after adaptation.
I will add their descriptions in the README.
Le 07/08/2021 à 08:32, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I unexpectedly had the use of a set of working eyes for a little while 
> yesterday; secure boot was turned off, and the key to bring up the boot 
> menu was found.
> As a result of this, Windows got removed from this machine, and as the 
> subject states, Slint took it's place.
> This machine runs like a dream, however, I did everything correctly and 
> the en-us voice used by default by my espeakup just doesn't want to go 
> the hell away!
> As root, I did the following:
> #speak-with speechd-up
> ::This in effect kills espeakup which is needed for the following
> #espeakup default-voice=en-gb
> ::This, in theory should set the voice used to the brittish one.
> #speak-with espeakup
> ::Does switch you back to espeakup.
> #exit
> If anyone knows what's going on here, please, please, help! My hearing 
> is already not the best in the world, I don't need the bad US voice to 
> make things worse.

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