Found this on youtube

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sun Aug 29 11:36:29 UTC 2021

Hi all,

The last I checked, the BlindArch ISO is rather old. I did an install, 
but there were so many things wrong with the install I kept it for less 
than an hour. It would've taken me days to fix it all.

I am actually considdering writing an install Script in the line of a 
NixOs configuration for my own personal use, thus, no choices, all baked 
in to the script. It would probably take me some time, but what can you do?

I would rather do that than screw around with "install scripts". Most of 
the darn things is buggy as all get out, or doesn't include the 
accessibility stuff by default.

Warm regards,

Brandt Steenkamp

Sent using Thunderbird from the Slint Laptop

On 2021/08/28 23:05, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just found this on Youtube and wondered if anyone hhas tried it.  This is a blind arch install demo on how it works.
> Matthew
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