How to have Orca in LightDM?

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Aug 19 15:00:55 UTC 2023

Hi, I initially wrote the lines a11-states=+reader and reader=orca into 
the lightdm-gtk-greetter file, but orca didn't come up. then I started 
trying some things here and there, and I ended up discovering an 
interesting fact. when I start the display-manager service immediately 
after powering up and logging as root at a console, orca doesn't come, 
but I am able to make it come if I execute the following steps:
* Log as a normal user;
* Run spd-say to make speech-dispatcher say something;
* Log as root, then run display-manager and Orca comes up speaking. So, 
I guess that speech-dispatcher is not being able to bring up pulseAudio 
as root before it brings it up as a normal user. Why, I have no idea... 
In any case, I haven't so far enabled display-manager to start at boot, 
because I'd like to make sure it start speaking.


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