UNIX command summary cd {dir} - Change Directory pwd - print working (current) directory ls - LiSt directory (try ls -la) cat {file} - conCATenate (view) a file mkdir {name} - create a directory rm {file} - remove a file or directory mv {file) - move a file or directory chmod perm {file} - set permission bits for a file or directory edit {file} - edit a file in your directory ps - Process Status (try ps -aux) passwd - Change your password disk - show current disk usage uptime - show system status df - print system storage dict {word} - query the online dictionary cal - calendar (try 'cal 1752') finger {user} - show info about a user (try who or w) chfn - change your full name chsh - change your shell ping {host} - test network connectivity to a host traceroute {host} - view the route to a remote host man {cmd} - read a manual page for a command. dig / host - DNS utilities geoip - Country lookup on an IP expire - calculate your account expiration domains - list domains available for use on SDF mkhomepg - manage your own webpage space mkgopher - manage your own gopherspace upload - upload a file using ZMODEM (works w/ TeraTERM) com - multiuser online chat send {user} - send a message to another user online bboard - bulletin board faq - frequently asked questions mail - read/send email (also try http://webmail.freeshell.org) lynx {url} - browse webpages links {url} - browse webpages (w/ frames support) gopher {url} - browse gopherspace talk {user} - talk to another user url {user} - look up a user's URL ysm - chat on the ICQ network pkg_info - list ported/installed software packages whois {domain} - query the INTERNIC WHOIS database delme - remove your account now logout - logoff