[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/utils luci_admin

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Tue Jun 13 17:36:20 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2006-06-13 17:36:20

Modified files:
	luci/utils     : luci_admin 

Log message:
	new backup


--- conga/luci/utils/luci_admin	2006/06/06 21:05:43	1.4
+++ conga/luci/utils/luci_admin	2006/06/13 17:36:20	1.5
@@ -12,17 +12,10 @@
 from sys import stderr, argv
 from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
 from ZODB.DB import DB
-from ZODB.serialize import referencesf
-from ZODB.ExportImport import *
-from ZODB.FileStorage.format import *
-from ZODB.Connection import *
-from OFS.ZDOM import *
-import OFS
-from OFS.XMLExportImport import *
-from Products.ZODBMountPoint import MountedObject
+import xml
+import xml.dom
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import types
@@ -39,6 +32,34 @@
 	print "TODO: implement me"
 	return 1
+# This function's ability to work is dependent
+# upon the structure of @dict
+def dataToXML(doc, dict, tltag):
+	node = doc.createElement(tltag)
+	for i in dict:
+		if isinstance(dict[i], types.DictType):
+			if i[-4:] == 'List':
+				tagname = i
+			else:
+				tagname = tltag[:-4]
+			temp = dataToXML(doc, dict[i], tagname)
+			node.appendChild(temp)
+		elif isinstance(dict[i], types.StringType) or isinstance(dict[i], types.IntType):
+			temp = doc.createElement('item')
+			temp.setAttribute('key', i)
+			temp.setAttribute('value', str(dict[i]))
+			node.appendChild(temp.cloneNode(True))
+		elif isinstance(dict[i], types.ListType):
+			if len(dict[i]) < 1:
+				continue
+			temp = doc.createElement(i)
+			for x in dict[i]:
+				t = doc.createElement('ref')
+				t.setAttribute('name', x)
+				temp.appendChild(t.cloneNode(True))
+			node.appendChild(temp.cloneNode(True))
+	return node.cloneNode(True)
 def luci_backup(argv):
 	if len(argv) > 0:
 		dbfn = argv[0]
@@ -54,6 +75,10 @@
 		stderr.write('Unable to open the luci database \"' + dbfn + '\"\n')
+	systems = {}
+	clusters = {}
+	users = {}
 	examine_classes = [ 'OFS.Folder.Folder',
 						'Products.CMFCore.MemberDataTool.MemberData' ]
@@ -78,7 +103,6 @@
 	sys.stderr = null
 	f.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
-	f.write('<ZopeData>\n')
 	next_oid = None
 	while True:
@@ -87,81 +111,137 @@
 			obj = conn.get(oid)
 			obj_class = str(type(obj)).split('\'')[1]
+		except:
+			continue
-			if obj_class in examine_classes:
-				conn.setstate(obj)
-				if obj_class == 'OFS.Folder.Folder':
-					if obj.__dict__['title'].split(':')[0] != '__luci__':
-						raise
-				elif obj_class == 'AccessControl.User.User':
-					if not 'name' in obj.__dict__ or not '__' in obj.__dict__ or obj.__dict__['__'][0] != '{':
-						raise
-				elif obj_class == 'Products.CMFCore.MemberDataTool.MemberData':
-					if not 'id' in obj.__dict__:
-						raise
-				# This better not fail.
-				try:
-					pickle, serial = conn._storage.load(oid, conn._version)
-					referencesf(pickle, [oid])
-					f.write(OFS.XMLExportImport.XMLrecord(oid, len(pickle), pickle))
-				except:
-					sys.stderr = temp
-					sys.stderr.write('An error occurred while backing up the luci database.')
-					sys.exit(1)
-		# Anything that is caught here will have been raised by something
-		# we don't care about.
-		except: pass
+		if not obj_class in examine_classes:
+			continue
+		try:
+			conn.setstate(obj)
+			dict = obj.__dict__
+		except:
+			continue
+		if obj_class == 'OFS.Folder.Folder':
+			if not 'title' in dict or dict['title'][0:9] != '__luci__:':
+				continue
+			title = dict['title'].split(':')
+			cur = None
+			if title[1] == 'cluster':
+				clusters[dict['id']] = {
+					'id': dict['id'],
+					'title': dict['title'],
+					'permList': [],
+					'systemsList:': []
+				}
+				cur = clusters[dict['id']]
+			elif title[1] == 'csystem':
+				if len(title) > 2:
+					clusterName = title[2]
+				else:
+					parent = obj.parentNode()
+					clusterName = parent.__dict__['id']
+				clusters[clusterName]['systemsList'].append(dict['id'])
+			elif title[1] == 'system':
+				systems[dict['id']] = {
+					'id': dict['id'],
+					'title': dict['title'],
+					'permList': []
+				}
+				cur = systems[dict['id']]
+			else:
+				# we don't care
+				continue
+			if cur:
+				roles = dict['__ac_local_roles__']
+				for i in roles:
+					if not i in users:
+						users[i] = { 'id': i }
+					if 'View' in roles[i]:
+						cur['permList'].append(i)
+		elif obj_class == 'AccessControl.User.User':
+			if not dict['name'] in users:
+				users[dict['name']] = {}
+			cur_user = users[dict['name']]
+			cur_user['name'] = dict['name']
+			cur_user['passwd'] = dict['__']
+		elif obj_class == 'Products.CMFCore.MemberDataTool.MemberData':
+			if not 'id' in dict:
+				continue
+			if not dict['id'] in users:
+				users[dict['id']] = {}
+			cur_user = users[dict['id']]
+			for i in dict:
+				cur_user[i] = dict[i]
 		if next_oid is None:
 	sys.stderr = temp
-	f.write('</ZopeData>\n\n')
-	f.flush()
-	f.write('<CertificateData>\n\t<list>\n')
+	backup = {'systemList': systems, 'cluterList': clusters, 'userList': users }
+	doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+	dataNode = dataToXML(doc, backup, 'backupData')
 		certfile = file(SSL_PRIVKEY_PATH, 'rb')
 		output = certfile.read()
 		# should be at least some length greater than one
 		# TODO: find out what the min length of a valid keyfile is.
 		if len(output) < 1:
-	except:
+		certNode = doc.createElement('Certificate')
+		certNode.setAttribute('name', SSL_PRIVKEY_PATH)
+		certNode.setAttribute('data', output)
+		dataNode.appendChild(certNode.cloneNode(True))
+		certfile.close()
+	except False:
 		sys.stderr.write('Unable to read ' + SSL_PRIVKEY_PATH + '\n')
-	f.write('\t\t<tuple>\n\t\t\t<name=\"' + SSL_PRIVKEY_PATH + '\" />\n\t\t\t<data=\"' + output + '\" />\n\t\t</tuple>\n')
 		certfile = file(SSL_PUBKEY_PATH, 'rb')
 		output = certfile.read()
 		# should be at least some length greater than one
 		# TODO: find out what the min length of a valid keyfile is.
 		if len(output) < 1:
+		certNode = doc.createElement('Certificate')
+		certNode.setAttribute('name', SSL_PUBKEY_PATH)
+		certNode.setAttribute('data', output)
+		dataNode.appendChild(certNode.cloneNode(True))
+		certfile.close()
 		sys.stderr.write('Unable to read ' + SSL_PUBKEY_PATH + '\n')
-	f.write('\t\t<tuple>\n\t\t\t<name=\"' + SSL_PUBKEY_PATH + '\" />\n\t\t\t<data=\"' + output + '\" />\n\t\t</tuple>\n')
 		certfile = file(SSL_KEYCONFIG_PATH, 'rb')
 		output = certfile.read()
 		# should be at least some length greater than one
 		# TODO: find out what the min length of a valid key conf is.
 		if len(output) < 1:
+		certNode = document.createElement('CertificateConfig')
+		certNode.setAttribute('name', SSL_KEYCONFIG_PATH)
+		certNode.setAttribute('data', output)
+		dataNode.appendChild(certNode.cloneNode(TRUE))
+		certfile.close()
 		sys.stderr.write('Unable to read ' + SSL_KEYCONFIG_PATH + '\n')
-	f.write('\t\t<tuple>\n\t\t\t<name=\"' + SSL_KEYCONFIG_PATH + '\" />\n\t\t\t<data=\"' + output + '\" />\n\t\t</tuple>\n')
-	f.write('\t</list>\n</CertificateData>\n')
+	f.write(dataNode.toprettyxml())
+	f.flush()
 def _execWithCaptureErrorStatus(command, argv, searchPath = 0, root = '/', stdin = 0, catchfd = 1, catcherrfd = 2, closefd = -1):
     if not os.access (root + command, os.X_OK):
         raise RuntimeError, command + " can not be run"

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