[Cluster-devel] [Openais] [cman plugin] How to add service to openais? Someone could give some more details?

程任全 chengrq at uit.com.cn
Mon Aug 13 06:57:46 UTC 2007

here http://www.openais.org/doku.php?id=dev:adding_services said:

The default service list is specified in service.c:default_services.
If creating an external plugin, there are configuration parameters
which may be used to add your plugin into the openais scanning of

I'm using the cluster project's cman as an openais plugin, but both
these two hadn't give details about howto add a plugin, I mean I add
cman plugin to openais, but it didn't take effect, so the following
is: how to configure it?

Denis Cheng
Linux Application Developer

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code."
 - Ken Thompson.

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