[Cluster-devel] [PATCHv2 2/6] rgmanager: ra2rng.xsl: common params: finish datatyping/constraints

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Mon Dec 9 20:42:12 UTC 2013

Signed-off-by: Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com>
 rgmanager/src/resources/ra2rng.xsl | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/ra2rng.xsl b/rgmanager/src/resources/ra2rng.xsl
index 26218e6..8d22c60 100644
--- a/rgmanager/src/resources/ra2rng.xsl
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/ra2rng.xsl
@@ -15,17 +15,62 @@
-        <attribute name="__independent_subtree" rha:description="Treat this and all children as an independent subtree."/>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-        <attribute name="__enforce_timeouts" rha:description="Consider a timeout for operations as fatal."/>
-    </optional>
-    <optional>
-        <attribute name="__max_failures" rha:description="Maximum number of failures before returning a failure to a status check."/>
+        <attribute name="__independent_subtree" rha:description="Treat this and all children as an independent subtree.">
+            <data type="string">
+                <param name="pattern">\s*[12]\s*|[Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Nn][Oo][Nn]-[Cc][Rr][Ii][Tt][Ii][Cc][Aa][Ll]</param>
+            </data>
+        </attribute>
-        <attribute name="__failure_expire_time" rha:description="Amount of time before a failure is forgotten."/>
+        <attribute name="__enforce_timeouts" rha:description="Consider a timeout for operations as fatal.">
+            <data type="string">
+                <param name="pattern">\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*|[Yy][Ee][Ss]</param>
+            </data>
+        </attribute>
+    <!-- failures -->
+    <choice datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
+        <!--
+            __max_failures and __failure_expire_time only make sense
+            when defined altogether and contain valid non-zero value
+          -->
+        <group>
+            <attribute name="__max_failures" rha:description="Maximum number of failures before returning a failure to a status check.">
+                <data type="int">
+                    <param name="minExclusive">0</param>
+                </data>
+            </attribute>
+            <attribute name="__failure_expire_time" rha:description="Amount of time before a failure is forgotten.">
+                <data type="string">
+                    <param name="pattern">.*[1-9][0-9]*([SsMmHhDdWwYy].*|)</param>
+                </data>
+            </attribute>
+        </group>
+        <group>
+            <optional>
+                <attribute name="__max_failures">
+                    <!-- while negative value is not a strict error as it is
+                         silently turned to zero, don't promote such a liberty
+                      -->
+                    <value type="int">0</value>
+                </attribute>
+            </optional>
+            <optional>
+                <attribute name="__failure_expire_time">
+                    <data type="string">
+                        <except>
+                            <data type="string">
+                                <param name="pattern">.*[1-9][0-9]*([SsMmHhDdWwYy].*|)</param>
+                            </data>
+                        </except>
+                    </data>
+                </attribute>
+            </optional>
+        </group>
+    </choice>
+    <!-- restarts -->
     <choice datatypeLibrary="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes">
             __max_restarts and __restart_expire_time only make sense

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