[Cluster-devel] [PATCH 1/2] rng: more strict validation of failoverdomains wrt. priority attr.

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Sat Mar 15 00:01:21 UTC 2014

unordered FO: optional priority 0  (no other value makes sense)
ordered FO:   optional priority [0, 100]  (ditto)

Signed-off-by: Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com>
 config/tools/xml/cluster.rng.in.head | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config/tools/xml/cluster.rng.in.head b/config/tools/xml/cluster.rng.in.head
index 86f384f..919ff5e 100644
--- a/config/tools/xml/cluster.rng.in.head
+++ b/config/tools/xml/cluster.rng.in.head
@@ -904,31 +904,73 @@ To validate your cluster.conf against this schema, run:
        <attribute name="name" rha:description="The name of the failover
          domain." rha:sample="foo"/>
-        <attribute name="ordered" rha:description="Set value to 1 if
-          the failover domain is ordered; set value to 0 if
-          unordered." rha:default="0" rha:sample="1"/>
-       </optional>
-       <optional>
         <attribute name="restricted" rha:description="Set value to 1 if
           the failover domain is restricted; set value to 0 if
           unrestricted." rha:default="0" rha:sample="1"/>
-       <optional>
-        <attribute name="nofailback" rha:description="Do not move service to a more preferred node if it is currently running." rha:sample=""/>
-       </optional>
-       <zeroOrMore>
-        <element name="failoverdomainnode" rha:description="A node in
-          a failover domain">
+       <choice>
+        <group>
+         <!-- unordered group (no or zero priority at failoverdomainnode) -->
+         <optional>
+          <attribute name="nofailback" rha:description="Do not move service to a more preferred node if it is currently running." rha:sample=""/>
+         </optional>
+         <optional>
+          <attribute name="ordered" rha:description="Set value to 1 if
+            the failover domain is ordered; set value to 0 if
+            unordered." rha:default="0" rha:sample="1">
+             <value type="int">0</value>
+          </attribute>
+         </optional>
+         <zeroOrMore>
+          <element name="failoverdomainnode" rha:description="A node in
+            a failover domain">
+           <optional>
+            <attribute name="priority" rha:description="A number
+              specifying the priority; lower numbers having higher
+              priority"
+                rha:sample="1">
+             <value type="int">0</value>
+            </attribute>
+           </optional>
+           <attribute name="name" rha:description="Name of the node."
+               rha:sample="member2"/>
+          </element>
+         </zeroOrMore>
+        </group>
+        <group>
+         <!-- ordered group (no or 0 <= priority <= 100  at failoverdomainnode allowed) -->
-          <attribute name="priority" rha:description="A number
-            specifying the priority; lower numbers having higher
-            priority"
-              rha:sample="1"/>
+          <attribute name="nofailback" rha:description="Do not move service to a more preferred node if it is currently running." rha:sample=""/>
-         <attribute name="name" rha:description="Name of the node."
-             rha:sample="member2"/>
-        </element>
-       </zeroOrMore>
+         <attribute name="ordered" rha:description="Set value to 1 if
+           the failover domain is ordered; set value to 0 if
+           unordered." rha:default="0" rha:sample="1">
+          <data type="int">
+           <except>
+            <value type="int">0</value>
+           </except>
+          </data>
+         </attribute>
+         <zeroOrMore>
+          <element name="failoverdomainnode" rha:description="A node in
+            a failover domain">
+           <optional>
+            <attribute name="priority" rha:description="A number
+              specifying the priority; lower numbers having higher
+              priority"
+                rha:sample="1">
+             <data type="int">
+              <param name="minInclusive">0</param>
+              <param name="maxInclusive">100</param>
+             </data>
+            </attribute>
+           </optional>
+           <attribute name="name" rha:description="Name of the node."
+               rha:sample="member2"/>
+          </element>
+         </zeroOrMore>
+        </group>
+       </choice>

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