[dm-devel] Subject: [PATCH 1/1] multipath-tools: fix dm- device filtering

Christophe Varoqui christophe.varoqui at opensvc.com
Fri Jul 8 06:55:38 UTC 2016

Hannes, Ben, do you ack this one ?

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 11:06 PM, Dragan Stancevic <
dragan.stancevic at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hi Christophe,
> can you please take a look at the attached patch, we are seeing quite a
> few cases with the following errors:
> failed to get udev uid: Invalid argument
> failed to get sysfs uid: Invalid argument
> failed to get sgio uid: No such file or directory
> It causes a lot of confusion because the devices in question are in the
> blacklist but aren't getting filtered. I don't know the code well enough,
> but it seems that maybe there should be no condition in the filtering and
> the code should just be:
> if (dev && (filter_devnode(conf->blist_devnode, conf->elist_devnode, dev)
> > 0)) {
> But I went for smaller change option, by just allowing DEV_UEVENT to also
> be filtered.
> What do you think?
> Thanks.
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