[drools-research] [Fwd: [rules-users] EulerGUI released - IDE for semantic Web with Drools engine and Drools export]

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Feb 23 17:20:06 UTC 2009

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[rules-users] EulerGUI released - IDE for semantic Web with 
Drools engine and Drools export
Date: 	Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:53:21 +0100
From: 	Jean-Marc Vanel <jeanmarc.vanel at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	Rules Users List <rules-users at lists.jboss.org>
To: 	rules-users at lists.jboss.org
CC: 	luc peuvrier at home <lc.pvrr at orange.fr>, "jos.deroo at agfa.com" 
<jos.deroo at agfa.com>


As some of you know, I'm using Drools as an engine for N3 logic 
(http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/doc/Rules) .
N3 is a language equivalent to Semantic Web's RDF language, but much 
easier to read and write by hand.
Moreover, N3 has, on top of RDF, an extension for rules, e.g. :

{ ?x parent ?y } =>  { ?y child ?x }.

Among many other vocabularies searchable on search site Swoogle 
(http://swoogle.umbc.edu/), there is OWL, (OWL Web Ontology Language) 
that allows to express in RDF, and thus in N3, rich models with classes, 
properties, inheritance and constraints.
So in summary, N3 is a user-friendly language allowing to express facts, 
class and properties, and rules.

So what does that bring for Drools users ?
One use case :
- open any number of RDF / OWL / N3 documents
- test and debug the rules using 3 rule engines (Drools, Euler, CWM)
- export all that project as a set of Drools packages, plus the facts in 
XMLEncoder format ( by clicking on File / "Export as Drools" )

You can also use standard Semantic Web tools such as Protégé and Swoop 
to edit and visualize RDF and OWL files.

Moreover, there are, as part of the Euler project, a library of N3 rules 
that implement the logic of OWL and RDF Schema (transitive property, 
inheritance, etc), and other goodies, see:

I translate N3 logic into Drools language, using just two classes 
corresponding to Triple (statement)  ( explanations here : 

Download from

Manual  here:

Enjoy !

I've been working on this for several months, so it's beginning to 
stabilize. But the rich set of built-in functions for other N3 engines 
is still missing, with a few exceptions.

I'm using this framework currently to generate GUI's from domain models 
( rules are here : 
http://deductions.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/deductions/n3/ ).
You will be glad to read that it runs around 2 seconds including 
compilation, compared to the other engine (in Prolog) I use, which need 
hundreds of seconds (actually a high complexity). A forward chaining 
engine seems to make sense for such a constructive task.

I also wrote a How To about what I do currently with EulerGUI :
Deduction project - Java Swing application generator from OWL model and 
N3 logic rules
Deduction project is work in progress.

Jean-Marc Vanel

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