[edk2-devel] [Patch 02/10 V7] BaseTools: Split WorkspaceAutoGen._InitWorker into multiple functions

Bob Feng bob.c.feng at intel.com
Tue Aug 6 07:15:03 UTC 2019

BZ: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1875

The WorkspaceAutoGen.__InitWorker function is too long, it's hard
to read and understand.
This patch is to separate the __InitWorker into multiple small ones.

Cc: Liming Gao <liming.gao at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Bob Feng <bob.c.feng at intel.com>
 BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py | 232 +++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 144 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py b/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py
index c5b3fbb0a87f..122696f5cebf 100644
--- a/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py
+++ b/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/AutoGen.py
@@ -333,13 +333,58 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
         self._GuidDict = {}
         # there's many relative directory operations, so ...
+        self.MergeArch()
+        self.ValidateBuildTarget()
+        EdkLogger.info("")
+        if self.ArchList:
+            EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Architecture(s)", ' '.join(self.ArchList)))
+        EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Build target", self.BuildTarget))
+        EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Toolchain", self.ToolChain))
+        EdkLogger.info('\n%-24s = %s' % ("Active Platform", self.Platform))
+        if BuildModule:
+            EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Active Module", BuildModule))
+        if self.FdfFile:
+            EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Flash Image Definition", self.FdfFile))
+        EdkLogger.verbose("\nFLASH_DEFINITION = %s" % self.FdfFile)
+        if Progress:
+            Progress.Start("\nProcessing meta-data")
-        # Merge Arch
+        # Mark now build in AutoGen Phase
+        GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True
+        self.ProcessModuleFromPdf()
+        self.ProcessPcdType()
+        self.ProcessMixedPcd()
+        self.GetPcdsFromFDF()
+        self.CollectAllPcds()
+        self.GeneratePkgLevelHash()
+        #
+        # Check PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
+        #
+        self._CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict()
+        #
+        # Check PCD type and definition between DSC and DEC
+        #
+        self._CheckPcdDefineAndType()
+        self.CreateBuildOptionsFile()
+        self.CreatePcdTokenNumberFile()
+        self.CreateModuleHashInfo()
+        GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = False
+    #
+    # Merge Arch
+    #
+    def MergeArch(self):
         if not self.ArchList:
             ArchList = set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
             ArchList = set(self.ArchList) & set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
         if not ArchList:
@@ -349,57 +394,49 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
             SkippedArchList = set(self.ArchList).symmetric_difference(set(self.Platform.SupArchList))
             EdkLogger.verbose("\nArch [%s] is ignored because the platform supports [%s] only!"
                               % (" ".join(SkippedArchList), " ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))
         self.ArchList = tuple(ArchList)
-        # Validate build target
+    # Validate build target
+    def ValidateBuildTarget(self):
         if self.BuildTarget not in self.Platform.BuildTargets:
             EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
                             ExtraData="Build target [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid target: %s]"
                                       % (self.BuildTarget, " ".join(self.Platform.BuildTargets)))
-        # parse FDF file to get PCDs in it, if any
+    @cached_property
+    def FdfProfile(self):
         if not self.FdfFile:
             self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
-        EdkLogger.info("")
-        if self.ArchList:
-            EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Architecture(s)", ' '.join(self.ArchList)))
-        EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Build target", self.BuildTarget))
-        EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Toolchain", self.ToolChain))
-        EdkLogger.info('\n%-24s = %s' % ("Active Platform", self.Platform))
-        if BuildModule:
-            EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Active Module", BuildModule))
+        FdfProfile = None
         if self.FdfFile:
-            EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Flash Image Definition", self.FdfFile))
-        EdkLogger.verbose("\nFLASH_DEFINITION = %s" % self.FdfFile)
-        if Progress:
-            Progress.Start("\nProcessing meta-data")
-        if self.FdfFile:
-            #
-            # Mark now build in AutoGen Phase
-            #
-            GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True
             Fdf = FdfParser(self.FdfFile.Path)
             GlobalData.gFdfParser = Fdf
-            GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = False
-            PcdSet = Fdf.Profile.PcdDict
             if Fdf.CurrentFdName and Fdf.CurrentFdName in Fdf.Profile.FdDict:
                 FdDict = Fdf.Profile.FdDict[Fdf.CurrentFdName]
                 for FdRegion in FdDict.RegionList:
                     if str(FdRegion.RegionType) is 'FILE' and self.Platform.VpdToolGuid in str(FdRegion.RegionDataList):
                         if int(FdRegion.Offset) % 8 != 0:
                             EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The VPD Base Address %s must be 8-byte aligned.' % (FdRegion.Offset))
-            ModuleList = Fdf.Profile.InfList
-            self.FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile
+            FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile
+        else:
+            if self.FdTargetList:
+                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FD [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FdTargetList))
+                self.FdTargetList = []
+            if self.FvTargetList:
+                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FV [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FvTargetList))
+                self.FvTargetList = []
+            if self.CapTargetList:
+                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. Capsule [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.CapTargetList))
+                self.CapTargetList = []
+        return FdfProfile
+    def ProcessModuleFromPdf(self):
+        if self.FdfProfile:
             for fvname in self.FvTargetList:
                 if fvname.upper() not in self.FdfProfile.FvDict:
                     EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID,
                                     "No such an FV in FDF file: %s" % fvname)
@@ -407,64 +444,60 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
             # but the path (self.MetaFile.Path) is the real path
             for key in self.FdfProfile.InfDict:
                 if key == 'ArchTBD':
                     MetaFile_cache = defaultdict(set)
                     for Arch in self.ArchList:
-                        Current_Platform_cache = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+                        Current_Platform_cache = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
                         for Pkey in Current_Platform_cache.Modules:
                     for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
                         ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
                         for Arch in self.ArchList:
                             if ModuleFile in MetaFile_cache[Arch]:
-                            ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+                            ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
                             if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
                                 EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
                     for Arch in self.ArchList:
                         if Arch == key:
-                            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+                            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
                             MetaFileList = set()
                             for Pkey in Platform.Modules:
                             for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
                                 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
                                 if ModuleFile in MetaFileList:
-                                ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+                                ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
                                 if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
                                     EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
-        else:
-            PcdSet = {}
-            ModuleList = []
-            self.FdfProfile = None
-            if self.FdTargetList:
-                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FD [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FdTargetList))
-                self.FdTargetList = []
-            if self.FvTargetList:
-                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FV [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FvTargetList))
-                self.FvTargetList = []
-            if self.CapTargetList:
-                EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. Capsule [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.CapTargetList))
-                self.CapTargetList = []
-        # apply SKU and inject PCDs from Flash Definition file
+    # parse FDF file to get PCDs in it, if any
+    def GetPcdsFromFDF(self):
+        if self.FdfProfile:
+            PcdSet = self.FdfProfile.PcdDict
+            # handle the mixed pcd in FDF file
+            for key in PcdSet:
+                if key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+                    Value = PcdSet[key]
+                    del PcdSet[key]
+                    for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[key]:
+                        PcdSet[item] = Value
+            self.VerifyPcdDeclearation(PcdSet)
+    def ProcessPcdType(self):
         for Arch in self.ArchList:
-            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
-            PlatformPcds = Platform.Pcds
-            self._GuidDict = Platform._GuidDict
-            BinaryPcdDict = {TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX:set(), TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE:set()}
-            SourcePcdDict_Keys = SourcePcdDict.keys()
-            BinaryPcdDict_Keys = BinaryPcdDict.keys()
+            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+            Platform.Pcds
             # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
-            PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)
+            PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
             for BuildData in list(PGen.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
                 if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
                 if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
                     for key in BuildData.Pcds:
@@ -483,11 +516,11 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
                                         BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type
                                         BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
                                 #Pcd used in Library, Pcd Type from reference module if Pcd Type is Pending
                                 if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:
-                                    MGen = ModuleAutoGen(self, BuildData.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, self.MetaFile)
+                                    MGen = ModuleAutoGen(self, BuildData.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch, self.MetaFile)
                                     if MGen and MGen.IsLibrary:
                                         if MGen in PGen.LibraryAutoGenList:
                                             ReferenceModules = MGen.ReferenceModules
                                             for ReferenceModule in ReferenceModules:
                                                 if ReferenceModule.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:
@@ -497,10 +530,24 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
                                                         if PcdInReferenceModule.Type:
                                                             BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInReferenceModule.Type
                                                             BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
+    def ProcessMixedPcd(self):
+        for Arch in self.ArchList:
+            BinaryPcdDict = {TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX:set(), TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE:set()}
+            SourcePcdDict_Keys = SourcePcdDict.keys()
+            BinaryPcdDict_Keys = BinaryPcdDict.keys()
+            # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
+            PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
+            for BuildData in list(PGen.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
+                if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
+                    continue
+                if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
+                    for key in BuildData.Pcds:
                         if TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
                             if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:
                                 BinaryPcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
                                 SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
@@ -514,12 +561,11 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
                         elif TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
                             SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
                         elif TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
                             SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
-                else:
-                    pass
             # A PCD can only use one type for all source modules
             for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
                 for j in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
@@ -588,27 +634,38 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
                                     del BuildData.Pcds[key]
                                     BuildData.Pcds[newkey] = Value
-            # handle the mixed pcd in FDF file
-            for key in PcdSet:
-                if key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
-                    Value = PcdSet[key]
-                    del PcdSet[key]
-                    for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[key]:
-                        PcdSet[item] = Value
+    #Collect package set information from INF of FDF
+    @cached_property
+    def PkgSet(self):
+        if not self.FdfFile:
+            self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
-            #Collect package set information from INF of FDF
+        if self.FdfFile:
+            ModuleList = self.FdfProfile.InfList
+        else:
+            ModuleList = []
+        Pkgs = {}
+        for Arch in self.ArchList:
+            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+            PGen = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
             PkgSet = set()
             for Inf in ModuleList:
                 ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
                 if ModuleFile in Platform.Modules:
-                ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+                ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
-            Pkgs = list(PkgSet) + list(PGen.PackageList)
+            Pkgs[Arch] = list(PkgSet) + list(PGen.PackageList)
+        return Pkgs
+    def VerifyPcdDeclearation(self,PcdSet):
+        for Arch in self.ArchList:
+            Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+            Pkgs = self.PkgSet[Arch]
             DecPcds = set()
             DecPcdsKey = set()
             for Pkg in Pkgs:
                 for Pcd in Pkg.Pcds:
                     DecPcds.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1]))
@@ -636,37 +693,33 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
                                 "Using Dynamic or DynamicEx type of PCD [%s.%s] in FDF file is not allowed." % (Guid, Name),
                                 File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][0],
                                 Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][1]
+    def CollectAllPcds(self):
-            Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch)
+        for Arch in self.ArchList:
+            Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
             # Explicitly collect platform's dynamic PCDs
-            #
-            # Generate Package level hash value
-            #
+    #
+    # Generate Package level hash value
+    #
+    def GeneratePkgLevelHash(self):
+        for Arch in self.ArchList:
             GlobalData.gPackageHash = {}
             if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
-                for Pkg in Pkgs:
+                for Pkg in self.PkgSet[Arch]:
-        #
-        # Check PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
-        #
-        self._CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict()
-        #
-        # Check PCD type and definition between DSC and DEC
-        #
-        self._CheckPcdDefineAndType()
+    def CreateBuildOptionsFile(self):
         # Create BuildOptions Macro & PCD metafile, also add the Active Platform and FDF file.
         content = 'gCommandLineDefines: '
         content += str(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
@@ -681,27 +734,30 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
             content += 'Flash Image Definition: '
             content += str(self.FdfFile)
             content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
         SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'), content, False)
+    def CreatePcdTokenNumberFile(self):
         # Create PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd.
         PcdTokenNumber = 'PcdTokenNumber: '
+        Pa = self.AutoGenObjectList[0]
         if Pa.PcdTokenNumber:
             if Pa.DynamicPcdList:
                 for Pcd in Pa.DynamicPcdList:
                     PcdTokenNumber += TAB_LINE_BREAK
                     PcdTokenNumber += str((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName))
                     PcdTokenNumber += ' : '
                     PcdTokenNumber += str(Pa.PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName])
         SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'), PcdTokenNumber, False)
+    def CreateModuleHashInfo(self):
         # Get set of workspace metafiles
-        AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = self._GetMetaFiles(Target, Toolchain, Arch)
+        AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = self._GetMetaFiles(self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain)
         # Retrieve latest modified time of all metafiles
         SrcTimeStamp = 0
@@ -759,11 +815,11 @@ class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
         SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), False)
         GlobalData.gPackageHash[Pkg.PackageName] = m.hexdigest()
-    def _GetMetaFiles(self, Target, Toolchain, Arch):
+    def _GetMetaFiles(self, Target, Toolchain):
         AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = set()
         # add fdf
         if self.FdfFile:

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