[edk2-devel] [Patch v4 19/22] .pytool: Add CISettings.py and Readme.md

Michael D Kinney michael.d.kinney at intel.com
Thu Nov 7 01:13:46 UTC 2019

From: Sean Brogan <sean.brogan at microsoft.com>

Add main python script for EDK II Continuous Integration (CI)
builds along with a Readme.md that provides a summary of the
packages, platforms, and checks performs during a CI build.

Cc: Sean Brogan <sean.brogan at microsoft.com>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <Bret.Barkelew at microsoft.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <liming.gao at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney at intel.com>
 .pytool/CISettings.py | 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 .pytool/Readme.md     | 191 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 364 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .pytool/CISettings.py
 create mode 100644 .pytool/Readme.md

diff --git a/.pytool/CISettings.py b/.pytool/CISettings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a78e8b974c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pytool/CISettings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# @file
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Microsoft Corporation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import logging
+from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
+from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_ci_build import CiBuildSettingsManager
+from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_setup import SetupSettingsManager, RequiredSubmodule
+from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_update import UpdateSettingsManager
+from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_pr_eval import PrEvalSettingsManager
+from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo
+class Settings(CiBuildSettingsManager, UpdateSettingsManager, SetupSettingsManager, PrEvalSettingsManager):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.ActualPackages = []
+        self.ActualTargets = []
+        self.ActualArchitectures = []
+        self.ActualToolChainTag = ""
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    #                             Extra CmdLine configuration                                 #
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    def AddCommandLineOptions(self, parserObj):
+        pass
+    def RetrieveCommandLineOptions(self, args):
+        pass
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    #                        Default Support for this Ci Build                                #
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    def GetPackagesSupported(self):
+        ''' return iterable of edk2 packages supported by this build.
+        These should be edk2 workspace relative paths '''
+        return ("MdePkg",
+                "MdeModulePkg",
+                "NetworkPkg",
+                "PcAtChipsetPkg",
+                "SecurityPkg",
+                "UefiCpuPkg",
+                "FmpDevicePkg",
+                "ShellPkg",
+                "FatPkg",
+                "CryptoPkg"
+                )
+    def GetArchitecturesSupported(self):
+        ''' return iterable of edk2 architectures supported by this build '''
+        return ("IA32",
+                "X64",
+                "ARM",
+                "AARCH64")
+    def GetTargetsSupported(self):
+        ''' return iterable of edk2 target tags supported by this build '''
+        return ("DEBUG", "RELEASE", "NO-TARGET", "NOOPT")
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    #                     Verify and Save requested Ci Build Config                           #
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    def SetPackages(self, list_of_requested_packages):
+        ''' Confirm the requested package list is valid and configure SettingsManager
+        to build the requested packages.
+        Raise UnsupportedException if a requested_package is not supported
+        '''
+        unsupported = set(list_of_requested_packages) - \
+            set(self.GetPackagesSupported())
+        if(len(unsupported) > 0):
+            logging.critical(
+                "Unsupported Package Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
+            raise Exception("Unsupported Package Requested: " +
+                            " ".join(unsupported))
+        self.ActualPackages = list_of_requested_packages
+    def SetArchitectures(self, list_of_requested_architectures):
+        ''' Confirm the requests architecture list is valid and configure SettingsManager
+        to run only the requested architectures.
+        Raise Exception if a list_of_requested_architectures is not supported
+        '''
+        unsupported = set(list_of_requested_architectures) - \
+            set(self.GetArchitecturesSupported())
+        if(len(unsupported) > 0):
+            logging.critical(
+                "Unsupported Architecture Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
+            raise Exception(
+                "Unsupported Architecture Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
+        self.ActualArchitectures = list_of_requested_architectures
+    def SetTargets(self, list_of_requested_target):
+        ''' Confirm the request target list is valid and configure SettingsManager
+        to run only the requested targets.
+        Raise UnsupportedException if a requested_target is not supported
+        '''
+        unsupported = set(list_of_requested_target) - \
+            set(self.GetTargetsSupported())
+        if(len(unsupported) > 0):
+            logging.critical(
+                "Unsupported Targets Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
+            raise Exception("Unsupported Targets Requested: " +
+                            " ".join(unsupported))
+        self.ActualTargets = list_of_requested_target
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    #                         Actual Configuration for Ci Build                               #
+    # ####################################################################################### #
+    def GetActiveScopes(self):
+        ''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
+        scopes = ("cibuild","edk2-build")
+        self.ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")
+        if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX" and self.ActualToolChainTag.upper().startswith("GCC"):
+            if "AARCH64" in self.ActualArchitectures:
+                scopes += ("gcc_aarch64_linux",)
+            if "ARM" in self.ActualArchitectures:
+                scopes += ("gcc_arm_linux",)
+        return scopes
+    def GetRequiredSubmodules(self):
+        ''' return iterable containing RequiredSubmodule objects.
+        If no RequiredSubmodules return an empty iterable
+        '''
+        rs=[]
+        rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
+            "ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3", False))
+        rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
+            "CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl", False))
+        return rs
+    def GetName(self):
+        return "Edk2"
+    def GetDependencies(self):
+        return []
+    def GetPackagesPath(self):
+        return ()
+    def GetWorkspaceRoot(self):
+        ''' get WorkspacePath '''
+        return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+    def FilterPackagesToTest(self, changedFilesList: list, potentialPackagesList: list) -> list:
+        ''' Filter potential packages to test based on changed files. '''
+        build_these_packages=[]
+        possible_packages=potentialPackagesList.copy()
+        for f in changedFilesList:
+            nodes=f.split("/")  # split each part of path for comparison later
+            # python file change in .pytool folder causes building all
+            if f.endswith(".py") and ".pytool" in nodes:
+                build_these_packages = possible_packages
+                break
+            # BaseTools files that might change the build
+            if "BaseTools" in nodes:
+                if os.path.splitext(f) not in [".txt", ".md"]:
+                    build_these_packages = possible_packages
+                    break
+        return build_these_packages
diff --git a/.pytool/Readme.md b/.pytool/Readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa10628fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pytool/Readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Edk2 Continuous Integration
+## Basic Status
+| Package             | Windows VS2019     | Ubuntu GCC         | Known Issues |
+| :----               | :-----             | :----              | :---         |
+| ArmPkg              |
+| ArmPlatformPkg      |
+| ArmVirtPkg          |
+| CryptoPkg           | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | New changes for NULL basecryptlib and tlslib, add IntrinsicLib.inf to dsc
+| DynamicTablesPkg    |
+| EmbeddedPkg         |
+| EmulatorPkg         |
+| FatPkg              | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| FmpDevicePkg        | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| IntelFsp2Pkg        |
+| IntelFsp2WrapperPkg |
+| MdeModulePkg        | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DxeIpl dependency on ArmPkg, Missing Visual Studio AARCH64/ARM support for EBC
+| MdePkg              | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Update DSC to add UefiFileHandleLib, Update BaseIoLibIntrinsic to support MSFT ARM/AARCH64
+| NetworkPkg          | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Libraries missing from components section for package dsc
+| OvmfPkg             |
+| PcAtChipsetPkg      | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| SecurityPkg         | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | Incorrect libraryclass in dec
+| ShellPkg            | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| SignedCapsulePkg    |
+| SourceLevelDebugPkg |
+| StandaloneMmPkg     |
+| UefiCpuPkg          | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| UefiPayloadPkg      |
+For more detailed status look at the test results of the latest CI run on the
+repo readme.
+## Background
+While a number of CI solutions exist, this proposal will focus on the usage of
+Azure Dev Ops and Build Pipelines. For demonstration, a sample
+[TianoCore repo](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-staging.git) (branch master)
+and [Dev Ops Pipeline](https://dev.azure.com/tianocore/edk2-ci-play/_build?definitionId=14)
+have been set up.
+Furthermore, this proposal will leverage the TianoCore python tools PIP modules:
+[library](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-library/) and
+[extensions](https://pypi.org/project/edk2-pytool-extensions/) (with repos
+located [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-library) and
+The primary execution flows can be found in the
+`ci/AzurePipelines/Windows-VS2019.yml` and `ci/AzurePipelines/Ubuntu-GCC5.yml`
+files. These YAML files are consumed by the Azure Dev Ops Build Pipeline and
+dictate what server resources should be used, how they should be configured, and
+what processes should be run on them. An overview of this schema can be found
+Inspection of these files reveals the EDKII Tools commands that make up the
+primary processes for the CI build: 'stuart_setup', 'stuart_update', and
+'stuart_ci_build'. These commands come from the EDKII Tools PIP modules and are
+configured as described below. More documentation on the stuart tools can be
+found [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/using.md)
+and [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/features/feature_invocables.md).
+## Configuration
+Configuration of the CI process consists of (in order of precedence):
+* command-line arguments passed in via the Pipeline YAML
+* a per-package configuration file (e.g. `<package-name>.ci.yaml`) that is
+  detected by the CI system in EDKII Tools.
+* a global configuration Python module (e.g. `CISetting.py`) passed in via the
+  command-line
+The global configuration file is described in
+[this readme](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/usability/using_settings_manager.md)
+from the EDKII Tools documentation. This configuration is written as a Python
+module so that decisions can be made dynamically based on command line
+parameters and codebase state.
+The per-package configuration file can override most settings in the global
+configuration file, but is not dynamic. This file can be used to skip or
+customize tests that may be incompatible with a specific package. By default,
+the global configuration will try to run all tests on all packages.
+## Current PyTool Test Capabilities
+All CI tests are instances of EDKII Tools plugins. Documentation on the plugin
+system can be found [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/usability/using_plugin_manager.md)
+and [here](https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-pytool-extensions/blob/master/docs/features/feature_plugin_manager.md).
+Upon invocation, each plugin will be passed the path to the current package
+under test and a dictionary containing its targeted configuration, as assembled
+from the command line, per-package configuration, and global configuration.
+Note: CI plugins are considered unique from build plugins and helper plugins,
+even though some CI plugins may execute steps of a build.
+In the example, these plugins live alongside the code under test (in the
+`ci/Plugin` directory), but may be moved to the 'edk2-test' repo if that
+location makes more sense for the community.
+### Module Inclusion Test - DscCompleteCheck
+This test scans all available modules (via INF files) and compares them to the
+package-level DSC file for the package each module is contained within. The test
+considers it an error if any module does not appear in the `Components` section
+of at least one package-level DSC (indicating that it would not be built if the
+package were built).
+### Code Compilation Test - CompilerPlugin
+Once the Module Inclusion Test has verified that all modules would be built if
+all package-level DSCs were built, the Code Compilation Test simply runs through
+and builds every package-level DSC on every toolchain and for every architecture
+that is supported. Any module that fails to build is considered an error.
+### GUID Uniqueness Test - GuidCheck
+This test works on the collection of all packages rather than an individual
+package. It looks at all FILE_GUIDs and GUIDs declared in DEC files and ensures
+that they are unique for the codebase. This prevents, for example, accidental
+duplication of GUIDs when using an existing INF as a template for a new module.
+### Cross-Package Dependency Test - DependencyCheck
+This test compares the list of all packages used in INFs files for a given
+package against a list of "allowed dependencies" in plugin configuration for
+that package. Any module that depends on a disallowed package will cause a test
+### Library Declaration Test - LibraryClassCheck
+This test scans at all library header files found in the `Library` folders in
+all of the package's declared include directories and ensures that all files
+have a matching LibraryClass declaration in the DEC file for the package. Any
+missing declarations will cause a failure.
+### Invalid Character Test - CharEncodingCheck
+This test scans all files in a package to make sure that there are no invalid
+Unicode characters that may cause build errors in some character
+### Spell Checking - cspell
+This test runs a spell checker on all files within the package.  This is done
+using the NodeJs cspell tool.  For details check `ci/Plugin/SpellCheck`.  For
+this plugin to run during ci you must install nodejs and cspell and have both
+available to the command line when running your CI.
+* Install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/
+* Install cspell
+  1. Open cmd prompt with access to node and npm
+  2. Run `npm install -g cspell`
+  More cspell info: https://github.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell
+## Current Azure Pipeline Tests
+When adding a test it can be added as either a *PyTool* test or just added to
+the CI build process.  This should be a deliberate choice.  Any change added as
+a pipeline test is not as easily run on a private/local workspace.  But there
+are times where this is still the preferred method.
+## PyTool Scopes
+Scopes are how the PyTool ext_dep, path_env, and plugins are activated.  Meaning
+that if an invocable process has a scope active then those ext_dep and path_env
+will be active. To allow easy integration of PyTools capabilities there are a
+few standard scopes.
+| Scope      | Invocable                                            | Description    |
+| :----      | :-----                                               | :----          |
+| global     | edk2_invocable++ - should be base_abstract_invocable | Running an invocables |
+| global-win | edk2_invocable++                                     | Running on Microsoft Windows |
+| global-nix | edk2_invocable++                                     | Running on Linux based OS    |
+| edk2-build |                                                      | This indicates that an invocable is building EDK2 based UEFI code |
+| cibuild    | set in .pytool/CISettings.py                         | Suggested target for edk2 continuous integration builds.  Tools used for CiBuilds can use this scope.  Example: asl compiler |
+## Future investments
+* PatchCheck tests as plugins
+* MacOS/xcode support
+* Clang/LLVM support
+* Visual Studio AARCH64 and ARM support
+* BaseTools C tools CI/PR and binary release process
+* BaseTools Python tools CI/PR process
+* Host based unit testing
+* Extensible private/closed source platform reporting
+* Platform builds, validation
+* Other automation

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