[edk2-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Arm builds on Visual Studio

Baptiste Gerondeau baptiste.gerondeau at linaro.org
Wed Sep 18 12:25:03 UTC 2019

We are currently making an effort to make ARM (and AARCH64 eventually)
builds using Microsoft's Visual Studio Compiler (aka MSVC/MSFT).

These 3 patches correspond to an effort to make the assembler work with
MSFT, which entails :
- Feeding MSFT the RVCT .asm files, since they share syntax
- Fixing some instructions syntax in those .asm files, in order to make
  them palatable for MSFT.
- Fixing some minor formatting issue in INF files, while we're at it.

This set enables the assembler, meanwhile the C also require changes,
which will come in a set later. This set makes the RVCT toolchain family
and profiles obsolete, unblocking :
BZ: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1750

As mentioned in the above bug, dropping RVCT would entail orphanating
the .asm files that powered the RVCT build. Since Visual Studio uses the
same file syntax, those can be reused to power the VS build.

These patches have been tested on VS2019 (v15.9.11) and VS2017 (v16.0.1)

Baptiste GERONDEAU (3):
  ArmPkg/MdePkg : Unify INF files format
  ARM/Assembler: Correct syntax from RVCT for MSFT
  ARM/Assembler: Reuse RVCT assembler for MSFT build

 ArmPkg/Drivers/ArmGic/ArmGicLib.inf                                  |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmExceptionLib/Arm/ExceptionSupport.asm              | 30 +++++++++++++++++-------------
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmExceptionLib/ArmExceptionLib.inf                   |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmExceptionLib/ArmRelocateExceptionLib.inf           |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmHvcLib/ArmHvcLib.inf                               |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmLib/Arm/ArmV7Support.asm                           |  6 ++++--
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmLib/ArmBaseLib.inf                                 |  8 ++++----
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmMmuLib/ArmMmuBaseLib.inf                           |  4 ++--
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmSmcLib/ArmSmcLib.inf                               |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib.inf |  2 +-
 ArmPkg/Library/ArmSvcLib/ArmSvcLib.inf                               |  2 +-
 ArmPlatformPkg/Library/ArmPlatformLibNull/ArmPlatformLibNull.inf     |  2 +-
 ArmPlatformPkg/Library/ArmPlatformStackLib/ArmPlatformStackLib.inf   |  2 +-
 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore/PrePeiCoreMPCore.inf                       |  6 +++---
 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore/PrePeiCoreUniCore.inf                      |  6 +++---
 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi/PeiMPCore.inf                                   |  2 +-
 ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi/PeiUniCore.inf                                  |  2 +-
 MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/Arm/ArmVirtMmio.asm                | 18 +++++++++---------
 MdePkg/Library/BaseIoLibIntrinsic/BaseIoLibIntrinsicArmVirt.inf      |  2 +-
 MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe/BaseMemoryLibOptDxe.inf           | 20 ++++++++++----------
 MdePkg/Library/BaseSynchronizationLib/BaseSynchronizationLib.inf     |  2 +-
 21 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)


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