[edk2-devel] running CI locally

Laszlo Ersek lersek at redhat.com
Wed Aug 19 17:56:28 UTC 2020

Hi Mike,

On 08/19/20 17:29, Kinney, Michael D wrote:
> Hi Laszlo,
> Thank you for the feedback.  I agree there are some documentation updates required.
> The spell check requirements are documented here:
> https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/.pytool/Readme.md#spell-checking---cspell
> You do need to install nodejs and cspell.
> * Install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/
> * Install cspell
>   1. Open cmd prompt with access to node and npm
>   2. Run `npm install -g cspell`

npm is a security hole one can drive a truck through :)

Additionally, I just realized that "nuget" downloads native iasl and
nasm binaries ("BaseTools/Bin/iasl_extdep/Linux-x86/iasl",

This basically requires me to trust two package repositories (npmjs.org,
nuget.org) that, well, I don't trust.

This is *not* criticism of the CI system; it only means that running it
locally on my laptop needs more work from me. In particular, it requires
spinning up a VM that I don't use for anything else.

Given the typing / clicking / scripting necessary for this, and the
network-originated updates for the "in VM" CI system, I wonder if
running CI locally actually saves me any time.

One thing it would certainly give me is "confidentiality", as I wouldn't
have to push my branch to github (for a personal CI build PR) before I
were ready to submit the set for real.

I think I'll set up a new libvirt/QEMU/KVM domain for this, and report
back with more results once I have them.

> I agree that the verbosity of the output is very brief.  There is a more complete
> log that is always produced in the build output directory in Build/CI_BUILDLOG.txt.
> Can you look at that file and see if it provide a more detailed reason for the
> failure?

Yes, I'll check that.


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