[EXTERNAL] [edk2-devel] [PATCH v5 03/14] MdeModulePkg: Define the VariablePolicyHelperLib

Bret Barkelew via groups.io bret.barkelew=microsoft.com at groups.io
Wed Jun 17 07:29:27 UTC 2020

Bump. This specific patch needs Reviews.

- Bret

From: devel at edk2.groups.io <devel at edk2.groups.io> on behalf of Bret Barkelew via groups.io <bret=corthon.com at groups.io>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 11:57 PM
To: devel at edk2.groups.io <devel at edk2.groups.io>
Cc: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang at intel.com>; Hao A Wu <hao.a.wu at intel.com>; liming.gao <liming.gao at intel.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [edk2-devel] [PATCH v5 03/14] MdeModulePkg: Define the VariablePolicyHelperLib


VariablePolicy is an updated interface to
replace VarLock and VarCheckProtocol.

Add the VariablePolicyHelperLib library, containing
several functions to help with the repetitive process
of creating a correctly structured and packed
VariablePolicy entry.

Cc: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang at intel.com>
Cc: Hao A Wu <hao.a.wu at intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <liming.gao at intel.com>
Cc: Bret Barkelew <brbarkel at microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Bret Barkelew <brbarkel at microsoft.com>
 MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.c   | 396 ++++++++++++++++++++
 MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h                   | 164 ++++++++
 MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf |  35 ++
 MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni |  12 +
 MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec                                            |   5 +
 MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc                                            |   2 +
 6 files changed, 614 insertions(+)

diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.c b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c9299c8b0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+/** @file -- VariablePolicyHelperLib.c

+This library contains helper functions for marshalling and registering

+new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure.


+This library is currently written against VariablePolicy revision 0x00010000.


+Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent




+#include <Uefi.h>


+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>

+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>

+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>

+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>


+#include <Protocol/VariablePolicy.h>



+  This internal helper function populates the header structure,

+  all common fields, and takes care of fix-ups.


+  NOTE: Only use this internally. Assumes correctly-sized buffers.


+  @param[out] EntPtr      Pointer to the buffer to be populated.

+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  LockPolicyType        LockPolicyType for the VariablePolicy.





+PopulateCommonData (


+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *Namespace,

+  IN        UINT32            MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32            MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesCantHave,

+  IN        UINT8             LockPolicyType

+  )


+  EntPtr->Version             = VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY_REVISION;

+  CopyGuid( &EntPtr->Namespace, Namespace );

+  EntPtr->MinSize             = MinSize;

+  EntPtr->MaxSize             = MaxSize;

+  EntPtr->AttributesMustHave  = AttributesMustHave;

+  EntPtr->AttributesCantHave  = AttributesCantHave;

+  EntPtr->LockPolicyType      = LockPolicyType;


+  // NOTE: As a heler, fix up MaxSize for compatibility with the old model.

+  if (EntPtr->MaxSize == 0) {


+  }


+  return;





+  This helper function will allocate and populate a new VariablePolicy

+  structure for a policy that does not contain any sub-structures (such as



+  NOTE: Caller will need to free structure once finished.


+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  LockPolicyType        LockPolicyType for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[out] NewEntry    If successful, will be set to a pointer to the allocated buffer containing the

+                          new policy.


+  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS             Operation completed successfully and structure is populated.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Namespace is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   LockPolicyType is invalid for a basic structure.

+  @retval     EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL    Finished structure would not fit in UINT16 size.

+  @retval     EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate sufficient space for structure.





+CreateBasicVariablePolicy (

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32            MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32            MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesCantHave,

+  IN        UINT8             LockPolicyType,


+  )


+  UINTN                   TotalSize;

+  UINTN                   NameSize;


+  CHAR16                  *CopyName;


+  // Check some initial invalid parameters for this function.

+  if (Namespace == NULL || NewEntry == NULL) {


+  }

+  if (LockPolicyType != VARIABLE_POLICY_TYPE_NO_LOCK &&

+      LockPolicyType != VARIABLE_POLICY_TYPE_LOCK_NOW &&



+  }


+  // Now we've gotta determine the total size of the buffer required for

+  // the VariablePolicy structure.

+  TotalSize = sizeof( VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY );

+  if (Name != NULL) {

+    NameSize = StrnSizeS( Name, MAX_UINT16 );

+    TotalSize += NameSize;

+  }

+  // Make sure the size fits within a VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY.Size.

+  ASSERT( TotalSize <= MAX_UINT16 );

+  if (TotalSize > MAX_UINT16) {


+  }


+  // Allocate a buffer to hold all the data. We're on the home stretch.

+  *NewEntry = AllocatePool( TotalSize );

+  if (*NewEntry == NULL) {


+  }


+  // If we're still here, we're basically done.

+  // Copy the data and GET... OUT....

+  EntPtr = *NewEntry;

+  PopulateCommonData ( EntPtr,

+                       Namespace,

+                       MinSize,

+                       MaxSize,

+                       AttributesMustHave,

+                       AttributesCantHave,

+                       LockPolicyType );

+  EntPtr->Size                = (UINT16)TotalSize;      // This is safe because we've already checked.

+  EntPtr->OffsetToName        = sizeof(VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY);

+  if (Name != NULL) {

+    CopyName = (CHAR16*)((UINT8*)EntPtr + EntPtr->OffsetToName);

+    CopyMem( CopyName, Name, NameSize );

+  }


+  return EFI_SUCCESS;





+  This helper function will allocate and populate a new VariablePolicy

+  structure for a policy with a lock type of VARIABLE_POLICY_TYPE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE.


+  NOTE: Caller will need to free structure once finished.


+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  VarStateNamespace     Pointer to the EFI_GUID for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Namespace.

+  @param[in]  VarStateValue         Value for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Value.

+  @param[in]  VarStateName          Pointer to the CHAR16 array for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Name.

+  @param[out] NewEntry    If successful, will be set to a pointer to the allocated buffer containing the

+                          new policy.


+  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS             Operation completed successfully and structure is populated.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Namespace, VarStateNamespace, VarStateName is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL    Finished structure would not fit in UINT16 size.

+  @retval     EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate sufficient space for structure.





+CreateVarStateVariablePolicy (

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32            MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32            MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesCantHave,

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *VarStateNamespace,

+  IN        UINT8             VarStateValue,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *VarStateName,


+  )


+  UINTN                   TotalSize;

+  UINTN                   NameSize;

+  UINTN                   VarStateNameSize;


+  CHAR16                  *CopyName;



+  // Check some initial invalid parameters for this function.

+  if (Namespace == NULL || VarStateNamespace == NULL ||

+      VarStateName == NULL || NewEntry == NULL) {


+  }


+  // Now we've gotta determine the total size of the buffer required for

+  // the VariablePolicy structure.

+  VarStateNameSize = StrnSizeS( VarStateName, MAX_UINT16 );

+  TotalSize = sizeof( VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY ) +

+                sizeof(VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY) +

+                VarStateNameSize;

+  if (Name != NULL) {

+    NameSize = StrnSizeS( Name, MAX_UINT16 );

+    TotalSize += NameSize;

+  }

+  // Make sure the size fits within a VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY.Size.

+  ASSERT( TotalSize <= MAX_UINT16 );

+  if (TotalSize > MAX_UINT16) {


+  }


+  // Allocate a buffer to hold all the data. We're on the home stretch.

+  *NewEntry = AllocatePool( TotalSize );

+  if (*NewEntry == NULL) {


+  }


+  // If we're still here, we're basically done.

+  // Copy the data and GET... OUT....

+  EntPtr = *NewEntry;

+  PopulateCommonData ( EntPtr,

+                       Namespace,

+                       MinSize,

+                       MaxSize,

+                       AttributesMustHave,

+                       AttributesCantHave,

+                       VARIABLE_POLICY_TYPE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE );

+  EntPtr->Size                = (UINT16)TotalSize;      // This is safe because we've already checked.

+  EntPtr->OffsetToName        = sizeof(VARIABLE_POLICY_ENTRY) +

+                                sizeof(VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY) +

+                                (UINT16)VarStateNameSize;



+  CopyName = (CHAR16*)((UINT8*)CopyPolicy + sizeof(VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY));

+  CopyGuid( &CopyPolicy->Namespace, VarStateNamespace );

+  CopyPolicy->Value = VarStateValue;

+  CopyMem( CopyName, VarStateName, VarStateNameSize );


+  if (Name != NULL) {

+    CopyName = (CHAR16*)((UINT8*)EntPtr + EntPtr->OffsetToName);

+    CopyMem( CopyName, Name, NameSize );

+  }


+  return EFI_SUCCESS;





+  This helper function does everything that CreateBasicVariablePolicy() does, but also

+  uses the passed in protocol to register the policy with the infrastructure.

+  Does not return a buffer, does not require the caller to free anything.


+  @param[in]  VariablePolicy  Pointer to a valid instance of the VariablePolicy protocol.

+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  LockPolicyType        LockPolicyType for the VariablePolicy.


+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariablePolicy pointer is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_STATUS            Status returned by CreateBasicVariablePolicy() or RegisterVariablePolicy().





+RegisterBasicVariablePolicy (


+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32                          MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesCantHave,

+  IN        UINT8                           LockPolicyType

+  )



+  EFI_STATUS              Status;


+  // Check the simple things.

+  if (VariablePolicy == NULL) {


+  }


+  // Create the new entry and make sure that everything worked.

+  NewEntry = NULL;

+  Status = CreateBasicVariablePolicy( Namespace,

+                                      Name,

+                                      MinSize,

+                                      MaxSize,

+                                      AttributesMustHave,

+                                      AttributesCantHave,

+                                      LockPolicyType,

+                                      &NewEntry );


+  // If that was successful, attempt to register the new policy.

+  if (!EFI_ERROR( Status )) {

+    Status = VariablePolicy->RegisterVariablePolicy( NewEntry );

+  }


+  // If we allocated the buffer, free the buffer.

+  if (NewEntry != NULL) {

+    FreePool( NewEntry );

+  }


+  return Status;





+  This helper function does everything that CreateBasicVariablePolicy() does, but also

+  uses the passed in protocol to register the policy with the infrastructure.

+  Does not return a buffer, does not require the caller to free anything.


+  @param[in]  VariablePolicy  Pointer to a valid instance of the VariablePolicy protocol.

+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  VarStateNamespace     Pointer to the EFI_GUID for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Namespace.

+  @param[in]  VarStateName          Pointer to the CHAR16 array for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Name.

+  @param[in]  VarStateValue         Value for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Value.


+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariablePolicy pointer is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_STATUS    Status returned by CreateBasicVariablePolicy() or RegisterVariablePolicy().





+RegisterVarStateVariablePolicy (


+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32                          MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesCantHave,

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *VarStateNamespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *VarStateName,

+  IN        UINT8                           VarStateValue

+  )



+  EFI_STATUS              Status;


+  // Check the simple things.

+  if (VariablePolicy == NULL) {


+  }


+  // Create the new entry and make sure that everything worked.

+  NewEntry = NULL;

+  Status = CreateVarStateVariablePolicy( Namespace,

+                                         Name,

+                                         MinSize,

+                                         MaxSize,

+                                         AttributesMustHave,

+                                         AttributesCantHave,

+                                         VarStateNamespace,

+                                         VarStateValue,

+                                         VarStateName,

+                                         &NewEntry );


+  // If that was successful, attempt to register the new policy.

+  if (!EFI_ERROR( Status )) {

+    Status = VariablePolicy->RegisterVariablePolicy( NewEntry );

+  }


+  // If we allocated the buffer, free the buffer.

+  if (NewEntry != NULL) {

+    FreePool( NewEntry );

+  }


+  return Status;


diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h b/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b75e9786094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+/** @file -- VariablePolicyHelperLib.h

+This library contains helper functions for marshalling and registering

+new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure.


+Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent







+#include <Protocol/VariablePolicy.h>



+  This helper function will allocate and populate a new VariablePolicy

+  structure for a policy that does not contain any sub-structures (such as



+  NOTE: Caller will need to free structure once finished.


+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  LockPolicyType        LockPolicyType for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[out] NewEntry    If successful, will be set to a pointer to the allocated buffer containing the

+                          new policy.


+  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS             Operation completed successfully and structure is populated.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Namespace is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   LockPolicyType is invalid for a basic structure.

+  @retval     EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL    Finished structure would not fit in UINT16 size.

+  @retval     EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate sufficient space for structure.





+CreateBasicVariablePolicy (

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32            MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32            MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesCantHave,

+  IN        UINT8             LockPolicyType,


+  );




+  This helper function will allocate and populate a new VariablePolicy

+  structure for a policy with a lock type of VARIABLE_POLICY_TYPE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE.


+  NOTE: Caller will need to free structure once finished.


+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  VarStateNamespace     Pointer to the EFI_GUID for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Namespace.

+  @param[in]  VarStateValue         Value for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Value.

+  @param[in]  VarStateName          Pointer to the CHAR16 array for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Name.

+  @param[out] NewEntry    If successful, will be set to a pointer to the allocated buffer containing the

+                          new policy.


+  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS             Operation completed successfully and structure is populated.

+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   Namespace, VarStateNamespace, VarStateName is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL    Finished structure would not fit in UINT16 size.

+  @retval     EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    Could not allocate sufficient space for structure.





+CreateVarStateVariablePolicy (

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32            MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32            MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32            AttributesCantHave,

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID          *VarStateNamespace,

+  IN        UINT8             VarStateValue,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16            *VarStateName,


+  );




+  This helper function does everything that CreateBasicVariablePolicy() does, but also

+  uses the passed in protocol to register the policy with the infrastructure.

+  Does not return a buffer, does not require the caller to free anything.


+  @param[in]  VariablePolicy  Pointer to a valid instance of the VariablePolicy protocol.

+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  LockPolicyType        LockPolicyType for the VariablePolicy.


+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariablePolicy pointer is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_STATUS            Status returned by CreateBasicVariablePolicy() or RegisterVariablePolicy().





+RegisterBasicVariablePolicy (


+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32                          MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesCantHave,

+  IN        UINT8                           LockPolicyType

+  );




+  This helper function does everything that CreateBasicVariablePolicy() does, but also

+  uses the passed in protocol to register the policy with the infrastructure.

+  Does not return a buffer, does not require the caller to free anything.


+  @param[in]  VariablePolicy  Pointer to a valid instance of the VariablePolicy protocol.

+  @param[in]  Namespace   Pointer to an EFI_GUID for the target variable namespace that this policy will protect.

+  @param[in]  Name        [Optional] If provided, a pointer to the CHAR16 array for the target variable name.

+                          Otherwise, will create a policy that targets an entire namespace.

+  @param[in]  MinSize     MinSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  MaxSize     MaxSize for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesMustHave    AttributesMustHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  AttributesCantHave    AttributesCantHave for the VariablePolicy.

+  @param[in]  VarStateNamespace     Pointer to the EFI_GUID for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Namespace.

+  @param[in]  VarStateName          Pointer to the CHAR16 array for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Name.

+  @param[in]  VarStateValue         Value for the VARIABLE_LOCK_ON_VAR_STATE_POLICY.Value.


+  @retval     EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariablePolicy pointer is NULL.

+  @retval     EFI_STATUS    Status returned by CreateBasicVariablePolicy() or RegisterVariablePolicy().





+RegisterVarStateVariablePolicy (


+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *Namespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *Name OPTIONAL,

+  IN        UINT32                          MinSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          MaxSize,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesMustHave,

+  IN        UINT32                          AttributesCantHave,

+  IN CONST  EFI_GUID                        *VarStateNamespace,

+  IN CONST  CHAR16                          *VarStateName,

+  IN        UINT8                           VarStateValue

+  );



diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..506abf580e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## @file VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf

+# This library contains helper functions for marshalling and registering

+# new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure.


+# This library is currently written against VariablePolicy revision 0x00010000.


+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent





+  INF_VERSION         = 0x00010017

+  BASE_NAME           = VariablePolicyHelperLib

+  # MODULE_UNI_FILE   = VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni

+  FILE_GUID           = B3C2206B-FDD1-4AED-8352-FC5EC34C5630

+  VERSION_STRING      = 1.0

+  MODULE_TYPE         = BASE

+  LIBRARY_CLASS       = VariablePolicyHelperLib




+  VariablePolicyHelperLib.c




+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec

+  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec




+  BaseLib

+  DebugLib

+  MemoryAllocationLib

+  BaseMemoryLib

diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39cbf11a4ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// /** @file

+// VariablePolicyHelperLib.uni


+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


+// **/



+#string STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT             #language en-US "Library containing helper functions for marshalling and registering new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure"


+#string STR_MODULE_DESCRIPTION          #language en-US "Library containing helper functions for marshalling and registering new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure"

diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec b/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
index 31339741b840..2db37bd8ea9e 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
@@ -149,6 +149,11 @@ [LibraryClasses]


+  ##  @libraryclass  This library contains helper functions for marshalling and

+  #   registering new policies with the VariablePolicy infrastructure.

+  #

+  VariablePolicyHelperLib|Include/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h



   ## MdeModule package token space guid

   # Include/Guid/MdeModulePkgTokenSpace.h

diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc b/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
index 14b6ed536962..37795b9e4f58 100644
--- a/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
+++ b/MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ [LibraryClasses]



+  VariablePolicyHelperLib|MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf



@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ [Components]



+  MdeModulePkg/Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib/VariablePolicyHelperLib.inf




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