[edk2-devel] TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes - March

Liming Gao liming.gao at intel.com
Fri May 8 05:56:59 UTC 2020

  I collect current status for below request features. BZ 2513 is done. So, I add it into 202005 stable tag. If you know what other features will be done to catch 202005 stable tag, please let me know. I will add it into release planning. 

  Here is edk2-stable202005 tag planning Proposed Schedule
Date (00:00:00 UTC-8)	Description
2020-03-04	Beginning of development
2020-05-08	Feature Planning Freeze
2020-05-15	Soft Feature Freeze
2020-05-22	Hard Feature Freeze
2020-05-29	Release

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Brogan <sean.brogan at microsoft.com> 
Sent: 2020年3月7日 6:42
To: Guptha, Soumya K <soumya.k.guptha at intel.com>; announce at edk2.groups.io; devel at edk2.groups.io; Gao, Liming <liming.gao at intel.com>
Subject: RE: TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes - March

@Gao, Liming - here is my AR to list things desired for 2020 02 stable tag.

At minimum 

2516	Tianocor	Code	sean.brogan at microsoft.com	CONF	---	Add new package for XML support in Edk2	2020-02-20
2517	Tianocor	Code	sean.brogan at microsoft.com	CONF	---	Add a target based unit test reporting library that outputs XML in a commonly accepted schema	2020-02-20
2522	Tianocor	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	CONF	---	Adopt VariablePolicy, Deprecate VarLock and VarCheckPolicy.	2020-02-20
2424	Tianocor	Code	yonghong.zhu at intel.com	UNCO	---	TLSv1.3 support	2020-02-20
2513	EDK2	              Code	sean.brogan at microsoft.com	CONF	---	HostBasedUnitTestRunner plugin only runs on Windows and thus HostUnitTests are only automatically run during CI on windows. Fix this by enabling Linux in plugin

And then at least these bugs

1871	EDK2	              Code	jian.j.wang at intel.com	               IN_P	---	OpensslLib should use proper entropy sources, not the timestamp counter
1463	EDK2	Code	zhichao.gao at intel.com	CONF	---	Exception with HeapGuard active and using FvSimpleFileSystemDxe
2506	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	CONF	---	When setting a new PK in setup mode, PK should not be required to be self-signed
2459	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	UNCO	---	Buffer double free caused use-after-free assert
2419	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	CONF	---	DisplayUpdateProgressLibGraphics should allow configuration of the background color.
2411	EDK2	Code	jian.j.wang at intel.com	CONF	---	heapguard.c faults when Use after free is enabled	2019-12-12
2416	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	UNCO	---	SMI generation IO port number is unsupported on AMD systems
2273	EDK2	Code	siyuan.fu at intel.com	UNCO	---	ip6ConfigReadConfigData causes an exception by accessing beyond the end of a read variable
1969	EDK2	Code	dandan.bi at intel.com	CONF	---	Report Status Code router issues related to handler dispatch at level lower than TPL_HIGH
1563	EDK2	Code	jiaxin.wu at intel.com	CONF	---	SnpDxe assumes Io/MemIo bar indices
1562	EDK2	Code	jiaxin.wu at intel.com	CONF	---	SnpDxe ExitBootServices handler should run at TPL_CALLBACK, not TPL_NOTIFY
1488	EDK2	Code	jiaxin.wu at intel.com	CONF	---	Events not closed on error paths
2094	EDK2	Code	ard.biesheuvel at linaro.org	UNCO	---	PrePiLib: incorrect population of FV2 HOB FvName field
2029	EDK2	Code	jian.j.wang at intel.com	CONF	---	CryptoPkg Broken on MSVC after upgrade to 1.1.1b
1959	EDK2	Code	liming.gao at intel.com	CONF	---	BaseLib.h linked list macros should define "delete safe iterator loop" instead of having EFI_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE defined numerous places in edk2 code
2350	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	UNCO	---	Error when processing custom makefiles: CustomMakefile object has no attribute DependencyHeaderFileSet	2019-11-15
2351	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	UNCO	---	AutoGenWorker doesn't bubble up error status to main build script
2459	EDK2	Code	michael.d.kinney at intel.com	UNCO	---	Buffer double free caused use-after-free assert

Hope that helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: announce at edk2.groups.io <announce at edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Soumya Guptha via Groups.Io
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:32 PM
To: announce at edk2.groups.io; devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: announce at edk2.groups.io
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [edk2-announce] TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes - March

TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2020

Stable Tag Updates:

1.       Edk2 stable tag 202002 has been released: https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ftianocore%2Fedk2%2Freleases%2Ftag%2Fedk2-stable202002&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=zUfKzxMXqnHfim2zDCUzTd7YA5pe%2Fog8AnEFVS4%2ByNs%3D&reserved=0

2.       Edk2 stable tag 202005 feature planning has started.

*       Features are listed in: https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ftianocore%2Ftianocore.github.io%2Fwiki%2FEDK-II-Release-Planning&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=TGjI9N1xvWL0pz58NGO%2BI4HI0UvBfCvD%2BEwWd%2BMqVHw%3D&reserved=0
Community Action: Please send if any feature requests that needs to be added to the upcoming stable tag release.

1.      Sean requested a few features (variable policy, TLS 1.3 etc.) for stable tag Q2 release. Sean will follow up with Liming on those features to get them added to Q2 stable tag.

2.      Kevin - Need a fix in EDK2. Insyde engineers don't know where to start. Documentation is stale or assumes that you understand the open source project.

*       Action: We discussed this issue. Kevin to follow the link  - https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ftianocore%2Ftianocore.github.io%2Fwiki%2FEDK-II-Development-Process&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=o6C36uSYZTbFWVbA9CctD%2BUUXUUlcGddWMn9hLadbck%3D&reserved=0 , this should provide some guidance to the engineers on how to make a fix in EDK2.

3.      Discussion around Bugzilla - Liming to explore adding more detailed information on bugzilla wiki page

TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO Meeting time:

*       Scheduled currently from 9:00 ~ 9:30 AM PRC time. Even after the US daylight saving during March, plan is to keep this meeting from 9:00~9:30AM PRC time. This time is working well and close to TianoCore Design Meeting, developers can plan their time and attend these two meetings together.

Community consensus received on the timeslot.

SPRING 2020 UEFI PLUGFEST<https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fuefi.org%2FSpring2020Plugfest&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=oQdTtof682zr0lcS3xGcxlSYfJaFcE37sc8PjQVrn6I%3D&reserved=0> has been postponed due to the Coronavirus situation. More details are published here - https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fuefi.org%2Fevents%2Fupcoming&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=fEa3MDs%2FMJXmIXQCDzO16qJ1tMtBXYT0cpjFZs2lS8A%3D&reserved=0

Community issues that were brought up last month on the governance and the process:

1.       RFC: The RFC process seems to get only minimal comments and a lot gets lost in the noise of the lists.  There isn't a good "final" state where all approved RFCs can be seen.  The process is entirely driven by the submitter and thus there is little consistency.   I wanted to highlight another project and how they handle this.  https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Frust-lang%2Frfcs&data=02%7C01%7Csean.brogan%40microsoft.com%7C9361fdb850884f3d7fea08d7c187601f%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C637190659490667577&sdata=jqvd7YU%2FUxll5taVU7bk8kegfBxh6HIRWTszQFLM59Q%3D&reserved=0 As a casual observer it is very easy to review their RFCs (in flight and approved/rejected) as well as understand how to create and submit one if so desired.  The tooling is just git/github so it is familiar to the target audience and has a strong ability to track progress, show history, and be backed up like any code project.  They also leverage github issue tracker for pre rfc conversation and discussions.

2.       Bugs/Features/Releases:  First the bug triage and scrub is not very well attended.  I know it is hard to get a ww audience together on a call but i think part of the goal was to offer a public process and a place to learn/discuss.  Is there a better way that still meets those goals?  Secondly, the number of bugs that get discussed is pretty small and the list of open bugzillas are grower faster than the triage effort.  Third, the results are pretty minimal.  Usually a change in owner and a very short comment asking the owner to look at it is the result of the triage.  There is sometimes good conversation (assuming knowledgeable parties are in attendance) but this is impractical to capture into the bugzilla while still keeping forward progress. Finally, as a submitter of a lot of open/unconfirmed bugs it is not very easy to understand the owners priorities and when the bug will be fixed and merged to master/stable tag. I am happy to contribute effort to making a new process but want to understand if others are frustrated by this as well.

Intel Response: We are evaluating the possibility of using git hub for the code review process. Expect RFCs in the month of March.


Soumya Guptha
Open Source Program Manager, Intel Corporation

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