[edk2-devel] Where to put the bhyve code in the edk2 repo: BhyvePkg, or under OvmfPkg?

Rebecca Cran rebecca at bsdio.com
Thu May 14 02:34:42 UTC 2020

(cc Peter Grehan)

On 5/12/20 3:28 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

> If the bhyve community can *permanently* provide reviews /
> regression-testing for such OVMF contributors that never use bhyve, that
> would significantly increase the stability of bhyve firmware code, and
> it would outweigh bhyve's user base (likely) being smaller. Xen
> regressions were also reduced when the Xen community finally delegated
> designated reviewers to edk2.
> Reviewing and testing patches you don't really care for, but see as
> possibly regressive for the platform you do care about, is a *lot* of
> work. So I guess it could boil down to how much work your platform's
> user base can contribute to the edk2 project.

I certainly can't commit to reviewing and manually regression-testing 
all applicable OVMF patches, since I'm doing this on a volunteer basis 
and I know there will be days/weeks when my attention shifts elsewhere.

The best I could do is provide semi-regular testing and integration 
perhaps every month, and make available a permanent FreeBSD machine that 
any contributors/maintainers could remote into in order to do their own 
testing - in addition to providing integration into the CI system once 
.NET and Azure Agent support has been fixed on FreeBSD.


Rebecca Cran

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