[edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 1/1] Platform/Intel/Readme : Fix platform list

Nate DeSimone nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com
Wed Dec 15 21:40:03 UTC 2021

Hi Isaac,

Please correct the From: field. With that change...

Reviewed-by: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:57 PM
To: devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: manickavasakam karpagavinayagam via groups.io <manickavasakamk=ami.com at groups.io>; Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>; Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu at intel.com>; Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>
Subject: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 1/1] Platform/Intel/Readme : Fix platform list

From: "manickavasakam karpagavinayagam via groups.io" <manickavasakamk=ami.com at groups.io>

The list of WhiskeyLake and Whitley boards got confused at some earlier merge.  Also untabified.

Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>
Cc: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>
Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Isaac Oram <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>
 Platform/Intel/Readme.md | 35 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Platform/Intel/Readme.md b/Platform/Intel/Readme.md index 6fe8e076f3..b92d8a0c24 100644
--- a/Platform/Intel/Readme.md
+++ b/Platform/Intel/Readme.md
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ return back to the minimum platform caller.
           |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: BoardTiogaPass specific
           |       |        |               |                     build settings, environment variables.
           |       |        |               |---build_board.py: Optional board-specific pre-build,
-          |       |        |                                   build, post-build and clean functions.          
+          |       |        |                                   build, post-build and clean functions.
           |       |        |
           |       |        |------SimicsOpenBoardPkg
           |       |        |       |------BoardX58Ich10
@@ -281,24 +281,23 @@ return back to the minimum platform caller.
           |       |        |                                     build settings, environment variables.
           |       |        |
           |       |        |------WhiskeylakeOpenBoardPkg
+          |       |        |       |------UpXtreme
+          |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: UpXtreme specific build
+          |       |        |       |                             settings environment variables.
+          |       |        |       |------WhiskeylakeURvp
+          |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: WhiskeylakeURvp specific build
+          |       |        |                                     settings environment variables.
+          |       |        |
+          |       |        |------WhitleyOpenBoardPkg
           |       |        |       |------CooperCityRvp
           |       |        |       |       |---build_config.cfg: CooperCityRvp specific build
           |       |        |       |                             settings environment variables.
           |       |        |       |------WilsonCityRvp
-          |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: WilsonCityRvp specific build
-          |       |        |                                     settings environment variables.
-          |       |        |
-          |       |        |------WhitleyOpenBoardPkg
-          |       |        |       |------UpXtreme
-          |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: UpXtreme specific build
-          |       |        |                                     settings environment variables.
-		  |       |        |------WhitleyOpenBoardPkg
+          |       |        |       |       |---build_config.cfg: WilsonCityRvp specific build
+          |       |        |       |                             settings environment variables.
           |       |        |       |------JunctionCity
           |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: JunctionCity specific build
           |       |        |                                     settings environment variables.
-          |       |        |       |------WhiskeylakeURvp
-          |       |        |               |---build_config.cfg: WhiskeylakeURvp specific build
-          |       |        |                                     settings environment variables.
           |       |        |
           |       |        |------CometlakeOpenBoardPkg
           |       |        |       |------CometlakeURvp
@@ -335,10 +334,10 @@ For PurleyOpenBoardPkg (TiogaPass)  4. Type "bld" to build Purley BoardTiogaPass board UEFI firmware image, "bld release" for release build, "bld clean" to
    remove intermediate files."bld cache-produce" Generate a cache of binary files in the specified directory,
    "bld cache-consume" Consume a cache of binary files from the specified directory, BINARY_CACHE_PATH is empty,
-   used "BinCache" as default path.  
-5. Final BIOS image will be Build\PurleyOpenBoardPkg\BoardTiagoPass\DEBUG_VS2015x86\FV\PLATFORM.fd or    
+   used "BinCache" as default path.
+5. Final BIOS image will be 
    Build\PurleyOpenBoardPkg\BoardTiagoPass\RELEASE_VS2015x86\FV\PLATFORM.fd, depending on bld batch script input.
-6. This BIOS image needs to be merged with SPS FW    
+6. This BIOS image needs to be merged with SPS FW
 ### **Known limitations**
@@ -367,9 +366,9 @@ For PurleyOpenBoardPkg (TiogaPass)  9. Verified Mellanox card detection during POST and OS  10. LINUX Boot Support (PcdLinuxBootEnable needs to be enabled)
-1.	Follow directions on http://osresearch.net/Building/ to compile the heads kernel and initrd for qemu-system_x86_64 
-2.	Copy the following built files 
-(1) initrd.cpio.xz  to LinuxBootPkg/LinuxBinaries/initrd.cpio.xz 
+1. Follow directions on http://osresearch.net/Building/ to compile the 
+heads kernel and initrd for qemu-system_x86_64 2. Copy the following 
+built files
+(1) initrd.cpio.xz  to LinuxBootPkg/LinuxBinaries/initrd.cpio.xz
 (2) bzimage to LinuxBootPkg/LinuxBinaries/linux.efi

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