[edk2-devel] Progress on getting Uncrustify working for EDK2?

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Tue Nov 9 08:40:02 UTC 2021


>   3.  Require use of uncrustify tool before submitting patch review emails or PRs.
>      *   The required version would be a formally released version  from the fork maintained by Michael Kubacki until the changes can be upstreamed.
>      *   https://dev.azure.com/projectmu/Uncrustify

Can we please *first* get the changes merged to upstream uncrustify?

That'll make the whole process much less painful because the usual
software repositories (linux distro packages, macos homebrew, ...)
can be used to install uncrustify then, and it's also less confusing if
developers don't have to juggle with different uncrustify variants
(upstream vs. edk2).


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