[edk2-devel] [PATCH 4/5] CryptoPkg: Add new hmac SHA api to Crypto Service.

Qi Zhang qi1.zhang at intel.com
Tue Aug 23 07:06:22 UTC 2022

REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4025

Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <qi1.zhang at intel.com>
Cc: Jiewen Yao <jiewen.yao at intel.com>
Cc: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang at intel.com>
Cc: Xiaoyu Lu <xiaoyu1.lu at intel.com>
Cc: Guomin Jiang <guomin.jiang at intel.com>
 CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc                       |   3 +
 CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c                     | 221 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c      | 212 +++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 436 insertions(+)

diff --git a/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc b/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
index 50e7721f25..417804f64f 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
+++ b/CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha256.Family                        | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha384.Family                        | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Md5.Family                               | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Family                              | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Dh.Family                                | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha256.Family               | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha384.Family               | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha1.Family                     | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha256.Family                   | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Sha384.Family                   | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
@@ -186,6 +188,7 @@
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha256.Family                        | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
+  gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.HmacSha384.Family                        | PCD_CRYPTO_SERVICE_ENABLE_FAMILY
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs1v2Encrypt             | TRUE
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs5HashPassword          | TRUE
   gEfiCryptoPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.Pkcs.Services.Pkcs7Verify                | TRUE
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
index 76cb9f4da0..cdbba2b811 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
@@ -1847,6 +1847,218 @@ CryptoServiceHmacSha256Final (
   return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha256.Services.Final, HmacSha256Final, (HmacSha256Context, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the HMAC-SHA256 digest of a input data buffer.
+  This function performs the HMAC-SHA256 digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]   Data        Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]   DataSize    Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[in]   Key         Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize     Key size in bytes.
+  @param[out]  HmacValue   Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA256 digest
+                           value (32 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA256 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA256 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha256All (
+  IN   CONST VOID   *Data,
+  IN   UINTN        DataSize,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize,
+  OUT  UINT8        *HmacValue
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha256.Services.All, HmacSha256All, (Data, DataSize, Key, KeySize, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Allocates and initializes one HMAC_CTX context for subsequent HMAC-SHA384 use.
+  @return  Pointer to the HMAC_CTX context that has been initialized.
+           If the allocations fails, HmacSha384New() returns NULL.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384New (
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.New, HmacSha384New, (), NULL);
+  Release the specified HMAC_CTX context.
+  @param[in]  HmacSha384Ctx  Pointer to the HMAC_CTX context to be released.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384Free (
+  IN  VOID  *HmacSha384Ctx
+  )
+  CALL_VOID_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.Free, HmacSha384Free, (HmacSha384Ctx));
+  Set user-supplied key for subsequent use. It must be done before any
+  calling to HmacSha384Update().
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[out]  HmacSha384Context  Pointer to HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[in]   Key                Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize            Key size in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   The Key is set successfully.
+  @retval FALSE  The Key is set unsuccessfully.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384SetKey (
+  OUT  VOID         *HmacSha384Context,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.SetKey, HmacSha384SetKey, (HmacSha384Context, Key, KeySize), FALSE);
+  Makes a copy of an existing HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If NewHmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]  HmacSha384Context     Pointer to HMAC-SHA384 context being copied.
+  @param[out] NewHmacSha384Context  Pointer to new HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 context copy succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 context copy failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384Duplicate (
+  IN   CONST VOID  *HmacSha384Context,
+  OUT  VOID        *NewHmacSha384Context
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.Duplicate, HmacSha256Duplicate, (HmacSha384Context, NewHmacSha384Context), FALSE);
+  Digests the input data and updates HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  This function performs HMAC-SHA384 digest on a data buffer of the specified size.
+  It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams.
+  HMAC-SHA384 context should be initialized by HmacSha384New(), and should not be finalized
+  by HmacSha384Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  HmacSha384Context Pointer to the HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[in]       Data              Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]       DataSize          Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 data digest succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 data digest failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384Update (
+  IN OUT  VOID        *HmacSha384Context,
+  IN      CONST VOID  *Data,
+  IN      UINTN       DataSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.Update, HmacSha384Update, (HmacSha384Context, Data, DataSize), FALSE);
+  Completes computation of the HMAC-SHA384 digest value.
+  This function completes HMAC-SHA384 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into
+  the specified memory. After this function has been called, the HMAC-SHA384 context cannot
+  be used again.
+  HMAC-SHA384 context should be initialized by HmacSha384New(), and should not be finalized
+  by HmacSha384Final(). Behavior with invalid HMAC-SHA384 context is undefined.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If HmacValue is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  HmacSha384Context  Pointer to the HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[out]      HmacValue          Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA384 digest
+                                      value (48 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384Final (
+  IN OUT  VOID   *HmacSha384Context,
+  OUT     UINT8  *HmacValue
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.Final, HmacSha384Final, (HmacSha384Context, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the HMAC-SHA384 digest of a input data buffer.
+  This function performs the HMAC-SHA384 digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]   Data        Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]   DataSize    Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[in]   Key         Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize     Key size in bytes.
+  @param[out]  HmacValue   Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA384 digest
+                           value (48 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceHmacSha384All (
+  IN   CONST VOID   *Data,
+  IN   UINTN        DataSize,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize,
+  OUT  UINT8        *HmacValue
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (HmacSha384.Services.All, HmacSha384All, (Data, DataSize, Key, KeySize, HmacValue), FALSE);
 // =====================================================================================
 //    Symmetric Cryptography Primitive
 // =====================================================================================
@@ -4606,6 +4818,15 @@ const EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL  mEdkiiCrypto = {
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha256All,
+  /// HMAC SHA384
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384New,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384Free,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384SetKey,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384Duplicate,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384Update,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384Final,
+  CryptoServiceHmacSha384All,
   /// Md4 - deprecated and unsupported
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c b/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
index 8ee1b53cf9..0218e9b594 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
@@ -1201,6 +1201,218 @@ HmacSha256Final (
   CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha256Final, (HmacSha256Context, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the HMAC-SHA256 digest of a input data buffer.
+  This function performs the HMAC-SHA256 digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]   Data        Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]   DataSize    Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[in]   Key         Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize     Key size in bytes.
+  @param[out]  HmacValue   Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA256 digest
+                           value (32 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA256 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA256 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha256All (
+  IN   CONST VOID   *Data,
+  IN   UINTN        DataSize,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize,
+  OUT  UINT8        *HmacValue
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha256All, (Data, DataSize, Key, KeySize, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Allocates and initializes one HMAC_CTX context for subsequent HMAC-SHA384 use.
+  @return  Pointer to the HMAC_CTX context that has been initialized.
+           If the allocations fails, HmacSha384New() returns NULL.
+HmacSha384New (
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384New, (), NULL);
+  Release the specified HMAC_CTX context.
+  @param[in]  HmacSha384Ctx  Pointer to the HMAC_CTX context to be released.
+HmacSha384Free (
+  IN  VOID  *HmacSha384Ctx
+  )
+  CALL_VOID_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384Free, (HmacSha384Ctx));
+  Set user-supplied key for subsequent use. It must be done before any
+  calling to HmacSha384Update().
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[out]  HmacSha384Context  Pointer to HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[in]   Key                Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize            Key size in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   The Key is set successfully.
+  @retval FALSE  The Key is set unsuccessfully.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha384SetKey (
+  OUT  VOID         *HmacSha384Context,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384SetKey, (HmacSha384Context, Key, KeySize), FALSE);
+  Makes a copy of an existing HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If NewHmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]  HmacSha384Context     Pointer to HMAC-SHA384 context being copied.
+  @param[out] NewHmacSha384Context  Pointer to new HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 context copy succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 context copy failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha384Duplicate (
+  IN   CONST VOID  *HmacSha384Context,
+  OUT  VOID        *NewHmacSha384Context
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384Duplicate, (HmacSha384Context, NewHmacSha384Context), FALSE);
+  Digests the input data and updates HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  This function performs HMAC-SHA384 digest on a data buffer of the specified size.
+  It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams.
+  HMAC-SHA384 context should be initialized by HmacSha384New(), and should not be finalized
+  by HmacSha384Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  HmacSha384Context Pointer to the HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[in]       Data              Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]       DataSize          Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 data digest succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 data digest failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha384Update (
+  IN OUT  VOID        *HmacSha384Context,
+  IN      CONST VOID  *Data,
+  IN      UINTN       DataSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384Update, (HmacSha384Context, Data, DataSize), FALSE);
+  Completes computation of the HMAC-SHA384 digest value.
+  This function completes HMAC-SHA384 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into
+  the specified memory. After this function has been called, the HMAC-SHA384 context cannot
+  be used again.
+  HMAC-SHA384 context should be initialized by HmacSha384New(), and should not be finalized
+  by HmacSha384Final(). Behavior with invalid HMAC-SHA384 context is undefined.
+  If HmacSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If HmacValue is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in, out]  HmacSha384Context  Pointer to the HMAC-SHA384 context.
+  @param[out]      HmacValue          Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA384 digest
+                                      value (48 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha384Final (
+  IN OUT  VOID   *HmacSha384Context,
+  OUT     UINT8  *HmacValue
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384Final, (HmacSha384Context, HmacValue), FALSE);
+  Computes the HMAC-SHA384 digest of a input data buffer.
+  This function performs the HMAC-SHA384 digest of a given data buffer, and places
+  the digest value into the specified memory.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]   Data        Pointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
+  @param[in]   DataSize    Size of Data buffer in bytes.
+  @param[in]   Key         Pointer to the user-supplied key.
+  @param[in]   KeySize     Key size in bytes.
+  @param[out]  HmacValue   Pointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA384 digest
+                           value (48 bytes).
+  @retval TRUE   HMAC-SHA384 digest computation succeeded.
+  @retval FALSE  HMAC-SHA384 digest computation failed.
+  @retval FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+HmacSha384All (
+  IN   CONST VOID   *Data,
+  IN   UINTN        DataSize,
+  IN   CONST UINT8  *Key,
+  IN   UINTN        KeySize,
+  OUT  UINT8        *HmacValue
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (HmacSha384All, (Data, DataSize, Key, KeySize, HmacValue), FALSE);
 // =====================================================================================
 //    Symmetric Cryptography Primitive
 // =====================================================================================

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