[edk2-devel] [PATCH 08/10] OvmfPkg: Update Sec to support Tdvf Config-B

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Tue Jan 11 09:23:04 UTC 2022


> > Well, if you want avoid the refactoring because of the risk there is still the
> > option to have tdx config-b use the normal PEI boot flow.
> > Then revisit refactoring and adding support for PEI-less boot later.
> > 
> I think it still makes sense (Adding a basic PlatformInitLib which
> brings up tdx guest and legacy guest in Pei-less boot, but not touch
> PlatformPei).

> 1. The goal of TDVF-Config-B is to bring up tdx guest and legacy guest
> without PEI. So that attack surface can be reduced.

Hmm?  Isn't the main goal of config-b to support the advanced tdx
features (attestation etc)?

I don't see that PEI-less boot is required for that.  Sure, when
stripping down the build and removing all the features which require
PEIMs there isn't much left to do for the PEI phase.  So it makes sense
to look into dropping PEI altogether.  But it's more a "nice to have"
than a hard requirement, no?

> 2. There are common functions when bring up tdx guest and legacy guest
> in Config-B. So PlatformInitLib is necessary.


> 3. As I explained there are many if-else checks in PlatformPei and the
> logics are rather complicated (because PlatformPei serves
> S3/SMM/SEV/TDX/Legacy/Microvm/CloudHypervisor, etc). To be honest I
> have not so much confidence to abstract PlatformPei's common function
> to PlatformInitLib.

What is the problem with moving code?  After some preparing steps (add
platform info hob, move global variables to the hob) it should be
possible to move the code needed by config-b (memory detection via
fw_cfg or tdx hob, pci init, ...) from PlatformPei to PlatformInitLib
and (also) use it in the SEC phase.  Likewise for code which runs in DXE
in PEI-less mode (setting PCDs).

The code not needed by config-b (smm, s3, ...) can stay in PlatformPei.

> 4. But a basic version of PlatformInitLib is a good start.

Yes.  Having initially only the functions needed by config-b in
PlatformInitLib is perfectly fine, but this should be a code *move*
not a copy.

> During the development and community review, we can understand better
> what functions should be wrapped into PlatformInitLib. After that
> PlatformInitLib can be evolved for OvmfPkg/PlatformPei,
> Bhyve/PlatformPei, XenPlatformPei.

Yes, most likely there are a number of opportunities to reduce code
duplication in the three PlatformPei variants we have by moving code
to the (shared) PlatformInitLib.

That can be looked at later.

take care,

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