[edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 00/27] Improve feature build consistency

Oram, Isaac W isaac.w.oram at intel.com
Thu Jan 13 19:33:50 UTC 2022

Inline discussion continues.


-----Original Message-----
From: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 7:54 PM
To: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>; devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaoliming at byosoft.com.cn>; Dong, Eric <eric.dong at intel.com>; Tan, Ming <ming.tan at intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu at intel.com>; Bi, Dandan <dandan.bi at intel.com>; Shindo, Miki <miki.shindo at intel.com>; Abbas, Mohamed <mohamed.abbas at intel.com>; KARPAGAVINAYAGAM, MANICKAVASAKAM <manickavasakamk at ami.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 00/27] Improve feature build consistency

Hi Isaac,

Comments inline.


-----Original Message-----
From: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 7:15 PM
To: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>; devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaoliming at byosoft.com.cn>; Dong, Eric <eric.dong at intel.com>; Tan, Ming <ming.tan at intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu at intel.com>; Bi, Dandan <dandan.bi at intel.com>; Shindo, Miki <miki.shindo at intel.com>; Abbas, Mohamed <mohamed.abbas at intel.com>; KARPAGAVINAYAGAM, MANICKAVASAKAM <manickavasakamk at ami.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 00/27] Improve feature build consistency

Thanks Nate.

Comments in line.


-----Original Message-----
From: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 6:47 PM
To: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>; devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaoliming at byosoft.com.cn>; Dong, Eric <eric.dong at intel.com>; Tan, Ming <ming.tan at intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu at intel.com>; Bi, Dandan <dandan.bi at intel.com>; Shindo, Miki <miki.shindo at intel.com>; Abbas, Mohamed <mohamed.abbas at intel.com>; KARPAGAVINAYAGAM, MANICKAVASAKAM <manickavasakamk at ami.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 00/27] Improve feature build consistency

Hi Isaac,

Thank you for doing this cleanup work. I have some comments for you. I have provided a summary of my feedback below:

PATCH 01/27

* Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/BeepDebugFeature.dsc

Line 69: [Components.IA32] should be changed to [Components.$(PEI_ARCH)] Line 83: [Components.X64] should be changed to [Components.$(DXE_ARCH)]

Note: These comments can also be addressed by restoring the @todo comment stating that these changes still need to be done (which you deleted.)

[Isaac] $(DXE_ARCH) and $(PEI_ARCH) are not fully functional.  It appears that they are fine in DSC files, even when inside an include.  But they are not fine inside an include in an FDF file.  The PreMemory.fdf and PostMemory.fdf do not work when I try to introduce this change.  
As these are not required, ToDo are against coding style and are bad for comprehensibility, I would prefer to not add such useless comments back in.  Comments should improve the comprehensibility of code and should not distract from understanding the code.

[Nate] The $(PEI_ARCH)/$(DXE_ARCH) additions are not be necessary in the FDF files. Adding them to the DSC file should be sufficient. Can you re-test with just the DSC file change?

[Isaac] I can't make the build work with a macros in the DSC.  FDF parsing throws an error.  I misspoke slightly in the prior comment, it is not the FDF include that is the problem.  It is the DSC include.

The macros aren't used in the FDF, but the presence of the included macro somehow interferes with the FDF parser determining the architecture for components.  It only seems to work without DSC includes.

If I use $(DXE_ARCH) in an includable DSC file, the FDF parsing throws this kind of error:  For example modifying AcpiDebugFeature.dsc to use $(DXE_ARCH)
Standalone build works fine (no FDF)
Enabling in a board build, you get:
 : error F001: Module o:\edk2-platforms\Features\Intel\Debugging\AcpiDebugFeaturePkg\AcpiDebugDxeSmm\AcpiDebugDxe.inf NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?

If I move the [Components.$(DXE_ARCH)] to the platform DSC file, then the build succeeds.

I have submitted a bug to document this issue:  https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3803

PATCH 18/27

* Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg.dsc

Line 33: [PcdsFeatureFlag.X64] should be changed to [PcdsFeatureFlag.$(DXE_ARCH)]

Note: This comment can also be addressed by adding a @todo comment stating that this change still needs to be done.
[Isaac] See prior response.

PATCH 19/27

* Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Include/Usb3DebugFeature.dsc

Line 35: Typo here. Usb3DebugPortParamLibo should be Usb3DebugPortParamLib.
[Isaac] Good catch.  I guess we don't catch that class of error if the library class is not used.

* Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg.dsc

Line 40: Did you test compilation for the Usb3DebugFeaturePkg? I've generally run into issues when a components sections does not specify a machine architecture through some sort of means.
[Isaac] There is no code consuming these libraries.  I verified build of 32 and 64 bit modes as well as part of AdvancedFeaturePkg build and a board package build.
I believe that library classes can be specified by module type and the build tool builds the right mode for the consuming driver on demand.  Basically, there is no value to specifying architecture for a library.
This does not work with components however.  If you leave the architecture unspecified, you get an error when including the component in an FDF as the build does not know how to resolve.

[Nate] I bring this up because you added a [Components] section and put this package's library classes into that [Components] section for the purposes of running a build test on those library classes even though they are not consumed by anything. That new [Components] section does not specify a machine architecture so I'm wondering if the compilation still succeeds.

Compilation in 32 and 64 bit are fine.  This technique was pre-existing in the USB feature.  I just moved it from the includable feature DSC to the standalone build DSC as I don't think that boards should build these libraries all the time.  

I have a mixed feeling about it.  It is a clever way to enable build testing for all architectures.  It is misleading though, as they are libraries and not components.  If we list the libraries in a bare [Components] section, the architecture is controlled by the build arch input and you can thus test both 32b and 64b builds easily with -a options.  As opposed to needing a component that includes the library to get the build tools to build the library for a given arch and cluttering the codebase with "dummy" components to enable build testing.  I think it is generally a good practice to have the standalone package builds verify build for all architectures.  But I didn't extend it to all features as I think that is worthy of an RFC discussion, if there should be another kind of build option, and so on.

PATCH 26/27

Since FvAdvanced is post-memory and not covered by the boot guard IBB, I suspect we should probably also support optional signing of that FV.
[Isaac] I do not know how to act on that suggestion.  That seems out of scope for this change.  I restricted my changes to be functionally compatible as I do not have hardware to test these changes other than minimally.

[Nate] Nevermind. I checked all the OpenBoardPkgs we have and none of them have FV signing enabled anyway. Ignore this comment.


-----Original Message-----
From: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 6:20 PM
To: devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram at intel.com>; Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaoliming at byosoft.com.cn>; Dong, Eric <eric.dong at intel.com>; Tan, Ming <ming.tan at intel.com>; Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu at intel.com>; Bi, Dandan <dandan.bi at intel.com>; Shindo, Miki <miki.shindo at intel.com>; Abbas, Mohamed <mohamed.abbas at intel.com>; KARPAGAVINAYAGAM, MANICKAVASAKAM <manickavasakamk at ami.com>
Subject: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 00/27] Improve feature build consistency

This series addresses inconsistencies in feature implementation and use. Some inconsistencies are just conventions of the feature design/template/convention.  Some are inconsistency with feature design intent that negatively affect the usability of the features and the amount of work required from board porting engineers.

Some features were missing feature enable flags.
Some features had non-functional standalone builds.
Many features were implemented to include common core build content in their feature include files.
Updated some of the Readme content.
Added AdvancedFeaturePkg.fdf to build all feature content to support verifying no build time issues between features.
Removed duplicate and unused content from build files.
Modified the TemplateFeaturePkg to use the common MinPlatform include content.

Removed all instances where features were relative to Features/Intel and made them relative to the package roots.
This does mean PACKAGES_PATH may need to be extended for all the feature domains.  Debugging, PowerManagement, etc.
However, it should enable packaging tools to function properly as the relative paths violate spec.

Use of the common MinPlatformPkg build includes does increase the build time for each individual feature in standalone build modes. It does not negatively impact board or AdvancedFeaturePkg builds as the common content is only built once. Part of MinPlatform arch intent is to reduce cognitive complexity, so the simpler build is more valuable than fast build time.

Cc: Sai Chaganty <mailto:rangasai.v.chaganty at intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <mailto:gaoliming at byosoft.com.cn>
Cc: Eric Dong <mailto:eric.dong at intel.com>
Cc: Ming Tan <mailto:ming.tan at intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <mailto:nathaniel.l.desimone at intel.com>
Cc: Chasel Chiu <mailto:chasel.chiu at intel.com>
Cc: Dandan Bi <mailto:dandan.bi at intel.com>
Cc: Miki Shindo <mailto:miki.shindo at intel.com>
Cc: Mohamed Abbas <mailto:mohamed.abbas at intel.com>
Cc: Manickavasakam Karpagavinayagam <mailto:manickavasakamk at ami.com>

Signed-off-by: Isaac Oram <mailto:isaac.w.oram at intel.com>

Isaac Oram (27):
  BeepDebugFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  BeepDebugFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  AcpiDebugFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  IpmiFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  IpmiFeaturePkg: Fix build errors
  S3FeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  S3FeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  SmbiosFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  SmbiosFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  UserAuthFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  UserAuthFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg: Add feature enable PCD
  NetworkFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  LogoFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg: Complete as an advanced feature
  AcpiDebugFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatformPkg build include files
  Usb3DebugFeaturePkg: Align with feature design guidelines
  SpcrFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatform build include files
  TemplateFeaturePkg: Use MinPlatform build include files
  AdvancedFeaturePkg: Fix all relative package paths
  AdvancedFeaturePkg: Add missing features
  MinPlatformPkg/Build: Add an include file for the common SPI FV info
  WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/Build: Use common SPI FV Header include
  AdvancedFeaturePkg/Build: Add FDF to create FV for all features
  WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/Build: Enable Features/Intel features

 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/AdvancedFeaturePkg.dsc                                                                  |  67 +++++-
 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/AdvancedFeaturePkg.fdf                                                                  |  49 +++++
 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/Include/AdvancedFeatures.dsc                                                            |  49 +++--
 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/Include/AdvancedFeaturesPcd.dsc                                                         |  64 +++++-
 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                                  |  49 +++--
 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                                   |  49 +++--
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/AcpiDebugDxeSmm/AcpiDebugDxe.inf                                             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/AcpiDebugDxeSmm/AcpiDebugSmm.inf                                             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg.dec                                                      |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg.dsc                                                      |  21 ++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/Include/AcpiDebugFeature.dsc                                                 |  74 +------
 Features/Intel/Debugging/AcpiDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                       |   4 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/BeepDebugFeaturePkg.dec                                                      |   7 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/BeepDebugFeaturePkg.dsc                                                      |  28 +++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/BeepDebugFeature.dsc                                                 | 222 ++++++-------------
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/Library/BeepLib.h                                                    |   6 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                       |  14 ++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                        |  13 ++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Library/BeepStatusCodeHandlerLib/PeiBeepStatusCodeHandlerLib.inf             |   5 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Library/BeepStatusCodeHandlerLib/RuntimeDxeBeepStatusCodeHandlerLib.inf      |   3 -
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Library/BeepStatusCodeHandlerLib/SmmBeepStatusCodeHandlerLib.inf             |   3 -
 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Readme.md                                                                    |  91 +++++---
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostCodeDebugFeature.dsc                                         | 231 +++++---------------
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                   |  14 ++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                    |  13 ++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Library/PostCodeStatusCodeHandlerLib/PeiPostCodeStatusCodeHandlerLib.inf |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg.dec                                              |  11 +
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg.dsc                                              |  30 +++
 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Readme.md                                                                |  31 ++-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Include/Usb3DebugFeature.dsc                                                 | 131 ++---------
 Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Readme.md                                                                    |  50 +++--
 Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg.dec                                                      |  14 +-
 Features/Intel/Debugging/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg/Usb3DebugFeaturePkg.dsc                                                      |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/Network/NetworkFeaturePkg/Include/NetworkFeature.dsc                                                       |  89 +-------
 Features/Intel/Network/NetworkFeaturePkg/NetworkFeaturePkg.dsc                                                            |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/BmcAcpi/BmcAcpi.inf                                                     |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/BmcElog/BmcElog.inf                                                     |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Frb/FrbDxe.inf                                                          |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Frb/FrbPei.inf                                                          |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/GenericIpmi/Dxe/GenericIpmi.inf                                         |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/GenericIpmi/Pei/PeiGenericIpmi.inf                                      |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/GenericIpmi/Smm/SmmGenericIpmi.inf                                      |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Include/IpmiFeature.dsc                                                 |  90 ++------
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                  |  16 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                   |   6 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/IpmiFeaturePkg.dsc                                                      |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/IpmiFru/IpmiFru.inf                                                     |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/IpmiInit/DxeIpmiInit.inf                                                |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/IpmiInit/PeiIpmiInit.inf                                                |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/IpmiBaseLib/IpmiBaseLib.inf                                     |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/IpmiBaseLibNull/IpmiBaseLibNull.inf                             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/IpmiCommandLib/IpmiCommandLib.inf                               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/IpmiPlatformHookLibNull/IpmiPlatformHookLibNull.inf             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/PeiIpmiBaseLib/PeiIpmiBaseLib.inf                               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/Library/SmmIpmiBaseLib/SmmIpmiBaseLib.inf                               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/OsWdt/OsWdt.inf                                                         |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/IpmiFeaturePkg/SolStatus/SolStatus.inf                                                 |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/Library/SpcrDeviceLib.h                                         |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                  |  13 ++
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                   |  11 +
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/SpcrFeature.dsc                                                 |  62 ------
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Readme.md                                                               |  12 +-
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/SpcrFeaturePkg.dec                                                      |   6 +
 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/SpcrFeaturePkg.dsc                                                      |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf                                                         |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/S3Feature.dsc                                                         |  74 +------
 Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3FeaturePkg.dsc                                                              |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf                                                               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/Readme.md                                                                                                  |  49 +++--
 Features/Intel/SystemInformation/SmbiosFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                  |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/SystemInformation/SmbiosFeaturePkg/Include/SmbiosFeature.dsc                                               |  54 +----
 Features/Intel/SystemInformation/SmbiosFeaturePkg/SmbiosBasicDxe/SmbiosBasicDxe.inf                                       |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/SystemInformation/SmbiosFeaturePkg/SmbiosFeaturePkg.dec                                                    |  10 +-
 Features/Intel/SystemInformation/SmbiosFeaturePkg/SmbiosFeaturePkg.dsc                                                    |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/TemplateFeaturePkg/Include/TemplateFeature.dsc                                                             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/TemplateFeaturePkg/TemplateFeaturePkg.dsc                                                                  |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/LogoFeaturePkg/Include/LogoFeature.dsc                                                       |  69 +-----
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/LogoFeaturePkg/LogoFeaturePkg.dec                                                            |   2 -
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/LogoFeaturePkg/LogoFeaturePkg.dsc                                                            |  38 +++-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                                    |   6 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/Include/UserAuthFeature.dsc                                               |  92 +-------
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/Library/PlatformPasswordLibNull/PlatformPasswordLibNull.inf               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/Library/UserPasswordLib/UserPasswordLib.inf                               |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/Library/UserPasswordUiLib/UserPasswordUiLib.inf                           |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/UserAuthFeaturePkg.dsc                                                    |  18 ++
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/UserAuthenticationDxeSmm/UserAuthentication2Dxe.inf                       |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/UserAuthenticationDxeSmm/UserAuthenticationDxe.inf                        |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/UserAuthFeaturePkg/UserAuthenticationDxeSmm/UserAuthenticationSmm.inf                        |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf                                             |   2 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg/Include/VirtualKeyboardFeature.dsc                                 |  64 +-----
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg.dec                                      |   7 +-
 Features/Intel/UserInterface/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg/VirtualKeyboardFeaturePkg.dsc                                      |  18 ++
 Platform/Intel/{WhitleyOpenBoardPkg => MinPlatformPkg}/Include/Fdf/CommonSpiFvHeaderInfo.fdf                              |   2 +-
 Platform/Intel/WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/JunctionCity/PlatformPkg.fdf                                                           |  48 ++--
 Platform/Intel/WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/PlatformPkg.dsc                                                                        |  44 ++++
 Platform/Intel/WhitleyOpenBoardPkg/PlatformPkg.fdf                                                                        |  54 ++---
 96 files changed, 1159 insertions(+), 1334 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 Features/Intel/AdvancedFeaturePkg/AdvancedFeaturePkg.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/Debugging/BeepDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/Debugging/PostCodeDebugFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/OutOfBandManagement/SpcrFeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf
 rename Platform/Intel/{WhitleyOpenBoardPkg => MinPlatformPkg}/Include/Fdf/CommonSpiFvHeaderInfo.fdf (88%)


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