[edk2-devel] [PATCH 07/14] OvmfPkg: Add PCD and DEFINEs for Lazy Accept page.

Dionna Glaze via groups.io dionnaglaze=google.com at groups.io
Thu Jun 16 16:44:10 UTC 2022

> A question: is there some performance impact when accepting all memory under 4GB?

On SEV-SNP, we accept the HOBs 0-0xA000 and 0x10_0000-0xC00_0000,
which takes a couple seconds, which is non-negligible.
For VMs that want to boot very fast and still have access to a lot of
memory in the long run (e.g., a UEFI app as an enclave or sandbox), I
admit it's not my favorite solution.
That being said, supporting unaccepted memory in the guest means that
the 4GB solution doesn't preclude an accept-on-demand solution in the
future in the case that there is demand.

-Dionna Glaze, PhD (she/her)

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