[edk2-devel] Build failure

Lendacky, Thomas via groups.io thomas.lendacky=amd.com at groups.io
Tue Mar 8 14:08:02 UTC 2022

Is there a new minimum version of NASM required for the build? The
following commit causes the build to fail on my Ubuntu 20.04 system:

d3febfd9ade3 ("MdePkg: Replace Opcode with the corresponding instructions.")

Specifically the opcode changes in LongJump.nasm:

/root/kernels/ovmf-build-X64/Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/LongJump.iii:44: error: parser: instruction expected
/root/kernels/ovmf-build-X64/Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/LongJump.iii:49: error: parser: instruction expected
make: *** [GNUmakefile:742: /root/kernels/ovmf-build-X64/Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/X64/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/BaseLib/OUTPUT/X64/LongJump.obj] Error 1

The most recent NASM version available on Ubuntu 20.04 is:

# nasm -v
NASM version 2.14.02


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