Re: 回复: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v1 0/8] Fix new typos reported

Michael Kubacki mikuback at
Wed May 18 02:07:11 UTC 2022

Hi Liming,

That should be true but these are intended to be non-functional changes 
(low risk) that should help ease the decision to move to a new version 
in the future and help support consumers of the stable tag that might 
need spelling fixes.

For example, Project Mu integrates the stable tag and includes the same 
checks so they would be beneficial to include from edk2 upstream tag. 
edk2 might choose to move to a new version in the future to address a 
critical issue like a security vulnerability in the cspell version and 
having the changes in place makes that move easier.

Revisiting the same changes in the future will also cause some duplicate 
effort at that time so I am hoping they can be merged now.

However, if you prefer to only merge the necessary patches for the tag, 
the last three patches [9][10][11] in the v2 series are recommended.

I pushed those commits as-is from the v2 series to the following PR. I'm 
using it to check the CI results with these commits.


On 5/17/2022 9:18 PM, gaoliming wrote:
> Michael:
>    Thanks for your quick work to resolve the CI issue. For this issue, if we use the old stable version cspell version, those new issues will not be reported, right? If yes, can we update CI only to unblock PR first for this stable tag? The change in Packages can be made in future.
> Thanks
> Liming
>> -----邮件原件-----
>> 发件人: Michael Kubacki <mikuback at>
>> 发送时间: 2022年5月18日 7:51
>> 收件人: devel at; ardb at
>> 抄送: Alexei Fedorov <Alexei.Fedorov at>; Ankit Sinha
>> <ankit.sinha at>; Ard Biesheuvel <ardb+tianocore at>; Bret
>> Barkelew <Bret.Barkelew at>; Gerd Hoffmann
>> <kraxel at>; Guomin Jiang <guomin.jiang at>; Jiewen Yao
>> <jiewen.yao at>; Leif Lindholm <quic_llindhol at>; Liming
>> Gao <gaoliming at>; Michael D Kinney
>> <michael.d.kinney at>; Nate DeSimone
>> <nathaniel.l.desimone at>; Ray Ni < at>; Sami
>> Mujawar <sami.mujawar at>; Sean Brogan
>> <sean.brogan at>; Wei6 Xu <wei6.xu at>
>> 主题: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v1 0/8] Fix new typos reported
>> Hi Ard,
>> I understand it is frustrating for things that were working to suddenly
>> stop and errors to have been missed by the plugin in the past. I'm also
>> surprised that some of these issues were previously not caught.
>> To clarify, adding the words to the ignore list was not really that much
>> time. The plugin output gives the words to add to the list (in JSON) so
>> that's a copy/paste operation and an IDE can remove duplicate lines
>> instantly so that was about a 10-30 second or so solution. Submitting
>> the BZ was another 1-2 minutes
>> Following the the edk2 contribution process to manually add maintainers
>> per package, rebase and manually add review tags, parse feedback inline
>> to unified diffs over email, generate patch files, and update the cover
>> letter was a relatively larger consumer of time. For v2, I took
>> ownership of the BZ and spent more time to try to reduce the likelihood
>> of unexpected issues appearing in the future.
>> V2 will do the following:
>>     1. Complete BZ 3929.
>>     2. Lock the cspell version to v5.20.0 to prevent latest from
>>        unexpectedly causing issues in the future.
>>     3. Update the common word list in cspell.base.yaml to prevent package
>>        level duplication in the future.
>>     4. Include Sami's code review tags.
>> I'm checking the CI results in the PR now and once it passes, I'll send
>> it on the list.
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
>> On 5/17/2022 4:06 PM, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
>>> On Tue, 17 May 2022 at 21:32, Michael Kubacki
>>> <mikuback at> wrote:
>>>> As noted in the patch, this BZ was filed to follow up and review those:
>>>> I don't like doing this either but the spelling errors do exist. I am
>>>> trying not to make CI policy changes as those can be controversial even
>>>> among maintainers in the same package and is an orthogonal conversation
>>>> to addressing pre-existing issues within the presently defined CI policy.
>>>> In this specific case, the ignore list in the package CI YAML file can
>>>> be used to explicitly identify known typos and the BZ explicitly tracks
>>>> reviewing those so there's a well defined path to resolve and fix the issue.
>>>> I personally feel that's better than ignoring the problem entirely but
>>>> it also depends on where your package code ends up getting consumed
>> and
>>>> the requirements and burden it might place on those consumers. For
>>>> example, if it ends up in auto generated documentation and that
>>>> documentation has spell check enabled, it becomes a downstream
>> override.
>>>> There's currently several PRs active that fix typos so others see some
>>>> value in this work (as opposed to disabling spell checking):
>>>>      -
>>>>      -
>>>>      -
>>>> For future changes, I suggested lock the cspell version and I think
>>>> that's an option to prevent these from appearing at unknown points in
>>>> time. I'm not appointed to make authoritative decisions about that (to
>>>> my understanding) so I am making that suggestion for the community to
>>>> consider.
>>>> Again, I don't have a strong opinion on this topic, I've been waiting 4
>>>> weeks to get the v5 patch series merged (other busy work in between),
>>>> and you're the maintainer. It sounds like if I take ownership of BZ
>>>> 3929, you might be okay with leaving it enabled? I can do that but
>>>> there's so many words in this instance, I wanted someone closer to the
>>>> package contents to look at it.
>>>> If you still strongly feel you would prefer to have it disabled, I will
>>>> pull that change in and see if any opposing opinions surface. However, I
>>>> wanted to double check this is what you want to do right now.
>>> If you feel it is worth your time to fix typos in existing comments, I
>>> won't stand in your way. But I don't feel it is worth my time, given
>>> that it doesn't actually improve the code, except for by some
>>> artifical measure of spelling-correctness, which has no bearing at all
>>> on what runs on people's machines, and as far as I can tell, these
>>> typoes do not create any confusion regarding what the comments intend
>>> to convey.
>>> Adding typoed words to the ignorelist is the worst possible solution,
>>> because you will be wasting your time only to placate the machine,
>>> accumulating technical debt in the code base without actually fixing
>>> the problems. So that is out of the question for me.
>>> If you want to fix these issues, that is also fine. I will review/ack
>>> with priority provided that I actually have any bandwidth available.
>>> But if we are working for the CI instead of the other way around,
>>> something is seriously wrong. If we can't roll a stable tag because
>>> the CI wants us to fix our typoes first, we have to be able to
>>> override it. And corrupting the codebase by adding typoes to the
>>> ignorelist just to placate the CI is preposterous..

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