[edk2-devel] [PATCH V2 3/4] CryptoPkg: add new X509 function to Crypto Service.

Qi Zhang qi1.zhang at intel.com
Mon Oct 10 11:32:27 UTC 2022

REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4082

Cc: Jiewen Yao <jiewen.yao at intel.com>
Cc: Jian J Wang <jian.j.wang at intel.com>
Cc: Xiaoyu Lu <xiaoyu1.lu at intel.com>
Cc: Guomin Jiang <guomin.jiang at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <qi1.zhang at intel.com>
 CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c                     | 432 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h        |  34 +-
 .../BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c      | 415 +++++++++++++++++
 CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h           | 390 ++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 1260 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
index f1ff77855c..82ed28bdd8 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Driver/Crypto.c
@@ -3086,6 +3086,421 @@ CryptoServiceX509GetTBSCert (
   return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetTBSCert, X509GetTBSCert, (Cert, CertSize, TBSCert, TBSCertSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the version from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Version      Pointer to the retrieved version integer.
+  @retval TRUE           The certificate version retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE          If  Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+  @retval FALSE          The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetVersion (
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINTN        *Version
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetVersion, X509GetVersion, (Cert, CertSize, Version), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the serialNumber from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     SerialNumber  Pointer to the retrieved certificate SerialNumber bytes.
+  @param[in, out] SerialNumberSize  The size in bytes of the SerialNumber buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned SerialNumber on output.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate serialNumber retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+                                   If SerialNumberSize is NULL.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SerialNumber exists.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the SerialNumber is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   SerialNumberSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetSerialNumber (
+  IN      CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8 *SerialNumber, OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT  UINTN         *SerialNumberSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetSerialNumber, X509GetSerialNumber, (Cert, CertSize, SerialNumber, SerialNumberSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the issuer bytes from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     CertIssuer  Pointer to the retrieved certificate subject bytes.
+  @param[in, out] CertIssuerSize  The size in bytes of the CertIssuer buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned CertSubject on output.
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate issuer retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or the CertIssuerSize is too small for the result.
+                  The CertIssuerSize will be updated with the required size.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetIssuerName (
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8        *CertIssuer,
+  IN OUT  UINTN        *CertIssuerSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetIssuerName, X509GetIssuerName, (Cert, CertSize, CertIssuer, CertIssuerSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Signature Algorithm from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Oid              Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer.
+  @param[in,out]  OidSize          Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer size
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If OidSize is NULL.
+                                   If Oid is not NULL and *OidSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SignatureType.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Oid is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the OidSize.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetSignatureAlgorithm (
+  IN CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN       UINTN CertSize,
+  IN OUT   UINTN       *OidSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetSignatureAlgorithm, X509GetSignatureAlgorithm, (Cert, CertSize, Oid, OidSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve Extension data from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[in]      Oid              Object identifier buffer
+  @param[in]      OidSize          Object identifier buffer size
+  @param[out]     ExtensionData    Extension bytes.
+  @param[in, out] ExtensionDataSize Extension bytes size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionDataSize is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionData is not NULL and *ExtensionDataSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match Oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the ExtensionData is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the ExtensionDataSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetExtensionData (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Oid,
+  IN     UINTN        OidSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *ExtensionData,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ExtensionDataSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetExtensionData, X509GetExtensionData, (Cert, CertSize, Oid, OidSize, ExtensionData, ExtensionDataSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Extended Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage bytes.
+  @param[in, out] UsageSize        Key Usage buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The Usage bytes retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If CertSize is NULL.
+                                   If Usage is not NULL and *UsageSize is 0.
+                                   If Cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Usage is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the UsageSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetExtendedKeyUsage (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *Usage,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *UsageSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetExtendedKeyUsage, X509GetExtendedKeyUsage, (Cert, CertSize, Usage, UsageSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Validity from one X.509 certificate
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[in]      From         notBefore Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  FromSize     notBefore DateTime object size.
+  @param[in]      To           notAfter Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  ToSize       notAfter DateTime object size.
+  Note: X509CompareDateTime to compare DateTime oject
+        x509SetDateTime to get a DateTime object from a DateTimeStr
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Validity retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Validity retrieve failed.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetValidity  (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *From,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *FromSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *To,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ToSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetValidity, X509GetValidity, (Cert, CertSize, From, FromSize, To, ToSize), FALSE);
+  Format a DateTimeStr to DataTime object in DataTime Buffer
+  If DateTimeStr is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DateTimeSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      DateTimeStr      DateTime string like YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ
+                                   Ref: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
+                                   Z stand for UTC time
+  @param[out]     DateTime         Pointer to a DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  DateTimeSize     DateTime object buffer size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The DateTime object create successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If DateTimeStr is NULL.
+                                   If DateTimeSize is NULL.
+                                   If DateTime is not NULL and *DateTimeSize is 0.
+                                   If Year Month Day Hour Minute Second combination is invalid datetime.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the DateTime is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   DateTimeSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509FormatDateTime (
+  IN CONST CHAR8  *DateTimeStr,
+  OUT VOID        *DateTime,
+  IN OUT UINTN    *DateTimeSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.FormatDateTime, X509FormatDateTime, (DateTimeStr, DateTime, DateTimeSize), FALSE);
+  Compare DateTime1 object and DateTime2 object.
+  If DateTime1 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime2 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime1 == DateTime2, then return 0
+  If DateTime1 > DateTime2, then return 1
+  If DateTime1 < DateTime2, then return -1
+  @param[in]      DateTime1         Pointer to a DateTime Ojbect
+  @param[in]      DateTime2         Pointer to a DateTime Object
+  @retval  0      If DateTime1 == DateTime2
+  @retval  1      If DateTime1 > DateTime2
+  @retval  -1     If DateTime1 < DateTime2
+CryptoServiceX509CompareDateTime (
+  IN  CONST VOID  *DateTime1,
+  IN  CONST VOID  *DateTime2
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.CompareDateTime, X509CompareDateTime, (DateTime1, DateTime2), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage (CRYPTO_X509_KU_*)
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Key Usage retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Usage is NULL
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+CryptoServiceX509GetKeyUsage (
+  IN    CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN    UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT   UINTN        *Usage
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetKeyUsage, X509GetKeyUsage, (Cert, CertSize, Usage), FALSE);
+  Verify one X509 certificate was issued by the trusted CA.
+  @param[in]      RootCert          Trusted Root Certificate buffer
+  @param[in]      RootCertLength    Trusted Root Certificate buffer length
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @retval  TRUE   All cerificates was issued by the first certificate in X509Certchain.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate or the certificate was not issued by the given
+                  trusted CA.
+CryptoServiceX509VerifyCertChain (
+  IN CONST UINT8  *RootCert,
+  IN UINTN        RootCertLength,
+  IN CONST UINT8  *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN        CertChainLength
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.VerifyCertChain, X509VerifyCertChain, (RootCert, RootCertLength, CertChain, CertChainLength), FALSE);
+  Get one X509 certificate from CertChain.
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @param[in]      CertIndex         Index of certificate.
+  @param[out]     Cert              The certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @param[out]     CertLength        The length certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @retval  TRUE   Success.
+  @retval  FALSE  Failed to get certificate from certificate chain.
+CryptoServiceX509GetCertFromCertChain (
+  IN CONST UINT8   *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN         CertChainLength,
+  IN CONST INT32   CertIndex,
+  OUT CONST UINT8  **Cert,
+  OUT UINTN        *CertLength
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetCertFromCertChain, X509GetCertFromCertChain, (CertChain, CertChainLength, CertIndex, Cert, CertLength), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the tag and length of the tag.
+  @param Ptr      The position in the ASN.1 data
+  @param End      End of data
+  @param Length   The variable that will receive the length
+  @param Tag      The expected tag
+  @retval      TRUE   Get tag successful
+  @retval      FALSe  Failed to get tag or tag not match
+CryptoServiceAsn1GetTag (
+  IN OUT UINT8    **Ptr,
+  IN CONST UINT8  *End,
+  OUT UINTN       *Length,
+  IN     UINT32   Tag
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.Asn1GetTag, Asn1GetTag, (Ptr, End, Length, Tag), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the basic constraints from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert                     Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize                 size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     BasicConstraints         basic constraints bytes.
+  @param[in, out] BasicConstraintsSize     basic constraints buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The basic constraints retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If cert is NULL.
+                                   If cert_size is NULL.
+                                   If basic_constraints is not NULL and *basic_constraints_size is 0.
+                                   If cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The required buffer size is small.
+                                   The return buffer size is basic_constraints_size parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+ **/
+CryptoServiceX509GetExtendedBasicConstraints             (
+  CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  UINTN        CertSize,
+  UINT8        *BasicConstraints,
+  UINTN        *BasicConstraintsSize
+  )
+  return CALL_BASECRYPTLIB (X509.Services.GetExtendedBasicConstraints, X509GetExtendedBasicConstraints, (Cert, CertSize, BasicConstraints, BasicConstraintsSize), FALSE);
   Derives a key from a password using a salt and iteration count, based on PKCS#5 v2.0
   password based encryption key derivation function PBKDF2, as specified in RFC 2898.
@@ -6416,5 +6831,20 @@ const EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL  mEdkiiCrypto = {
   /// TLS Get (continued)
-  CryptoServiceTlsGetExportKey
+  CryptoServiceTlsGetExportKey,
+  /// X509 (Continued)
+  CryptoServiceX509GetVersion,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetSerialNumber,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetIssuerName,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetSignatureAlgorithm,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetExtensionData,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetExtendedKeyUsage,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetValidity,
+  CryptoServiceX509FormatDateTime,
+  CryptoServiceX509CompareDateTime,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetKeyUsage,
+  CryptoServiceX509VerifyCertChain,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetCertFromCertChain,
+  CryptoServiceAsn1GetTag,
+  CryptoServiceX509GetExtendedBasicConstraints
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h b/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h
index 4740589417..9d3651338b 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Include/Pcd/PcdCryptoServiceFamilyEnable.h
@@ -187,16 +187,30 @@ typedef struct {
   } Sha512;
   union {
     struct {
-      UINT8    GetSubjectName             : 1;
-      UINT8    GetCommonName              : 1;
-      UINT8    GetOrganizationName        : 1;
-      UINT8    VerifyCert                 : 1;
-      UINT8    ConstructCertificate       : 1;
-      UINT8    ConstructCertificateStack  : 1;
-      UINT8    ConstructCertificateStackV : 1;
-      UINT8    Free                       : 1;
-      UINT8    StackFree                  : 1;
-      UINT8    GetTBSCert                 : 1;
+      UINT8    GetSubjectName              : 1;
+      UINT8    GetCommonName               : 1;
+      UINT8    GetOrganizationName         : 1;
+      UINT8    VerifyCert                  : 1;
+      UINT8    ConstructCertificate        : 1;
+      UINT8    ConstructCertificateStack   : 1;
+      UINT8    ConstructCertificateStackV  : 1;
+      UINT8    Free                        : 1;
+      UINT8    StackFree                   : 1;
+      UINT8    GetTBSCert                  : 1;
+      UINT8    GetVersion                  : 1;
+      UINT8    GetSerialNumber             : 1;
+      UINT8    GetIssuerName               : 1;
+      UINT8    GetSignatureAlgorithm       : 1;
+      UINT8    GetExtensionData            : 1;
+      UINT8    GetExtendedKeyUsage         : 1;
+      UINT8    GetValidity                 : 1;
+      UINT8    FormatDateTime              : 1;
+      UINT8    CompareDateTime             : 1;
+      UINT8    GetKeyUsage                 : 1;
+      UINT8    VerifyCertChain             : 1;
+      UINT8    GetCertFromCertChain        : 1;
+      UINT8    Asn1GetTag                  : 1;
+      UINT8    GetExtendedBasicConstraints : 1;
     } Services;
     UINT32    Family;
   } X509;
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c b/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
index 52b934a545..6862adf061 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Library/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi/CryptLib.c
@@ -2322,6 +2322,421 @@ X509GetTBSCert (
   CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetTBSCert, (Cert, CertSize, TBSCert, TBSCertSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the version from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Version      Pointer to the retrieved version integer.
+  @retval TRUE           The certificate version retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE          If  Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+  @retval FALSE          The operation is not supported.
+X509GetVersion (
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINTN        *Version
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetVersion, (Cert, CertSize, Version), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the serialNumber from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     SerialNumber  Pointer to the retrieved certificate SerialNumber bytes.
+  @param[in, out] SerialNumberSize  The size in bytes of the SerialNumber buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned SerialNumber on output.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate serialNumber retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+                                   If SerialNumberSize is NULL.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SerialNumber exists.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the SerialNumber is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   SerialNumberSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+X509GetSerialNumber (
+  IN      CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8 *SerialNumber, OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT  UINTN         *SerialNumberSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetSerialNumber, (Cert, CertSize, SerialNumber, SerialNumberSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the issuer bytes from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     CertIssuer  Pointer to the retrieved certificate subject bytes.
+  @param[in, out] CertIssuerSize  The size in bytes of the CertIssuer buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned CertSubject on output.
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate issuer retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or the CertIssuerSize is too small for the result.
+                  The CertIssuerSize will be updated with the required size.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+X509GetIssuerName (
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8        *CertIssuer,
+  IN OUT  UINTN        *CertIssuerSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetIssuerName, (Cert, CertSize, CertIssuer, CertIssuerSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Signature Algorithm from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Oid              Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer.
+  @param[in,out]  OidSize          Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer size
+  @retval TRUE           The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If OidSize is NULL.
+                                   If Oid is not NULL and *OidSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SignatureType.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Oid is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the OidSize.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+X509GetSignatureAlgorithm (
+  IN CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN       UINTN CertSize,
+  IN OUT   UINTN       *OidSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetSignatureAlgorithm, (Cert, CertSize, Oid, OidSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve Extension data from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[in]      Oid              Object identifier buffer
+  @param[in]      OidSize          Object identifier buffer size
+  @param[out]     ExtensionData    Extension bytes.
+  @param[in, out] ExtensionDataSize Extension bytes size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionDataSize is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionData is not NULL and *ExtensionDataSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match Oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the ExtensionData is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the ExtensionDataSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+X509GetExtensionData (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Oid,
+  IN     UINTN        OidSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *ExtensionData,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ExtensionDataSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetExtensionData, (Cert, CertSize, Oid, OidSize, ExtensionData, ExtensionDataSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Extended Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage bytes.
+  @param[in, out] UsageSize        Key Usage buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The Usage bytes retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If CertSize is NULL.
+                                   If Usage is not NULL and *UsageSize is 0.
+                                   If Cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Usage is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the UsageSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+X509GetExtendedKeyUsage (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *Usage,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *UsageSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetExtendedKeyUsage, (Cert, CertSize, Usage, UsageSize), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Validity from one X.509 certificate
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[in]      From         notBefore Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  FromSize     notBefore DateTime object size.
+  @param[in]      To           notAfter Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  ToSize       notAfter DateTime object size.
+  Note: X509CompareDateTime to compare DateTime oject
+        x509SetDateTime to get a DateTime object from a DateTimeStr
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Validity retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Validity retrieve failed.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+X509GetValidity  (
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *From,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *FromSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *To,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ToSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetValidity, (Cert, CertSize, From, FromSize, To, ToSize), FALSE);
+  Format a DateTimeStr to DataTime object in DataTime Buffer
+  If DateTimeStr is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DateTimeSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      DateTimeStr      DateTime string like YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ
+                                   Ref: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
+                                   Z stand for UTC time
+  @param[out]     DateTime         Pointer to a DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  DateTimeSize     DateTime object buffer size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The DateTime object create successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If DateTimeStr is NULL.
+                                   If DateTimeSize is NULL.
+                                   If DateTime is not NULL and *DateTimeSize is 0.
+                                   If Year Month Day Hour Minute Second combination is invalid datetime.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the DateTime is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   DateTimeSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+X509FormatDateTime (
+  IN  CONST CHAR8  *DateTimeStr,
+  OUT VOID         *DateTime,
+  IN OUT UINTN     *DateTimeSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509FormatDateTime, (DateTimeStr, DateTime, DateTimeSize), FALSE);
+  Compare DateTime1 object and DateTime2 object.
+  If DateTime1 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime2 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime1 == DateTime2, then return 0
+  If DateTime1 > DateTime2, then return 1
+  If DateTime1 < DateTime2, then return -1
+  @param[in]      DateTime1         Pointer to a DateTime Ojbect
+  @param[in]      DateTime2         Pointer to a DateTime Object
+  @retval  0      If DateTime1 == DateTime2
+  @retval  1      If DateTime1 > DateTime2
+  @retval  -1     If DateTime1 < DateTime2
+X509CompareDateTime (
+  IN CONST  VOID  *DateTime1,
+  IN CONST  VOID  *DateTime2
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509CompareDateTime, (DateTime1, DateTime2), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage (CRYPTO_X509_KU_*)
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Key Usage retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Usage is NULL
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+X509GetKeyUsage (
+  IN    CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN    UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT   UINTN        *Usage
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetKeyUsage, (Cert, CertSize, Usage), FALSE);
+  Verify one X509 certificate was issued by the trusted CA.
+  @param[in]      RootCert          Trusted Root Certificate buffer
+  @param[in]      RootCertLength    Trusted Root Certificate buffer length
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @retval  TRUE   All cerificates was issued by the first certificate in X509Certchain.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate or the certificate was not issued by the given
+                  trusted CA.
+X509VerifyCertChain (
+  IN CONST UINT8  *RootCert,
+  IN UINTN        RootCertLength,
+  IN CONST UINT8  *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN        CertChainLength
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509VerifyCertChain, (RootCert, RootCertLength, CertChain, CertChainLength), FALSE);
+  Get one X509 certificate from CertChain.
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @param[in]      CertIndex         Index of certificate.
+  @param[out]     Cert              The certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @param[out]     CertLength        The length certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @retval  TRUE   Success.
+  @retval  FALSE  Failed to get certificate from certificate chain.
+X509GetCertFromCertChain (
+  IN CONST UINT8   *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN         CertChainLength,
+  IN CONST INT32   CertIndex,
+  OUT CONST UINT8  **Cert,
+  OUT UINTN        *CertLength
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetCertFromCertChain, (CertChain, CertChainLength, CertIndex, Cert, CertLength), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the tag and length of the tag.
+  @param Ptr      The position in the ASN.1 data
+  @param End      End of data
+  @param Length   The variable that will receive the length
+  @param Tag      The expected tag
+  @retval      TRUE   Get tag successful
+  @retval      FALSe  Failed to get tag or tag not match
+Asn1GetTag (
+  IN OUT UINT8    **Ptr,
+  IN CONST UINT8  *End,
+  OUT UINTN       *Length,
+  IN     UINT32   Tag
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (Asn1GetTag, (Ptr, End, Length, Tag), FALSE);
+  Retrieve the basic constraints from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert                     Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize                 size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     BasicConstraints         basic constraints bytes.
+  @param[in, out] BasicConstraintsSize     basic constraints buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The basic constraints retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If cert is NULL.
+                                   If cert_size is NULL.
+                                   If basic_constraints is not NULL and *basic_constraints_size is 0.
+                                   If cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The required buffer size is small.
+                                   The return buffer size is basic_constraints_size parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+ **/
+X509GetExtendedBasicConstraints             (
+  CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  UINTN        CertSize,
+  UINT8        *BasicConstraints,
+  UINTN        *BasicConstraintsSize
+  )
+  CALL_CRYPTO_SERVICE (X509GetExtendedBasicConstraints, (Cert, CertSize, BasicConstraints, BasicConstraintsSize), FALSE);
   Derives a key from a password using a salt and iteration count, based on PKCS#5 v2.0
   password based encryption key derivation function PBKDF2, as specified in RFC 2898.
diff --git a/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h b/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h
index 6293efa36b..7408e11ec6 100644
--- a/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h
+++ b/CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h
@@ -2351,6 +2351,381 @@ BOOLEAN
   OUT UINTN        *TBSCertSize
+  Retrieve the version from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Version      Pointer to the retrieved version integer.
+  @retval TRUE           The certificate version retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE          If  Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+  @retval FALSE          The operation is not supported.
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINTN        *Version
+  );
+  Retrieve the serialNumber from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertSize is 0, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     SerialNumber  Pointer to the retrieved certificate SerialNumber bytes.
+  @param[in, out] SerialNumberSize  The size in bytes of the SerialNumber buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned SerialNumber on output.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate serialNumber retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL or CertSize is Zero.
+                                   If SerialNumberSize is NULL.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SerialNumber exists.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the SerialNumber is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   SerialNumberSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+  IN      CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8 *SerialNumber, OPTIONAL
+  IN OUT  UINTN         *SerialNumberSize
+  );
+  Retrieve the issuer bytes from one X.509 certificate.
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     CertIssuer  Pointer to the retrieved certificate subject bytes.
+  @param[in, out] CertIssuerSize  The size in bytes of the CertIssuer buffer on input,
+                               and the size of buffer returned CertSubject on output.
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate issuer retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or the CertIssuerSize is too small for the result.
+                  The CertIssuerSize will be updated with the required size.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+  IN      CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN      UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT     UINT8        *CertIssuer,
+  IN OUT  UINTN        *CertIssuerSize
+  );
+  Retrieve the Signature Algorithm from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Oid              Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer.
+  @param[in,out]  OidSize          Signature Algorithm Object identifier buffer size
+  @retval TRUE           The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If OidSize is NULL.
+                                   If Oid is not NULL and *OidSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no SignatureType.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Oid is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the OidSize.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+  IN CONST UINT8 *Cert,
+  IN       UINTN CertSize,
+  IN OUT   UINTN       *OidSize
+  );
+  Retrieve Extension data from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[in]      Oid              Object identifier buffer
+  @param[in]      OidSize          Object identifier buffer size
+  @param[out]     ExtensionData    Extension bytes.
+  @param[in, out] ExtensionDataSize Extension bytes size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The certificate Extension data retrieved successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionDataSize is NULL.
+                                   If ExtensionData is not NULL and *ExtensionDataSize is 0.
+                                   If Certificate is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match Oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the ExtensionData is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the ExtensionDataSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Oid,
+  IN     UINTN        OidSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *ExtensionData,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ExtensionDataSize
+  );
+  Retrieve the Extended Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage bytes.
+  @param[in, out] UsageSize        Key Usage buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The Usage bytes retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If Cert is NULL.
+                                   If CertSize is NULL.
+                                   If Usage is not NULL and *UsageSize is 0.
+                                   If Cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the Usage is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   is returned in the UsageSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT UINT8           *Usage,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *UsageSize
+  );
+  Retrieve the Validity from one X.509 certificate
+  If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If CertIssuerSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      Cert         Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize     Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     From         notBefore Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  FromSize     notBefore DateTime object size.
+  @param[out]     To           notAfter Pointer to DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  ToSize       notAfter DateTime object size.
+  Note: X509CompareDateTime to compare DateTime oject
+        x509SetDateTime to get a DateTime object from a DateTimeStr
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Validity retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Validity retrieve failed.
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+  IN     CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN     UINTN        CertSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *From,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *FromSize,
+  IN     UINT8        *To,
+  IN OUT UINTN        *ToSize
+  );
+  Format a DateTimeStr to DataTime object in DataTime Buffer
+  If DateTimeStr is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If DateTimeSize is NULL, then return FALSE.
+  If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.
+  @param[in]      DateTimeStr      DateTime string like YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ
+                                   Ref: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
+                                   Z stand for UTC time
+  @param[in,out]  DateTime         Pointer to a DateTime object.
+  @param[in,out]  DateTimeSize     DateTime object buffer size.
+  @retval TRUE                     The DateTime object create successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If DateTimeStr is NULL.
+                                   If DateTimeSize is NULL.
+                                   If DateTime is not NULL and *DateTimeSize is 0.
+                                   If Year Month Day Hour Minute Second combination is invalid datetime.
+  @retval FALSE                    If the DateTime is NULL. The required buffer size
+                                   (including the final null) is returned in the
+                                   DateTimeSize parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+  IN CONST CHAR8  *DateTimeStr,
+  OUT VOID      *DateTime,
+  IN OUT UINTN  *DateTimeSize
+  );
+  Compare DateTime1 object and DateTime2 object.
+  If DateTime1 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime2 is NULL, then return -2.
+  If DateTime1 == DateTime2, then return 0
+  If DateTime1 > DateTime2, then return 1
+  If DateTime1 < DateTime2, then return -1
+  @param[in]      DateTime1         Pointer to a DateTime Ojbect
+  @param[in]      DateTime2         Pointer to a DateTime Object
+  @retval  0      If DateTime1 == DateTime2
+  @retval  1      If DateTime1 > DateTime2
+  @retval  -1     If DateTime1 < DateTime2
+  IN CONST  VOID  *DateTime1,
+  IN CONST  VOID  *DateTime2
+  );
+  Retrieve the Key Usage from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert             Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize         Size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     Usage            Key Usage (CRYPTO_X509_KU_*)
+  @retval  TRUE   The certificate Key Usage retrieved successfully.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate, or Usage is NULL
+  @retval  FALSE  This interface is not supported.
+  IN    CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  IN    UINTN        CertSize,
+  OUT   UINTN        *Usage
+  );
+  Verify one X509 certificate was issued by the trusted CA.
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @param[in]      RootCert          Trusted Root Certificate buffer
+  @param[in]      RootCertLength    Trusted Root Certificate buffer length
+  @retval  TRUE   All cerificates was issued by the first certificate in X509Certchain.
+  @retval  FALSE  Invalid certificate or the certificate was not issued by the given
+                  trusted CA.
+  IN CONST UINT8  *RootCert,
+  IN UINTN        RootCertLength,
+  IN CONST UINT8  *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN        CertChainLength
+  );
+  Get one X509 certificate from CertChain.
+  @param[in]      CertChain         One or more ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 certificates
+                                    where the first certificate is signed by the Root
+                                    Certificate or is the Root Cerificate itself. and
+                                    subsequent cerificate is signed by the preceding
+                                    cerificate.
+  @param[in]      CertChainLength   Total length of the certificate chain, in bytes.
+  @param[in]      CertIndex         Index of certificate.
+  @param[out]     Cert              The certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @param[out]     CertLength        The length certificate at the index of CertChain.
+  @retval  TRUE   Success.
+  @retval  FALSE  Failed to get certificate from certificate chain.
+  IN CONST UINT8   *CertChain,
+  IN UINTN         CertChainLength,
+  IN CONST INT32   CertIndex,
+  OUT CONST UINT8  **Cert,
+  OUT UINTN        *CertLength
+  );
+  Retrieve the tag and length of the tag.
+  @param Ptr      The position in the ASN.1 data
+  @param End      End of data
+  @param Length   The variable that will receive the length
+  @param Tag      The expected tag
+  @retval      TRUE   Get tag successful
+  @retval      FALSe  Failed to get tag or tag not match
+  IN OUT UINT8   **Ptr,
+  IN CONST UINT8   *End,
+  OUT UINTN      *Length,
+  IN     UINT32  Tag
+  );
+  Retrieve the basic constraints from one X.509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      Cert                     Pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
+  @param[in]      CertSize                 size of the X509 certificate in bytes.
+  @param[out]     BasicConstraints         basic constraints bytes.
+  @param[in, out] BasicConstraintsSize     basic constraints buffer sizs in bytes.
+  @retval TRUE                     The basic constraints retrieve successfully.
+  @retval FALSE                    If cert is NULL.
+                                   If cert_size is NULL.
+                                   If basic_constraints is not NULL and *basic_constraints_size is 0.
+                                   If cert is invalid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The required buffer size is small.
+                                   The return buffer size is basic_constraints_size parameter.
+  @retval FALSE                    If no Extension entry match oid.
+  @retval FALSE                    The operation is not supported.
+ **/
+  CONST UINT8  *Cert,
+  UINTN        CertSize,
+  UINT8        *BasicConstraints,
+  UINTN        *BasicConstraintsSize
+  );
 // =====================================================================================
 //    Symmetric Cryptography Primitive
 // =====================================================================================
@@ -5084,6 +5459,21 @@ struct _EDKII_CRYPTO_PROTOCOL {
   EDKII_CRYPTO_TLS_SET_EC_CURVE                       TlsSetEcCurve;
   /// TLS Get (continued)
   EDKII_CRYPTO_TLS_GET_EXPORT_KEY                     TlsGetExportKey;
+  /// X509 (Continued)
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_VERSION                       X509GetVersion;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER                 X509GetSerialNumber;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_ISSUER_NAME                   X509GetIssuerName;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM           X509GetSignatureAlgorithm;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_EXTENSION_DATA                X509GetExtensionData;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE            X509GetExtendedKeyUsage;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_VALIDITY                      X509GetValidity;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_FORMAT_DATE_TIME                  X509FormatDateTime;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_COMPARE_DATE_TIME                 X509CompareDateTime;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_KEY_USAGE                     X509GetKeyUsage;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_VERIFY_CERT_CHAIN                 X509VerifyCertChain;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_X509_GET_CERT_FROM_CERT_CHAIN          X509GetCertFromCertChain;
+  EDKII_CRYPTO_ASN1_GET_TAG                           Asn1GetTag;
 extern GUID  gEdkiiCryptoProtocolGuid;

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