[edk2-devel] [tianocore-docs][PATCH V2 2/2] edk II C Coding Standard: Updates 4.2 and 4.3 sections

Attar, AbdulLateef (Abdul Lateef) via groups.io AbdulLateef.Attar=amd.com at groups.io
Wed Oct 19 02:24:52 UTC 2022

[AMD Official Use Only - General]

Looks good to me
Reviewed-by: Abdul Lateef Attar<AbdulLateef.Attar at amd.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: Chang, Abner <Abner.Chang at amd.com>
Sent: 15 October 2022 17:18
To: devel at edk2.groups.io
Cc: Ray Ni <ray.ni at intel.com>; Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney at intel.com>; Sunil V L <sunilvl at ventanamicro.com>; Attar, AbdulLateef (Abdul Lateef) <AbdulLateef.Attar at amd.com>; Leif Lindholm <quic_llindhol at quicinc.com>
Subject: [tianocore-docs][PATCH V2 2/2] edk II C Coding Standard: Updates 4.2 and 4.3 sections

From: Abner Chang <abner.chang at amd.com>

Updates 4.2 Directory names and 4.3 file names for the guidelines of module directory and file naming.

PR: https://github.com/tianocore-docs/edk2-CCodingStandardsSpecification/pull/2/files

Signed-off-by: Abner Chang <abner.chang at amd.com>
Cc: Ray Ni <ray.ni at intel.com>
Cc: Michael D Kinney <michael.d.kinney at intel.com>
Cc: Sunil V L <sunilvl at ventanamicro.com>
Cc: Abdul Lateef Attar <abdattar at amd.com>
Cc: Leif Lindholm <quic_llindhol at quicinc.com>
 4_naming_conventions/42_directory_names.md | 101 +++++++++++++++++++
 4_naming_conventions/43_file_names.md      | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/4_naming_conventions/42_directory_names.md b/4_naming_conventions/42_directory_names.md
index 766ccb1..959a3c9 100644
--- a/4_naming_conventions/42_directory_names.md
+++ b/4_naming_conventions/42_directory_names.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   4.2 Directory Names

   Copyright (C) 2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

   Redistribution and use in source (original document form) and 'compiled'
   forms (converted to PDF, epub, HTML and other formats) with or without @@ -28,3 +29,103 @@

+## 4.2 Directory Names
+Below sections are the directory naming guidelines for EDK II modules.
+The guidelines are not just considering the the uniformity of directory
+naming, but it also provides the flexibility of directory name
+construction for the scenario of different EDK II module designs; such
+as the support for multiple processor architectures and vendors. It may
+require the further discussions between EDK II maintainers and contributors in order to determine the best naming of the EDK II module directory.
+#### 4.2.1 EDKII package directory
+   <PackageName> REQUIRED  *
+#### 4.2.2 EDKII Module directory
+* The guideline below is applied to all CPU architectures support, specific CPU architecture and vendors support, or the implementation is shared by certain CPU archs:
+  or
+   <Feature>      REQUIRED    *
+   <Phase>        REQUIRED    Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm, Smm,
+                              Uefi.
+   <CpuArch>      OPTIONAL    The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                              <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                        'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                              <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                              Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>       OPTIONAL    *
+   - SmbiosDxe/
+   - CpuDxe/                    # First implementation of CpuDxe.
+   - CpuDxeIa32X64Amd/          # Ia32 and X64 AMD specific implementation.
+   - CpuDxe/RiscV64/            # RiscV64 specific implementation.
+           /                    # Common files for the RiscV64 and other archs.
+   - CpuDxe/Ia32X64/Amd/        # Ia32 and X64 AMD specific implementation.
+                   /            # Common files for Ia32 and X64 archs.
+           /ArmAArch64/         # Arm and AArch64 implementation of CpuDxe.
+           /                    # Common files for the Arm, AArch64, Ia32 and X64.
+* If the implementation does not have any shared code between phases (e.g.
+MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD). The guideline below is applied to all CPU architectures support, specific CPU architecture and vendors support, or the implementation is shared by certain CPU archs:
+   <Feature>      REQUIRED    *
+   <Phase>        REQUIRED    Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm, Smm,
+                              Uefi.
+   <CpuArch>      OPTIONAL    The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                              <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                        'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                              <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                              Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>       OPTIONAL    *
+   Pcd/Dxe/
+#### 4.2.2 EDKII Library directory
+  or
+   <Phase>              REQUIRED     Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm,
+                                     StandaloneMm, Smm, Uefi.
+   <CpuArch>            OPTIONAL     The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                                     <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                               'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                                     <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                                     Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>             OPTIONAL     *
+   <LibraryClassName>   REQUIRED     *
+   <Dependency>         OPTIONAL     * (Typically name of PPI, Protocol, LibraryClass
+                                       that the implementation is layered on top of).
+   - BaseXApicLib/
+   - SmmIa32X64AmdSmmCpuFeaturesLib/
+   - SmmArmAArch64SmmCpuFeaturesLib/
+   - BaseMpInitLib/RiscV64/        # RiscV64 specific implementation.
+                  /Ia32X64/        # Ia32 and X64 specific implementation.
+                  /Ia32X64/Amd     # Ia32 and X64 AMD specific implementation.
+                  /ArmAArch64/     # Arm and AAch64 specific implementation.
+                  /LoongArch64/    # LoongArch64 specific implementation.
+                  /                # Common files for RiscV64, Ia32, X64, Arm, AArch64 and
+                                   LoongArch64.
diff --git a/4_naming_conventions/43_file_names.md b/4_naming_conventions/43_file_names.md
index 13e0c63..5714008 100644
--- a/4_naming_conventions/43_file_names.md
+++ b/4_naming_conventions/43_file_names.md
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 <!--- @file
   4.3 File Names

-  Copyright (c) 2006-2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  Copyright (c) 2006-2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ Copyright (C) 2022 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights
+ reserved.<BR>

   Redistribution and use in source (original document form) and 'compiled'
   forms (converted to PDF, epub, HTML and other formats) with or without @@ -58,3 +59,108 @@ regular expression:

 That is, a letter followed by zero, or more, letters, underscores, dashes, or  digits followed by a period followed by one or more letters or digits.
+### 4.3.5 File naming guidelines for modules
+Below sections are the file naming guidelines for EDK II meta files and
+source files. The guidelines are not just considering the the
+uniformity of file naming, but it also provides the flexibility of file
+name construction for the scenario of different EDK II module designs;
+such as the support for multiple processor architectures and vendors.
+It may require the further discussions between EDK II maintainers and contributors in order to determine the best naming of the EDK II module file.
+#### EDK II meta files within a package
+   <PackageName> REQUIRED  *
+#### EDK II INF file within a Module instance
+* If the implementation is for all CPU architectures, specific CPU architectures, CPU vendors or the implementation is shared by certain CPU archs:
+   <Feature>      REQUIRED    *
+   <Phase>        REQUIRED    Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm, StandaloneMm,
+                              Smm, Uefi.
+   <CpuArch>      OPTIONAL    The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                              <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                        'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                              <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                              Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>       OPTIONAL    *
+   - SmbiosDxe.inf
+   - CpuIo2Dxe.inf
+   - CpuIo2DxeAmd.inf
+   - CpuIo2DxeIa32X64.inf
+   - CpuIo2DxeIa32X64Intel.inf
+* If the implementation does not have any shared code between phases (e.g., Pcd/Dxe):
+   <Feature>      OPTIONAL    *
+   <CpuArch>      OPTIONAL    The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                              <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                        'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                              <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                              Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>       OPTIONAL    *
+   Pcd.inf
+#### EDK II INF file within a Library instance ```
+   <Phase>              REQUIRED     Base, Sec, Pei, Dxe, DxeRuntime, Mm,
+                                     StandaloneMm, Smm, Uefi.
+   <CpuArch>            OPTIONAL     The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                                     <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                               'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                                     <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                                     Example: Ia32X64_Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>             OPTIONAL     *
+   <LibraryClassName>   REQUIRED     *
+   <Dependency>         OPTIONAL     * (Typically name of PPI, Protocol, LibraryClass
+                                       that the implementation is
+ layered on top of)
+   - SmmAmdSmmCpuFeaturesLib.inf
+   - SmmIa32X64SmmCpuFeaturesLib.inf
+#### EDK II source files within a Library/Module instance
+In generally, the file name is constructed as below:
+   <CpuArch>   OPTIONAL   The <CpuArch> is represented with a BNF,
+                          <arch> ::='Ia32' | 'X64' | 'Arm' | 'AArch64' | 'RiscV64' |
+                                    'LoongArch64' | 'Ebc'
+                          <CpuArch> ::= <arch>[<arch>]*
+                          Example: Ia32X64Arm or RiscV64LoongArch64
+   <Vendor>    OPTIONAL   *
+   <FileName>  REQUIRED   *
+   SmmCpuFeatureLib.c
+   SmmCpuFeatureLibCommon.c
+   Ia32X64SmmCpuFeaturesLib.c
+   Ia32X64IntelSmmCpuFeaturesLib.c
+   AmdSmmCpuFeaturesLib.c
\ No newline at end of file

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