[edk2-devel][PATCH v1 1/1] ArmVirtPkg: ArmVirtQemu: Add Graphics and Input

Pedro Falcato pedro.falcato at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 22:10:07 UTC 2023

On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 8:39 PM Marcin Juszkiewicz
<marcin.juszkiewicz at linaro.org> wrote:
> W dniu 18.08.2023 o 20:17, Oliver Smith-Denny pisze:
> > Currently, unlike OVMF, ArmVirtQemu does not display any graphics, only
> > the QEMU monitor. Graphics are helpful to confirm booting into an OS is
> > successful, interacting with the EFI shell while getting separate
> > logging messages, etc.
> Ah, that "but on x86 it is different" again ;D
> I asked QEMU (and libvirt) devs in past why AArch64/virt lacks USB while
> both x86/pc and x86/q35 have it. The answer was something like "it was a
> mistake we do not plan to repeat". And hint that whatever uses either
> QEMU or libvirt should take care of adding hardware they expect.

I don't think x86 having USB was a mistake. PIIX4 (the "pc" machine)
already had USB 1.0, Q35 (ICH9) had USB 2.0 too. Not emulating those
automatically would be a mistake from the faithfulness PoV. If they
wanted to have a bare board, the option of just adding a virt board
variant with the bare minimum (PCIe and ACPI, like arm64 and riscv64
do) is a fine idea.

(the same thing applies to other x86-but-not-the-others things like
VGA, etc. worse for VGA, it's more or less required to be there for a
PC-compatible board).


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