[edk2-devel] [PATCH 1/2] NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: provide function to disable TLS host verify

Michael Brown mcb30 at ipxe.org
Wed Feb 1 11:27:44 UTC 2023

On 01/02/2023 11:06, Nickle Wang via groups.io wrote:
> Thanks for catching this. To prevent the change to data structure, would 
> you suggest me to create new interface in EFI_HTTP_PROTOCOL and disable 
> TLS host verify?

Adding an interface to EFI_HTTP_PROTOCOL would also break the ABI by 
changing the layout of a data structure defined in the UEFI 
specification, and so can't be done.

I took a quick look through Http.h and I can't immediately see any way 
you can convey the information you want without making a breaking 
change.  There are no flags fields (that could be extended with extra 
flags in the same memory slot), no structure version number fields (that 
could allow structures to be extended, subject to a version number 
check), and no general-purpose "additional information" extension 
mechanism besides the one for passing arbitrary HTTP headers.

I suspect you'll need to either make a new protocol (lots of work, very 
ugly) or find some sideband mechanism you can use to work around the 
problem, like a PCD to globally enable/disable host verification.

It may be worth waiting for one of the HttpDxe maintainers to offer an 
opinion on this, since I am totally unfamiliar with this part of the 



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