[edk2-devel] edk2setup.sh shortcomings

Rebecca Cran rebecca at bsdio.com
Thu Feb 2 23:06:13 UTC 2023

On 2/2/23 14:49, Brian J. Johnson wrote:

> Hum... There is a very lethal weapon actually in use: the pillow. I
> already sent various patches and they are silently ignored...
> If my contribution will be ignored as others have been till now, honesty
> should be to clearly state: "we don't care and we won't care" so that
> I can use my time trying to solve the problems I want to address at a
> different level than UEFI...

I prefer to think that patches I've submitted are _missed_ rather than 
ignored. It's still frustrating to realize that patches I've sent 6 
months ago were never committed, even if they were reviewed.

I suspect part of the problem is that many people working on edk2 are in 
companies which use Outlook, which can make keeping track of high 
traffic mailing lists difficult.

And even in Thunderbird, if all edk2-devel emails go into a single 
folder it can be difficult to keep track of patches.

I'm hoping that moving to Github PRs will improve things, with queries 
like "is:open is:pr review-requested:@me" letting people easily find PRs 
that need attention - though the UI looks like it could use some work to 
allow people to save their queries etc.

Rebecca Cran

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