[edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms][PATCH V1 10/20] StandaloneMmPkg: Populate Hoblist for SP init from StMM boot information

Nishant Sharma nishant.sharma at arm.com
Tue Jul 11 14:36:48 UTC 2023

From: Achin Gupta <achin.gupta at arm.com>

This patch adds support for creating a hoblist from the reduced boot
information retrieved from the SP manifest.

Signed-off-by: Achin Gupta <achin.gupta at arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Nishant Sharma <nishant.sharma at arm.com>
 StandaloneMmPkg/Include/Library/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.h                    |  16 ++
 StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/CreateHobList.c              | 186 +++++++++++++++++++-
 StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.c |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/StandaloneMmPkg/Include/Library/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.h b/StandaloneMmPkg/Include/Library/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.h
index 90d67a2f25b5..9daa76324221 100644
--- a/StandaloneMmPkg/Include/Library/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.h
+++ b/StandaloneMmPkg/Include/Library/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.h
@@ -170,6 +170,22 @@ CreateHobListFromBootInfo (
   IN       EFI_SECURE_PARTITION_BOOT_INFO      *PayloadBootInfo
+  Use the boot information passed by the SPMC to populate a HOB list
+  suitable for consumption by the MM Core and drivers.
+  @param  [in, out] CpuDriverEntryPoint   Address of MM CPU driver entrypoint
+  @param  [in]      StmmBootInfo          Boot information passed by privileged
+                                          firmware
+CreateHobListFromStmmBootInfo (
+  IN       EFI_STMM_BOOT_INFO     *StmmBootInfo
+  );
   The entry point of Standalone MM Foundation.
diff --git a/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/CreateHobList.c b/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/CreateHobList.c
index 2ac2d354f06a..4592089a6020 100644
--- a/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/CreateHobList.c
+++ b/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/CreateHobList.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   Creates HOB during Standalone MM Foundation entry point
   on ARM platforms.
-Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>
+Copyright (c) 2017 - 2023, Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.<BR>
 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -203,3 +203,187 @@ CreateHobListFromBootInfo (
   return HobStart;
+CreateMmramInformationHobFromImageLayout (
+  IN       EFI_STMM_BOOT_INFO              *StmmBootInfo,
+  IN       EFI_HOB_HANDOFF_INFO_TABLE      *HobStart
+  UINT32                          *Idx;
+  UINT32                          BufferSize;
+  EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR            *MmramRanges;
+  // Find the size of the GUIDed HOB with SRAM ranges. This excludes any memory
+  // shared with the normal world or the SPMC. It includes the memory allocated
+  // to the SP image, used and unused heap.
+  BufferSize = sizeof (EFI_MMRAM_HOB_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK);
+  BufferSize += 4 * sizeof (EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR);
+  // Create a GUIDed HOB with SRAM ranges
+  MmramRangesHob = BuildGuidHob (&gEfiMmPeiMmramMemoryReserveGuid, BufferSize);
+  // Initialise the number of MMRAM memory regions
+  MmramRangesHob->NumberOfMmReservedRegions = 0;
+  Idx = &MmramRangesHob->NumberOfMmReservedRegions ;
+  // Fill up the MMRAM ranges
+  MmramRanges = &MmramRangesHob->Descriptor[0];
+  // Base and size of memory occupied by the Standalone MM image
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalStart = StmmBootInfo->SpMemBase;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].CpuStart      = StmmBootInfo->SpMemBase;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalSize  = StmmBootInfo->SpMemSize;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].RegionState   = EFI_CACHEABLE | EFI_ALLOCATED;
+  (*Idx)++;
+  // Base and size of memory occupied by the Standalone MM image
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalStart = StmmBootInfo->SpSharedBufBase;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].CpuStart      = StmmBootInfo->SpSharedBufBase;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalSize  = StmmBootInfo->SpSharedBufSize;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].RegionState   = EFI_CACHEABLE | EFI_ALLOCATED;
+  (*Idx)++;
+  // Base and size of memory occupied by the hoblist
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalStart = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) HobStart;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].CpuStart      = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) HobStart;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalSize  = HobStart->EfiFreeMemoryBottom - (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) HobStart;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].RegionState   = EFI_CACHEABLE | EFI_ALLOCATED;
+  (*Idx)++;
+  // Base and size of heap memory shared by all cpus
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalStart = HobStart->EfiFreeMemoryBottom;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].CpuStart      = HobStart->EfiFreeMemoryBottom;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].PhysicalSize  = HobStart->EfiFreeMemoryTop - HobStart->EfiFreeMemoryBottom;
+  MmramRanges[*Idx].RegionState   = EFI_CACHEABLE;
+  (*Idx)++;
+  // Sanity check number of MMRAM regions
+  ASSERT (MmramRangesHob->NumberOfMmReservedRegions == 3);
+  return;
+CreateMpInformationHobFromCpuInfo (
+  MP_INFORMATION_HOB_DATA         *MpInformationHobData;
+  UINT32                          BufferSize;
+  UINT32                          Flags;
+  // Find the size of the GUIDed HOB with MP information
+  BufferSize = sizeof (MP_INFORMATION_HOB_DATA);
+  BufferSize += sizeof (EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION);
+  // Create a Guided MP information HOB to enable the ARM TF CPU driver to
+  // perform per-cpu allocations.
+  MpInformationHobData = BuildGuidHob (&gMpInformationHobGuid, BufferSize);
+  // Populate the MP information HOB under the assumption that this is a
+  // uniprocessor partition. Hence, only a single CPU is exposed to the MM Core.
+  MpInformationHobData->NumberOfProcessors = 1;
+  MpInformationHobData->NumberOfEnabledProcessors = 1;
+  // Populate the processor information
+  ProcInfoBuffer = MpInformationHobData->ProcessorInfoBuffer;
+  ProcInfoBuffer[0].ProcessorId      = CpuInfo[0].Mpidr;
+  ProcInfoBuffer[0].Location.Package = GET_CLUSTER_ID(CpuInfo[0].Mpidr);
+  ProcInfoBuffer[0].Location.Core    = GET_CORE_ID(CpuInfo[0].Mpidr);
+  ProcInfoBuffer[0].Location.Thread  = GET_CORE_ID(CpuInfo[0].Mpidr);
+  // Populate the processor information flags
+  ProcInfoBuffer[0].StatusFlag = Flags;
+  return;
+  Use the FF-A boot information passed by the SPMC to populate a HOB list
+  suitable for consumption by the MM Core and drivers.
+  @param  [in, out] CpuDriverEntryPoint   Address of MM CPU driver entrypoint
+  @param  [in]      StmmBootInfo          Boot information passed by the SPMC
+CreateHobListFromStmmBootInfo (
+  IN       EFI_STMM_BOOT_INFO                 *StmmBootInfo
+  EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR            *NsCommBufMmramRange;
+  // Create a hoblist with a PHIT and EOH
+  HobStart = HobConstructor (
+               (VOID *) (UINTN) StmmBootInfo->SpMemBase,
+               (UINTN)  StmmBootInfo->SpMemSize,
+               (VOID *) (UINTN) StmmBootInfo->SpHeapBase,
+               (VOID *) (UINTN) (StmmBootInfo->SpHeapBase + StmmBootInfo->SpHeapSize)
+               );
+  // Check that the Hoblist starts at the bottom of the Heap
+  ASSERT (HobStart == (VOID *) (UINTN) StmmBootInfo->SpHeapBase);
+  // Build a Boot Firmware Volume HOB
+  BuildFvHob (StmmBootInfo->SpMemBase, StmmBootInfo->SpMemSize);
+  // Build a resource descriptor Hob that describes the available physical
+  // memory range
+  Attributes = (
+  );
+  BuildResourceDescriptorHob (
+    Attributes,
+    (UINTN) StmmBootInfo->SpMemBase,
+    StmmBootInfo->SpMemSize
+    );
+  // Create an MP information hob from cpu information passed in the boot
+  // information structure
+  CreateMpInformationHobFromCpuInfo(&StmmBootInfo->CpuInfo);
+  // Create a Guided HOB to tell the ARM TF CPU driver the location and length
+  // of the communication buffer shared with the Normal world.
+  NsCommBufMmramRange = (EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *) BuildGuidHob (
+                                                   &gEfiStandaloneMmNonSecureBufferGuid,
+                                                   sizeof (EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR)
+                                                   );
+  NsCommBufMmramRange->PhysicalStart = StmmBootInfo->SpNsCommBufBase;
+  NsCommBufMmramRange->CpuStart      = StmmBootInfo->SpNsCommBufBase;
+  NsCommBufMmramRange->PhysicalSize  = StmmBootInfo->SpNsCommBufSize;
+  NsCommBufMmramRange->RegionState   = EFI_CACHEABLE | EFI_ALLOCATED;
+  // Create a Guided HOB to enable the ARM TF CPU driver to share its entry
+  // point and populate it with the address of the shared buffer
+  CpuDriverEntryPointDesc =
+        &gEfiArmTfCpuDriverEpDescriptorGuid,
+        );
+  *CpuDriverEntryPoint = NULL;
+  CpuDriverEntryPointDesc->ArmTfCpuDriverEpPtr = CpuDriverEntryPoint;
+  // Create Mmram range hob from SP image layout
+  CreateMmramInformationHobFromImageLayout(StmmBootInfo, HobStart);
+  return HobStart;
diff --git a/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.c b/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.c
index 505786aff07c..8131b1984969 100644
--- a/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.c
+++ b/StandaloneMmPkg/Library/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint/Arm/StandaloneMmCoreEntryPoint.c
@@ -823,7 +823,11 @@ ModuleEntryPoint (
   // Create Hoblist based upon boot information passed by privileged software
-  HobStart = CreateHobListFromBootInfo (&CpuDriverEntryPoint, PayloadBootInfo);
+  if (UseOnlyFfaAbis) {
+    HobStart = CreateHobListFromStmmBootInfo (&CpuDriverEntryPoint, &StmmBootInfo);
+  } else {
+    HobStart = CreateHobListFromBootInfo (&CpuDriverEntryPoint, PayloadBootInfo);
+  }
   // Call the MM Core entry point

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