[edk2-devel] managing memory attributes in PEI

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Mon May 22 12:06:46 UTC 2023

> So my questions are:
> - do we need to retain mixed IA32 / X64 support, and if so, why? (I
> think it is related to SMM emulation but I need someone to confirm
> this)

Yes, it's SMM related.  S3 suspend in SMM-enabled builds requires
32bit PEI.

Intel seems to be working on removing the IA32 dependency, by adding
full X64 support to various places in the code base.  There have been
numerous patch sets on the list over the last months, some of them
are merged meanwhile.  As far I know the patch series addressing the
suspend problem is not yet merged (Ray, Jiewen, please correct me if
I'm wrong).

So, right now we still need that, but I expect that to change in near

take care,

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