Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing report

updates at fedoraproject.org updates at fedoraproject.org
Mon Apr 15 17:56:12 UTC 2013

The following Fedora EPEL 6 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
 546  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2011-4701/supybot-gribble-
 358  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-5620/bugzilla-3.4.14-2.el6
 281  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2012-6348/bcfg2-1.2.3-1.el6
  58  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0376/openconnect-4.08-1.el6
  51  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0420/awstats-7.0-3.el6
  16  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0823/openstack-keystone-2012.2.3-5.el6
  12  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0894/mod_security-2.7.3-1.el6
  11  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0910/drupal7-ctools-1.3-1.el6
   9  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0919/mongodb-2.2.3-4.el6
   8  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0924/gsi-openssh-5.3p1-9.el6
   4  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5413/php-geshi-
   1  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5428/phpMyAdmin-3.5.8-1.el6
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5434/owncloud-4.5.9-1.el6
   0  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5445/pdns-recursor-3.5-1.el6

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora EPEL 6 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 R-qtl-1.27.10-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5444)
 Tools for analyzing QTL experiments
Update Information:

New release. Release notes are available here;



* Thu Apr 11 2013 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou at pingoured.fr> - 1.27.10-1
- Update to 1.27.10
* Thu Apr 11 2013 Tom Callaway <spot at fedoraproject.org> - 1.26.14-3
- rebuild for R3
* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.26.14-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild

 ReviewBoard-1.7.6-4.el6.3 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 Web-based code review tool
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

* Thu Apr 11 2013 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> - 1.7.6-4.3
- Fixes for building on EPEL 6
* Wed Apr 10 2013 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> - 1.7.6-4
- Add explicit BuildRequires: python-django14
- Change to explicit requirement on python-django14
- Resolves: rhbz#950411 - Change requires to python-django14
- Replace references of id2= with id= for cgit
- Use file blobs rather than plaintext representation with Fedora
  Hosted cgit repositories
- New upstream release 1.7.6
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.6/
- Fedora-specific: removed versioning requirement on paramiko; it's no longer
- Security Updates:
    * We now require Django 1.4.5, which fixes a few security vulnerabilities
- New Features:
    * Added Perforce ticket-based authentication
    * Added a setting for choosing Review Board log levels
- Web API Changes:
    * Added API support for querying and manipulating default reviewers
    * Repositories deleted through the Web API are now only archived if they
      have any associated review requests
- Bug Fixes:
    * Fixed fetching files with FedoraHosted
    * Fixed some cases where URLs to user pages were incorrect, especially on
      subdirectory installs and local sites
    * We try harder now to set the PYTHONPATH for subprocesses, which should
      fix some issues fetching files over Subversion
    * The Administration UI dashboard widgets no longer cache their data too
    * Fixed showing the error box when entering an invalid reviewer
    * Fixed config/ and db/ links for extensions, when in a subdirectory
    * The Manual Updates page for the media upload directory no longer points
      to a non-existant wiki page
- New upstream release 1.7.5
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.5/
- New Features:
    * Added a nicer, human-readable view of diffs in the FileDiff tables in the
      administration UI
    * The repository name is now included in review request e-mails
- Compatibility Fixes:
    * We now require django-pipeline 1.2.24, which restores our compatibility
      with Python 2.5 and fixes some errors when loading pages
    * Our list of supported timezones should now be consistent across all
      installs, since we now require a specific, modern version of pytz
      (Packager's note: this is an upstream change only. In Fedora we have
      always relied on the system pytz)
- Bug Fixes:
    * The entire thumbnail for file attachments are now clickable, making it
      easier to download the file or reach the review page
    * Users are no longer locked out of their review requests when assigned to
      private groups they don’t have access to
    * The Hide whitespace changes toggle was broken on many browsers, causing a
      JavaScript error
    * Searching for a user in the quick search field and then clicking the user
      once again navigates to the user’s page
    * The review request counts in the dashboard no longer show “None” for new
      users when using Local Sites
- New upstream release 1.7.4
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.4/
- Bug Fixes:
    * Fixed a JavaScript error in Internet Explorer and Firefox 3.x involving
      the console object being undefined
    * Fixed the diff viewer’s changed file listings when using Windows file
- New upstream release 1.7.3
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.3/
- New Features:
    * Add optional support for sending e-mails when closing review requests
- Compatibility Updates:
    * The new support for Perforce moved files has changed
      RBTools 0.4.3 will now require Review Board 1.7.3 at a minimum.
    * Review Board now works with SVN diffs generated in many non-C locales
- Web API Changes:
    * Added a scmtools.perforce.moved_files capability to indicate moved file
      support for Perforce
- Bug Fixes:
    * SMTP servers saved with additional whitespace will now have that
      whitespace stripped, in order to prevent lookup failures.
    * Fixed a crash when running a search index
    * The listed creation time for a review request now reflects when it was
      first published, not when the initial draft was first created
    * The "Add Comment" button on file attachment thumbnails is no longer shown
      if not logged in
    * Fixed a bug allowing for publishing blank review requests after filling
      in the field and then deleting them
    * Fixed an occasional crash when viewing a diff when displaying a function
      or class header on the left-hand side but when there was none on the
      right-hand side
    * Fixed a breakage on some systems when checking the Mercurial version
    * The Summary field no longer overlaps text when wrapping
    * Fixed the review ID column when using Local Sites
    * Using a custom SITE_ROOT with a development server setup no longer breaks
      all static media
    * Fixed the capitalization of the "VersionOne" bug tracker entry
    * Using ClearCase on Windows 7 should no longer cause console windows to
      pop up
    * Fixed loading blank comments in the diff viewer
- New upstream release 1.7.2
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.2/
- New Features:
-   Added bug tracker support for VersionOne
-   Added support for ssl:-prefixed P4PORTs for Perforce 2012.1+
-   Added support for moved file handling for Perforce
- Bug Fixes:
-   Fixed an HTML escaping issue when listing filenames in the diff viewer
-   Fixed the display of the static media instructions in rb-site
-   Attempting to install on Python 2.4 will now display a helpful error before
    failing, instead of a cryptic error
-   Fixed the display of file attachment names in review request change
    descriptions that don’t have captions
-   Fixed the default file-based cache path used when creating a new site
-   The Review Board Activity widget in the administration UI will now clear
    the data shown when the datasets are unselected
-   Fixed capitalization of the navigation bar entries to be consistent
-   Fixed the link to the PyLucene documentation in the General Settings page
-   Fixed default Apache configuration files to be explicit in enabling
-   Fixed timezone warnings when running the search index command
- Add missing runtime dependencies
- New upstream release 1.7.1
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7/
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7.1/
- Update to upstream release candidate 1.7rc1
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7-rc-1/
- Disable building documentation
- Disable JavaScript minification until python-slimit is available
- New upstream release 1.7 beta2
- New Features:
-    Introduced a new style for Review Board
- Performance Improvements:
-    We’ve updated our dependency on jQuery to the latest version. We’ve been
     on an old one for quite a while, and there have been many performance
     improvements since. The site’s responsiveness should be a little faster
- Bug Fixes:
-     Fixed the paths to certain decorational image files
-     File attachment comments are no longer missing from the review box
-     Fixed problems with issue tracking statuses in the review box
-     Fixed wrapping of the text in the change updates
-     Admin UI widgets no longer overlap when loading the page
- New upstream release 1.7 beta1
- http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/1.7-beta-1/
- Compatibility Changes:
-     Added a requirement for Django 1.4
-     Dropped Python 2.4 support
- New Features:
-     Experimental extension support
-     New administration UI
-     Issue summary table for review requests
-     Moved files in a change are better represented in the diff viewer
-     Some file attachments are now shown with more detailed previews
-     Added a “To Me” column in the dashboard
-     Dates and times are now localized to the user’s region
-     The review request update bubble now says if the review request was
-     E-mails now include the review request ID in the subject header
-     Links in the Description and Testing Done text now open in new windows or
-     Required fields on a review request are now marked as required by showing
      an asterisk
-     Added a “Show changes” link on the change description boxes after
      publishing a diff
-     Added support for the latest CVS diff file format
- Removed Features:
-     The hidden reports feature (accessible at /reports/) has been removed
- Performance Improvements:
-     Reduced download time of JavaScript and CSS
-     Reduced diff storage and lookups
- Web API Changes:
-     Added server capabilities in /api/info/
-     Added resources for viewing the original and patched files for a
- Bug Fixes:
-     The “Diff Updated” column in the dashboard now actually reflects the last
      diff update
-     Captions changes for file attachments are now shown on change description
      boxes, just like screenshot caption changes

 armadillo-3.800.2-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5450)
 Fast C++ matrix library with interfaces to LAPACK and ATLAS
Update Information:

Update to latest stable version.

* Sun Apr 14 2013 José Matos <jamatos at fedoraproject.org> - 3.800.2-1
- Update to latest stable version
* Sat Mar  2 2013 José Matos <jamatos at fedoraproject.org> - 3.800.0-1
- Update to latest stable version
- License changed from LGPLv3+ to MPLv2.0
- Added another documentation file (rcpp related)
- Spec changelog trimmed

 cmake28-2.8.10-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5446)
 Cross-platform make system
Update Information:

New upstream bugfix version. Release notes:


* Mon Mar  4 2013 Jonathan G. Underwood <jonathan.underwood at gmail.com> - 2.8.10-1
- Update to version 2.8.10 and rebase cmake28 patch

 drupal7-backup_migrate-2.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5439)
 Database backup, restore, and migrate module for Drupal 7
Update Information:

New upstream version, http://drupal.org/node/1966110.

* Mon Apr 15 2013 Peter Borsa <peter.borsa at gmail.com> - 2.5-1
- Update to 2.5
* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.4-3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.4-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

  [ 1 ] Bug #950341 - drupal7-backup_migrate-2.5 is available

 metis-5.1.0-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5441)
 Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
Update Information:

Updated to 5.1.0


 node-gyp-0.9.5-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Node.js native addon build tool
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-abbrev-1.0.4-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-ansi-0.1.2-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 ANSI escape codes for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-archy-0.0.2-7.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-async-0.2.6-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-aws-sign-0.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 AWS signing for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-bindings-1.1.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-block-stream-0.0.6-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A stream of blocks
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-boom-0.4.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 HTTP friendly error objects
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-chownr-0.0.1-8.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Changes file permissions recursively
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-combined-stream-0.0.4-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-config-chain-1.1.5-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Handle configuration once and for all
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-couch-login-0.1.15-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A module for doing logged-in requests to a couchdb server
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-cryptiles-0.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-delayed-stream-0.0.5-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-forever-agent-0.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-form-data-0.0.7-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-fstream-0.1.22-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-fstream-ignore-0.0.6-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-fstream-npm-0.1.4-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 An fstream class for creating npm packages
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-glob-3.1.21-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A little globber for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-graceful-fs-1.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-hawk-0.12.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-hoek-0.8.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 General purpose Node.js utilities
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-inherits-1.0.0-8.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-ini-1.1.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 An INI parser/serializer for node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-init-package-json-0.0.7-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A node module to get your node module started
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-json-stringify-safe-4.0.0-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 JSON.stringify that handles circular references
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-less-1.3.3-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 Less.js The dynamic stylesheet language
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

 nodejs-lockfile-0.3.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A very polite lock file utility
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-lru-cache-2.3.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A least recently used cache object for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-mime-1.2.9-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-minimatch-0.2.11-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 JavaScript glob matcher
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-mkdirp-0.3.5-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-mute-stream-0.0.3-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-node-uuid-1.4.0-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-nopt-2.1.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Node.js option parsing
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-npm-registry-client-0.2.20-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Client for the npm registry
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-npmconf-0.0.23-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 npm configuration module
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-npmlog-0.0.2-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Logger for npm
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-oauth-sign-0.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 OAuth1 signing for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-once-1.1.1-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Run a function exactly one time
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-opener-1.3.0-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-opts-1.2.2-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Javascript Command Line Options for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-osenv-0.0.3-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-promzard-0.2.0-5.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-proto-list-1.2.2-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A list of objects bound by prototype chain
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-qs-0.5.6-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Query string parser for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-read-1.0.4-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 An implementation of read(1) for node programs
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-read-installed-0.1.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-read-package-json-0.3.0-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 npm's package.json parser
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-request-2.16.6-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Simplified HTTP request client
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-retry-0.6.0-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Retry strategies for failed operations
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-rimraf-2.1.4-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A deep deletion module for node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-semver-1.1.4-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Semantic versioner for npm
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-sigmund-1.0.0-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-slide-1.1.3-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-sntp-0.2.1-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-tar-0.1.17-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Tar for Node.js
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-tunnel-agent-0.2.0-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 HTTP proxy tunneling agent
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-uid-number-0.0.3-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 nodejs-which-1.0.5-6.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 npm-1.2.17-4.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5447)
 Node.js Package Manager
Update Information:

This update introduces npm, the Node.js package manager, and its dependencies to EPEL 6.

It includes the following packages:
* node-gyp - Node.js native module build tool
* nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
* nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
* nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
* nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
* nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
* nodejs-bindings - Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
* nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
* nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
* nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
* nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
* nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
* nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in request to a couchdb server
* nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
* nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
* nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
* nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
* nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
* nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
* nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
* nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
* nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
* nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
* nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
* nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS
* nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for Node.js
* nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
* nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
* nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
* nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
* nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
* nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
* nodejs-mkdirp - Recursively create a full path of directories
* nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
* nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
* nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
* nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
* nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
* nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
* nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
* nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
* nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
* nodejs-opts - JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
* nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
* nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
* nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
* nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
* nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
* nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
* nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
* nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
* nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
* nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for Node.js
* nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
* nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
* nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
* nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
* nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
* nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
* nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group to a UID/GID number
* nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
* npm - Node.js package manager

  [ 1 ] Bug #891171 - Review Request: npm - Node.js package manager

 pdns-recursor-3.5-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5445)
 Modern, advanced and high performance recursing/non authoritative name server
Update Information:

- Update to 3.5
- This is a stability, security and bugfix update to 3.3

* Mon Apr 15 2013 Morten Stevens <mstevens at imt-systems.com> - 3.5-1
- Update to 3.5
- Fixes CVE-2012-1193 and another variant of the attack (rhbz#794966)
- D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET has a new IP (rhbz#917347)
* Sun Apr 14 2013 Morten Stevens <mstevens at imt-systems.com> - 3.3-2
- Fix typo in gecos field
- Some rpmlint fixes
- Fix bogus date in changelog

  [ 1 ] Bug #794963 - CVE-2012-1193 pdns-recursor: Deleted / ghost domain names resolving flaw

 perl-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.016-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-0936)
 Various portability utilities for module builders
Update Information:

This is the first Fedora / EPEL release of perl-ExtUtils-Helpers.

  [ 1 ] Bug #947450 - Review Request: perl-ExtUtils-Helpers - Various portability utilities for module builders

 python-django-evolution-0.6.9-1.el6.1 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 Schema evolution for Django
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

 python-django-pipeline-1.2.24-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 An asset packaging library for Django
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

 python-djblets-0.7.11-2.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 A collection of useful classes and functions for Django
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

* Wed Apr 10 2013 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> - 0.7.11-2
- Guarantee that Djblets builds against the correct version of Django
- New upstream release 0.7.11
- djblets.util.fields:
    * CounterField was failing to use the initializers for brand new
      instances of a model, defaulting to None instead
- General:
    * Require Django 1.4.5 as a minimum
- djblets.extensions:
    * "config/" and "db/" links for extensions are now generated
      properly when specifying a custom SITE_ROOT
- djblets.log:
    * Added an Admin UI setting for changing log levels
- djblets.siteconfig:
    * Added new 'list-siteconfig', 'get-siteconfig', and 'set-siteconfig'
      management commands for manipulating siteconfig configuration
      from the shell
- Fix version requirement to protect against django-pipeline 1.3.0
- New upstream release 0.7.9
- JavaScript:
    * modalBoxes now use z-indexes of 99 and 100 for the box and content,
      instead of 11000 and 11001.
- djblets.datagrid:
    * Columns data by way of field access can now span field relationships.
- djblets.extensions:
    * Fixed a failure when clearing extension info.
- djblets.siteconfig:
    * When loading the stored timezone, we're now longer setting
      os.environ['TZ'] to that timezone. Instead, we're just activating
      that timezone for Django only.
- djblets.webapi:
    * Fixed a bug where list resources that had an unknown ID in the URL
      could end up throwing an exception instead of returning a 404.
- New upstream release 0.7.8
- JavaScript:
    * Fixed a crash when enabling/disabling an inlineEditor without an edit
- New upstream release 0.7.7
- djblets.datagrid:
    * Fixed a possible XSS exploit in datagrids
    * Failures during rendering the datagrid now results in a traceback
- JavaScript:
    * The second display of an inlineEditor no longer breaks the size of the
- New upstream release 0.7.6
- General:
-  * Django 1.4.2 is now required
-  * All admin-related templates have been changed to better fit the admin
     template structure and styles. This includes siteconfig and logs.
- djblets.extensions:
-  * Extension lists and state are now synchronized across
-  * Extension subclasses now must capture all variable arguments
     (*args, **kwargs) and pass them to the parent constructor
-  * URLHook, admin URLs, and API resource URLs are all now added and removed
     properly when an extension is enabled or disabled
- djblets.util:
-  * Cache keys are now bound to the SITE_ROOT, if one is set, to prevent
     leakage across instances
-  * Added DynamicURLResolver in djblets.util.urlresolvers
- djblets.util.cache:
-  * Added normalize_cache_backend
- djblets.webapi:
-  * API handler functions that specify allow_unknown=True in
     @webapi_request_fields can now retrieve all extra fields as an
     'extra_fields' argument
-  * Added unregister_resource_for_model
- djblets.siteconfig:
-  * The stored cache_backend setting is now deserialized into
-  * Fixed a couple missing imports
-  * Siteconfig now handles old-style CACHE_BACKEND values and new-style
     CACHES[cachename] dictionaries in the 'cache_backend' setting
- JavaScript:
-  * The jQuery dependency has been updated to 1.8.2, and jQuery-UI to 1.8.24
-  * inlineEditor's animation speed has increased, and is now customizable
     through options.fadeSpeedMS
-  * inlineEditor now does a better job of matching the parent container's
-  * inlineEditor no longer activates when simply selecting text
-  * Added a $.fn.retinaGravatar function that, on Retina-capable displays,
     requests a larger gravatar for the given URL specified in an <img/>\
-  * inlineEditor now supports changing an "enabled" option, allowing editors
     to start out enabled or disabled, or dynamically change that state
- New upstream release 0.7.2
- Drop upstreamed patch to use system feedparser
- General:
-     Styled all admin UI templates to add a "title" class to <h1> page
      titles. This affects extensions, log viewer, and siteconfig.
- djblets.log:
-     Fixed the columns to match the style of other admin UI columns.
- djblets.pipeline:
-     Our 'bless' compiler is now compatible with the latest versions
      of pipeline
- JavaScript:
-     modalBox's positioning is now properly centered
- Use the system feedparser.py
- New upstream release 0.7.1
- Support for ReviewBoard 1.7beta1
- General:
-     Djblets now requires Django 1.4.1+
-     Added localized timezone awareness
-     Djblets now uses Django's standard static media support
- djblets.datagrid:
-     DateTimeColumn and DateTimeSinceColumn are now timezone-aware
- djblets.extensions:
-     Added a framework for supporting loadable, configurable extensions in
      Django-based sites
- djblets.util:
-     ModificationTimestampField, http_date, and the the ageid filter have
      been made timezone-aware

 python-slimit-0.7.4-3.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5448)
 JavaScript minifier written in Python
Update Information:

*NOTE: This is a major version upgrade. Make sure to back up your ReviewBoard database first.*

As with all ReviewBoard upgrades, after installing these packages, you need to run 'rb-site upgrade /path/to/site' for all installed sites.

This upgrade has too many enhancements to list. Please see http://www.reviewboard.org/docs/releasenotes/dev/reviewboard/ for details on versions 1.7 through 1.7.6.

 seamonkey-2.17.1-1.el6 (FEDORA-EPEL-2013-5442)
 Web browser, e-mail, news, IRC client, HTML editor
Update Information:

Update to 2.17.1
Update to 2.17

Fix CVE-2013-{0788-0797}, CVE-2013-0800

* Mon Apr 15 2013 Dmitry Butskoy <Dmitry at Butskoy.name> 2.17.1-1
- update to 2.17.1
* Wed Apr  3 2013 Dmitry Butskoy <Dmitry at Butskoy.name> 2.17-1
- update to 2.17
- enable WebRTC
- explicitly require libjpeg-turbo (since old libjpeg
  does not provide all the needed features), drop libjpeg62 patch
- fix build with NSS's hasht.h header from the system nss-softokn-devel < 3.14

  [ 1 ] Bug #952201 - seamonkey-2.17.1 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #947763 - seamonkey-2.17 is available

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