[et-mgmt-tools] cobbler git: multiple interfaces + hostnames

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Mon Nov 5 17:08:49 UTC 2007

Al Tobey wrote:
> For those who aren't tracking the git version of cobbler, it includes
> support for multiple interfaces.
> Currently, cobbler has a "hostname" field for every interface.   This
> is confusing and incorrect.   Every host has exactly one hostname, so
> "hostname" should be a system field.    It may make sense to change
> hostname in the interfaces to dns_name, alias, or something similar,
> but it is not a hostname.   If I were crafting the tool towards my
> specific situation, I'd drop "name" and just have "hostname" on the
> system, then optional support for dns names on interfaces (which I
> could then forward into DNS).

Each interface (say we have AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:EE, AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF) can be 
a seperate IP (say, 192.168.151) and then we can give those 
IPs different names in DNS.

So, if I understand correctly, this is just a discussion on the name of 
the field?


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