[et-mgmt-tools] [PATCH][virt-clone] Check the MAC addressconfliction with ignoring character case.

S.Sakamoto fj0588di at aa.jp.fujitsu.com
Wed Oct 3 09:16:32 UTC 2007

Hi, Dan
Thank you for advice.

> Instead of doing this:
> > +            mac_index = (str(doc).upper()).find(mac.upper())
> > +            if mac_index == -1:
> > +                continue
> > +            mac_comp = str(doc)[mac_index:mac_index+17]
> Can't you simply use the 'lower-case()' function in XPath ?
> eg something like
>   count(/domain/devices/interface/mac[lower-case(@address)=lower-case('%s')])
But, the 'lower-case()' function is not included in XPath 1.0 and is included in XPath 2.0.
libxml only implements XPath 1.0.
The 'translate()' function may simplify it.

Shigeki Sakamoto.

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