[et-mgmt-tools] Next challenge - anaconda confusion

Maute, Kevin P CTR AFRL/VAOO Kevin.Maute at WPAFB.AF.MIL
Thu Sep 6 17:49:38 UTC 2007


I am still struggling to get back to what I had earlier...  Now I am
getting the following error:

Unable to read package metadata.  This may br due to a missing repodata
directory.  Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly
generated.  Cannot open/read repod.xml file for repository:

I have even rebuilt the RHEL5 Client repo with no change so am I missing
a createrepo somewhere or is this a known bug with cobbler (0.6.1)?  I
am also including a 'cobbler report' in case that helps...

The repos were a last ditch attempt to get this working, symptoms did
not change with/without them.


Kevin Maute
Sr. Linux/Unix System Administrator
RCF Information Systems
AFRL/VAOO Contractor
kevin.maute at wpafb.af.mil 

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