[et-mgmt-tools] Cobbler server is downlevel

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Wed Jun 4 18:49:41 UTC 2008

Demetri Mouratis wrote:
> That's for 5.  I'm on 4:
> http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/4/i386/repoview/cobbler.html

You can use EPEL testing if you like, as this is what the download page 
indicates you should do to always make sure you get the latest promptly.

 From #epel on irc.freenode.net:

<knurd>  mpdehaan, testing -> stable moves for EPEL 5 are done at the 
beginning of each month; moves for EPEL4 are done at the middle of the 
months (around hte 15th)

Hope that helps!


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