[SPAM] Re: [et-mgmt-tools] [PATCH 1/1] Enhance mange_dns to optionally not (re)start bind

Marcel Haerry haerry+et at puzzle.ch
Wed Jun 25 18:21:52 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


> Thanks very much for the patch.   It turns out that the way this patch
> is implemented exposes something I need to fix in cobbler -- namely,
> manage_dhcp_mode and manage_dns_mode are no longer used.   Instead,
> these modes are governed by modules.conf.
> So what we need to do is make this trigger access the modules system and
> call the restart functions in those modules systems, and add two new
> settings to the config file to govern whether or not DNS and DHCP
> (respectively) are managed locally, and we add those to the trigger.
> Apologies for the confusion, these two settings in the code are dead and
> I need to pull them out.   I'll do that now so I can apply what your
> patch does as well as make something workable for 1.0.3.

ah ok, I nearly thought that while looking at the modules.conf, however
this was _after_ I implemented this patch, so I thought it might be
worth a try to submit it.
So thanks for your implementation or if you aren't doing it right now,
it would be nice to have some advices how that should be. Is the isc
mode already implented the modules way? Because from the
manage_dhcp_mode I was cheating for my implementation.

greets Marcel
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