#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright(c) FUJITSU Limited 2007. # # Cloning a virtual machine module. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import os import sys import stat import re import libxml2 import logging import urlgrabber.progress as progress import util import commands import libvirt # # This class is the design paper for a clone virtual machine. # class CloneDesign(object): def __init__(self): # hyper rui and connection self._hyper_connect = None self._hyper_conn = None # original guest name or uuid self._original_guest = None self._original_dom = None self._original_devices = [] self._original_devices_size = [] self._original_devices_type = [] self._original_xml = None # clone guest self._clone_name = None self._clone_devices = [] self._clone_devices_size = [] self._clone_devices_type = [] self._clone_bs = 1024 self._clone_mac = [] self._clone_uuid = None self._clone_xml = None def get_hyper_connect(self): return self._hyper_connect def set_hyper_connect(self, uri): self._hyper_connect = uri original_hyperuri = property(get_hyper_connect, set_hyper_connect) def get_original_guest(self): return self._original_guest def set_original_guest(self, original_guest): if len(original_guest) == 0: raise ValueError, "Original name or uuid must be needed" self._original_guest = original_guest original_guest = property(get_original_guest, set_original_guest) def get_clone_name(self): return self._clone_name def set_clone_name(self, name): if len(name) == 0: raise ValueError, "New name must be needed" if re.match("^[0-9]+$", name): raise ValueError, "Domain name must not be numeric only" if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$", name) == None: raise ValueError, "Domain name must be alphanumeric or _ or -" if len(name) > 50: raise ValueError, "Domain name must be less than or equal to 50 characters" if type(name) != type("string"): raise ValueError, "Domain name must be a string" self._clone_name = name clone_name = property(get_clone_name, set_clone_name) def set_clone_uuid(self, uuid): # need better validation form = re.match("[a-fA-F0-9]{8}[-]([a-fA-F0-9]{4}[-]){3}[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$", uuid) if form is None: form=re.match("[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$", uuid) if form is None: raise ValueError, "UUID must be a 32-digit hexadecimal number. It may take the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX or may omit hyphens altogether." else: uuid=uuid[0:8] + "-" + uuid[8:12] + "-" + uuid[12:16] + "-" + uuid[16:20] + "-" + uuid[20:32] self._clone_uuid = uuid def get_clone_uuid(self): return self._clone_uuid clone_uuid = property(get_clone_uuid) def set_clone_devices(self, devices): if len(devices) == 0: raise ValueError, "New file to use disk image must be needed" self._clone_devices.append(devices) def get_clone_devices(self): return self._clone_devices clone_devices = property(get_clone_devices) def set_clone_mac(self, mac): form = re.match("^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", str(mac)) if form is None: raise ValueError, "Invalid value for MAC address" self._clone_mac.append(mac) def get_clone_mac(self): return self._clone_mac clone_mac = property(get_clone_mac) def get_clone_bs(self): return self._clone_bs def set_clone_bs(self, rate): self._clone_bs = rate clone_bs = property(get_clone_bs, set_clone_bs) def get_original_devices_size(self): return self._original_devices_size original_devices_size = property(get_original_devices_size) def get_original_devices(self): return self._original_devices original_devices = property(get_original_devices) def get_hyper_conn(self): return self._hyper_conn original_conn = property(get_hyper_conn) def get_original_dom(self): return self._original_dom original_dom = property(get_original_dom) def get_original_xml(self): return self._original_xml original_xml = property(get_original_xml) def get_clone_xml(self): return self._clone_xml def set_clone_xml(self, clone_xml): self._clone_xml = clone_xml clone_xml = property(get_clone_xml, set_clone_xml) # # setup original guest # def setup_original(self): logging.debug("setup_original in") # # open connection # self._hyper_conn = libvirt.open(self._hyper_connect) if self._hyper_conn == None: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to connect to hypervisor, aborting cloning!" try: self._original_dom = self._hyper_conn.lookupByName(self._original_guest) except libvirt.libvirtError, e: raise RuntimeError, "Domain %s is not found" % self._original_guest # # store the xml as same as original xml still setup_clone_xml # self._original_xml = self._original_dom.XMLDesc(0) self._clone_xml = self._original_dom.XMLDesc(0) self._original_devices, \ self._original_devices_size,\ self._original_devices_type = self._get_original_devices_info(self._original_xml) # # check status. Firt, shut off domain is available. # status = self._original_dom.info()[0] logging.debug("original guest status: %s" % (status)) if status != libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF: raise RuntimeError, "Domain status must be shutoff" # # check existing # try: if self._hyper_conn.lookupByName(self._clone_name) is not None: raise RuntimeError, "Domain %s already exists" % self._clone_name except libvirt.libvirtError: pass # # check used uuid # ramdam uuid check is done in start_duplicate function # if self._check_uuid(self._clone_uuid) == True: raise RuntimeError, "The UUID you entered is already in use by another guest!" # # check used mac # for i in self._clone_mac: ret, msg = self._check_mac(i) if ret == 0: continue elif ret == 1 or ret == 2: raise RuntimeError, msg elif ret == 3: print >> sys.stderr, msg logging.warning(msg) logging.debug("setup_original out") # # setup clone XML # def setup_clone(self): logging.debug("setup_clone in") self._clone_devices_size,\ self._clone_devices_type = self._get_clone_devices_info(self._clone_devices) doc = libxml2.parseDoc(self._clone_xml) ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() # changing name node = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/name") node[0].setContent(self._clone_name) # changing devices count = ctx.xpathEval("count(/domain/devices/disk)") for i in range(1, int(count+1)): node = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/disk[%d]/source" % i) node = node[0].get_properties() try: node.setContent(self._clone_devices[i-1]) except Exception, e: raise ValueError, "Missing new file to use disk image for %s" % node.getContent() # changing uuid node = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/uuid") if self._clone_uuid is not None: node[0].setContent(self._clone_uuid) else: while 1: uuid = util.uuidToString(util.randomUUID()) if self._check_uuid(uuid) == True: continue else: break node[0].setContent(uuid) # changing mac count = ctx.xpathEval("count(/domain/devices/interface/mac)") for i in range(1, int(count+1)): node = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/interface[%d]/mac/@address" % i) try: node[0].setContent(self._clone_mac[i-1]) except Exception, e: while 1: mac = util.randomMAC() ret, msg = self._check_mac(mac) if ret != 0: continue else: break node[0].setContent(mac) # change disk tyep self._change_disk_type(self._original_devices_type, self._clone_devices_type, ctx) # set clone xml self._clone_xml = str(doc) ctx.xpathFreeContext() doc.freeDoc() logging.debug("setup_clone out") # # setup # def setup(self): self.setup_original() logging.debug("original guest is\n%s" % (self._original_xml)) self.setup_clone() logging.debug("cloning guest is\n%s" % (self._clone_xml)) # # check used uuid func # False : OK # True : NG existing # def _check_uuid(self, uuid): check = False if uuid is not None: try: if self._hyper_conn.lookupByUUIDString(uuid) is not None: check = True else: pass except libvirt.libvirtError, e: pass return check # # check used mac func # 0 : OK # 1 : NG Conflict with the physical NIC # 2 : NG Used by another guest # 3 : NG Used by another inactive guest # def _check_mac(self, mac): msg0="" msg1="The MAC address you entered conflicts with the physical NIC." msg2="The MAC address you entered is already in use by another guest!" msg3="The MAC address you entered is already in use by another inactive guest!" # get Running Domains ids = self._hyper_conn.listDomainsID(); vms = [] for id in ids: vm = self._hyper_conn.lookupByID(id) vms.append(vm) # get inactive Domains inactive_vm = [] names = self._hyper_conn.listDefinedDomains() for name in names: vm = self._hyper_conn.lookupByName(name) inactive_vm.append(vm) # get the Host's NIC MACaddress hostdevs = util.get_host_network_devices() if self._count_mac(vms, mac) > 0: return (2, msg2) for (dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, host_macaddr) in hostdevs: if mac.upper() == host_macaddr.upper(): return (1, msg1) if self._count_mac(inactive_vm, mac) > 0: return (3, msg3) return (0, msg0) # # get count macaddr # def _count_mac(self, vms, mac): count = 0 for vm in vms: doc = None try: doc = libxml2.parseDoc(vm.XMLDesc(0)) except: continue ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() try: try: count += ctx.xpathEval("count(/domain/devices/interface/mac[@address='%s'])" % mac.upper()) count += ctx.xpathEval("count(/domain/devices/interface/mac[@address='%s'])" % mac.lower()) except: continue finally: if ctx is not None: ctx.xpathFreeContext() if doc is not None: doc.freeDoc() return count # # get the original devices information # def _get_original_devices_info(self, xml): list = [] size = [] type = [] doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xml) ctx = doc.xpathNewContext() try: count = ctx.xpathEval("count(/domain/devices/disk)") for i in range(1, int(count+1)): node = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/disk[%d]/source" % i) list.append(node[0].get_properties().getContent()) finally: if ctx is not None: ctx.xpathFreeContext() if doc is not None: doc.freeDoc() logging.debug("original device list: %s" % (list)) for i in list: mode = os.stat(i)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISBLK(mode): ret,str = commands.getstatusoutput('fdisk -s %s' % i) size.append(int(str) * 1024) type.append(False) elif stat.S_ISREG(mode): size.append(os.path.getsize(i)) type.append(True) logging.debug("original device size: %s" % (size)) logging.debug("original device type: %s" % (type)) return (list, size, type) # # get the clone devices information # def _get_clone_devices_info(self, cln_dev_lst): size = [] type = [] for i in cln_dev_lst: if os.path.exists(i) == False: size.append(0) # if not exists, create file necessary type.append(True) continue mode = os.stat(i)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISBLK(mode): ret,str = commands.getstatusoutput('fdisk -s %s' % i) size.append(int(str) * 1024) type.append(False) elif stat.S_ISREG(mode): size.append(os.path.getsize(i)) type.append(True) logging.debug("clone device list: %s" % (cln_dev_lst)) logging.debug("clone device size: %s" % (size)) logging.debug("clone device type: %s" % (type)) return (size, type) # # change disk type in XML # def _change_disk_type(self, org_type, cln_type, ctx): for i in range(len(org_type)): disk_type = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/disk[%d]/@type" % (i+1)) driv_name = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/disk[%d]/driver/@name" % (i+1)) src = ctx.xpathEval("/domain/devices/disk[%d]/source" % (i+1)) src_chid_txt = src[0].get_properties().getContent() # different type if org_type[i] != cln_type[i]: # changing from file to disk if org_type[i] == True: disk_type[0].setContent("block") driv_name[0].setContent("phy") src[0].get_properties().unlinkNode() src[0].newProp("dev", src_chid_txt) # changing from disk to file else: disk_type[0].setContent("file") driv_name[0].setContent("file") src[0].get_properties().unlinkNode() src[0].newProp("file", src_chid_txt) # # start duplicate # this function clones the virtual machine according to the ClonDesign object # def start_duplicate(design): logging.debug("start_duplicate in") # do dupulicate # at this point, handling the cloning way. _do_duplicate(design) # define clone xml design.original_conn.defineXML(design.clone_xml) logging.debug("start_duplicate out") # # Now this Cloning way is reading and writting devices. # For future, there are many cloning way (e.g. forck snapshot cmd). # def _do_duplicate(design): src_fd = None dst_fd = None dst_dev_iter = iter(design.clone_devices) dst_siz_iter = iter(design.original_devices_size) try: for src_dev in design.original_devices: dst_dev = dst_dev_iter.next() dst_siz = dst_siz_iter.next() src_fd = os.open(src_dev, os.O_RDONLY) dst_fd = os.open(dst_dev, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) size = dst_siz meter = progress.TextMeter() print "Cloning from %s to %s" % (src_dev, dst_dev) meter.start(size=size, text="Cloning domain...") i=0 while 1: l = os.read(src_fd, design.clone_bs) s = len(l) if s == 0: meter.end(size) break b = os.write(dst_fd, l) if s != b: meter.end(i) break i += s if i < size: meter.update(i) os.close(src_fd) src_fd = None os.close(dst_fd) dst_fd = None finally: if src_fd is not None: os.close(src_fd) if dst_fd is not None: os.close(dst_fd)