[fab] discussion topics for red hat ceo

Jack Aboutboul jaboutboul at speakeasy.net
Tue May 16 03:22:44 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 15:11 -0400, Michael Tiemann wrote:
> I believe that Ubunutu's popularity is due, in part, to the fact that
> they have communicated clearly what people can expect AND THEN DELIVER
> ON THOSE EXPECTATIONS.  The question I guess I'm driving at is: what are
> the most important (and distinguishing) expectations we can (1) set and
> (2) deliver on?

In response to what Michael mentioned, aside from the user driven
innovation, I think the one area that Fedora as a distro should be
innovating in, above anything else is hardware compatibility.  We have
seen live examples, like the guy at LinuxWorld who won the Ferrari
laptop and rushed over to us to install and who's X would not work, not
matter how hard we tried.  It might have left a bit of a bad aftertaste
in his mouth.  Also, has anyone seen this article:
http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB114727136610348924-Et3a0yO82d_xJdMWN_y8xKXLl7c_20060521.html?mod=blogs ??
That's the one I was interviewed for a few weeks back. He makes some
good points.

We should definitely work on this, because the only way we can become a
platform for user innovation, is if people can actually use it!


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