-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Election Results for Fedora Board, Fedora 11 Release Cycle Voting Period: 05 December 2009 00:00:00 UTC to 16 December 2009 23:59:59 UTC Nominations: * Chris Tyler (ctyler) * Colin Walters (walters) * Matt Domsch (mdomsch) * Steven M. Parrish (SMParrish) Outcomes: As defined in the election text, the two (2) candidate(s) with the greatest number of votes will be elected for a full, 2 release term. Information: At close of voting there were 225 valid ballots. Using the Fedora Range Voting method, each candidate could attain a maximum of 900 votes. Results: 1. Matt Domsch 643 2. Chris Tyler 475 *** Cut Off *** 3. Coin Walters 451 4. Steven M. Parrish 412 As such, Matt Domsch and Chris Tyler are elected to the Fedora Board for a 2 release term as of January 7, 2010. Signed, Nigel Jones Elections Administrator -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAksqMUAACgkQZLzpFltXFOtRQgCgzUC6AQQ0jaL1+MLjxXNtFSEE N1UAn2N++KX90iph63RyHTqUMLiKH8tE =Hk4a -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----