New GDM Theme (was Re: Any theme planned for FC 6)

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Sat Jul 22 06:06:25 UTC 2006

Nicola Losito wrote:
>  i was
> thinking about the possibility to remove the gnome foot in it and fill 
> in the Fedora bubble logo and colour scheme.

So I started making a Fedora version of the 'Buh' GDM theme. The only 
problem is I don't have an svg or the font for the Fedora logotype so 
it's a really ghetto bitmap trace svg right now.


GDM Theme File:

Anyway if anybody wants to poke at it feel free; everything in it is an 
Inkscape svg. There are different versions of some of the graphics that 
aren't used by the theme bundled into the *.tar.gz file.


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